
Guests uninvited

Ten years later

Cassy wakes up again from a nightmare without remembered what he dreamed. In the last week he had always had the same nightmare without remembered what she dreamed. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom and went straight to the shower. While she was washing she remembered today that she was 17 and was in possession of her inheritance left by her parents. She stopped the water in the shower and wrapped himself in her dressing gown, heading for the washbasin, a mirror above her. In the reflection of the mirror, a pair of purple eyes saw a small oval face, a white skin like milk, a silky black hair. The girl picked up a box cart near the washbasin and opened it, took the lenses out of her, and stared at them, looked back in the mirror and saw that the color of her eyes was now dark brown. She did not know why her eyes changed color, but she knew she would find out everything today when she got possession of her inheritance. A light hammer warned her that her nurse was already on hold, got out of the bathroom and said,

- Preset my usual suit, then walk back into the bathroom to brush her teeth. She walked out of the bathroom and headed for dressing where she quickly dressed in her suit, then headed for the toilet table, combing her pearl earrings that belonged to her grandparents and going out of the bedroom toward the living room where breakfast was served. She frowned in knowing that she was planning something for her uncle so that she would come to her home this morning with his wife and daughter.

- Cassandra, come here to eat, you're a little thin, do not you eat enough? Her uncle said, looking to look thoughtful towards her.

- Like I said clearly that you do not have anything to look for in this house without calling you?

- Cassandra dear we are your only family, so we thought we'd come to have breakfast with you today, you're 17 years old and you're in possession of your inheritance.

- Aunt, go straight to the subject and say what you have to say, cut off Cassy disaster that would be long enough if I let my aunt let me talk a lot.

- You know, your cousin wants you to work, and I thought it would be nice to work in your company. Basically you are a friend with Galactica's CEO so you could surely give her a job, right?

- If she had intelligence, which I think does not, she would have a long job in the company, but it disappointed me a lot when I noticed she had no interest in working with other people. So my answer is not. If she wants a job then prove she deserves it.

- Let her mother know just how crazy Cassy is, what you ask her for, said Elena Cassy's cousin.

- Well, Elena, if you have finished what you have to say, we do not have to talk about it, but the housekeeper leads me outside, I do not want to see them again.

- Yes, Mrs. , please, said the housekeeper Mei who had entered the living room with two guards who had expected their master's orders to remove the intruders who were in the house.