
The mist

The rejects club come into contact with a mysterious creature. They don’t know what it is or what it looks like but they do know it’s out to kill

Horrorstories · Horror
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15 Chs

Chapter 2

"Hey thanks for helping us."says Charlie "don't worry about it." Replied the girl. "Hey loser."shouts a kid as he dumbs a bucket of sewage water on her head. "Hey what was that for" shouted Charlie. "She's a non-virgin" the kids say and laugh. "Clear off" shouts the girl, she starts to walk away. "Hey"shouts Charlie. "What" shouts the girl. "We don't care about that we are all rejects ourselves." "Really?" Reply's the girl as she keeps on walking. "You're welcome to join if you want" says Charlie racing after her. "Amazing" reply's the girl. "Could you at least tell me your name"Charlie shouts. "What so you can tell all your mates and make fun of me" Shouts the girl. "We won't do that you have to trust us"shouts Charlie. "Uh..... fine my name is Annabeth. Now leave me alone." Annabeth storms off. "Remember my offer." Shouts Charlie. Annabeth sticks her middle finger up at him. "Piss off" she shouts