
The mist

The rejects club come into contact with a mysterious creature. They don’t know what it is or what it looks like but they do know it’s out to kill

Horrorstories · Horror
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15 Chs

Chapter 14

Charlie lunged at the creatures belly. His knife sunk deep. His friends dropped down all around him. He quickly took another shot this time at the thigh. The creature still stood their seeming as the deep wounds in its chest and thigh were just pin pricks. The creature had had enough he picked up Charlie and sunk it's teeth into his arm. Charlie dropped his knife howling in pain the creature dropped him. And turned on his friends. It grabbed Ben but before it could rip his face off. It stopped and winced in pain. Charlie had carved a hole out of its back right where it's victims were. The creature turned Charlie held the face he had just carved out. Tears streaked down his face. "You did this" Charlie screamed " Now I will avenge it". And with that Charlie dropped the face freeing the soul. Charlie leapt onto the creatures head and plunged his knife into it. The creature howled in pain he then stuck it in his back and used the knife to lower himself to the ground almost slicing the creature in half. The creature grabbed Charlie. "I'll be back" it whispered. And with that it disappeared into the mist. The bloodied face that Charlie had freed was that of his sisters. All those years ago.