
Chapter 1- The Mist Rolls In

In the land of Hurksville lived a population of 12,000 people. All in which have been warned to never go outside when the mist is out, all except a small family who live by the river of Archeninebes. The small family consisted of a single mother and two daughters. The two young girls where there mother's pride and joy. They looked very similar except the two girls had different hair colors, one had freckles another didn't, and they both where born at different times. " Rose, what did you do.." hissed the eldest daughter who was trying to contain her rage as she questioned her little sister. "Eve, I'm sorry I didn't mean for this to happen..." that was all the young sister could blurt out as she bowed her head down before her sister in shame of what she did. "Sorry won't fix my book" screamed the elder sister unable to contain her anger anymore. "Do you know how hard it is for a lady to even buy a book?!" As Eve screeched and shout in rage she realized her sister had started bursting into tears, but she didn't care as she was to blinded by her anger. As Eve raged on and on as for what seemed to be forever both her and her sister did not notice there mother never came home that morning. When the two finally stopped to notice there surroundings they became frankly aware of there mother's disappearance. Rose and Eve ran around the house calling for her but to no avail. The eldest Eve was 9 at the time and the youngest was 6. It has been 5 years since that day and the girls where still surrounded in despair mourning the loss of there mother. Ever since then they have never left the house. Not even to get food. As the girls exiled themselves from the outside world the villagers slowly forgot about them. All but one person had forgotten the two young girls. His named was Roman the girls called him Mr.R and he was the one brought them food and water each day. Something almost like a magnetic field led the girls to feel lured by his presence. He made the girl's feel less alone and empty though they didn't really understand why. One day the girls decided to ask Mr.R why he alway brought them food. Mr.R responded in a way the girls didn't understand. "The mist took someone I care about to." As the three sat in silence Eve and Rose glanced at each other clearly confused. One of them finally decided to ask "What's so bad about the mist?" Mr.R didn't understand how the girls didn't know and he didn't really want to explain. He sat there wondering how to play it off, but decided to tell them as he felt they had the right to know. "Listen closely girls as I will only say this once" Mr.R began. " Here in this land reside the mists of time, and anyone who is so unfortunate as to go through them end up trapped in the past forever never to be seen again." The girls still didn't understand as there mother didn't go out in the mists. Or atleast that's what they believe there memories are a little hazy. Rose was the first to say this "Mr.R our mom didn't go out on a misty day." Mr.R stood stone cold, did they not remember? This is what he thought to himself. "Girls the mist was out that day your mother disappeared at 2 in the morning." The girls where shocked. How did they not remember that? A few moments later Mr.R left leaving the girls to tend to there own thoughts. This was 2 days ago and the girls where still thinking about it, eating there breakfast they realized. If there is an entrance there has to be an exit....right? As this thought popped in there mind the mist strolled right on in almost as if it was rehearsed or as if it had read the poor girls minds.