
The missing mage (Black clover x tbate) (Dropped)

(Warning - This is not a reincarnation or transmigration story so if you came for that be prepared to be disappointed.) The story picks up from Damnatio's trial, Damnatio thought he executed Asta however before Asta died he was teleported. In this AU , the black bulls got delayed by Henry, Nozel and Fuegoleon were too late in delivering the wizard kings message. Hence, by the time they arrived Asta was long gone. Asta decided to start a new life far away from the clover kingdom where he could live in peace. (AN - This is my first book so don't expect any holyjoker level writing but I'll try my best. If you think I could improve the story feel free to suggest anything in the comments. Sorry for this long synopsis and one more thing this story is a noharem story)

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The calm before the storm

(Small A/N - Asta's magic is matter manipulation, he is a special deviant type magician. PS - Very sorry for the late chapter, I got covid.)

"I was the one who teleported you from your execution and brought you here through the whirlpool." said Winsdom. "What do you want, no one does that for free." said Asta. "You're sharper than I thought, we need you to help protect a boy, Arthur Leywin." said Winsdom. "Why do you need me to protect him ?" questioned Asta. "You don't need to know that." responded Winsdom.

"It's not my business anyway, I'll protect be him." responded Asta. "Good, you need to head back to the forest in Elenoir." said Winsdom. "Why ?" questioned Asta. "You'll encounter him there." responded Winsdom. "When ?" questioned Asta. "I do not know the exact time but it should not take more than two years." responded Winsdom. "I don't mind protecting the kid however waiting for more than two years, will require compensation." said Asta. "What do you want ?" questioned Winsdom. "I want to be able to go back to the continent I'm from and return back to here." responded Asta.

"That will be difficult, linking two worlds is not easy." said Winsdom. "What do you mean 'two worlds' ?" questioned Asta. "You are from the continent of Fantasia from world twenty. You are in the continent of Dicathen from world nineteen. Linking two worlds is no easy feat but it seems like I have no other choice." responded Winsdom. A flash of bright light took over Asta's eyes, a moment later he saw a bracelet levitating. "This bracelet will allow you to travel from this world to Fantasia, it has a limit of two people per teleport. Use it wisely." said Winsdom.

Time-skip next day

Asta rounds up all the twin horns party in one room. " What happened Abel ?" asked Helen. "I will be temporarily leaving the twin horns party." said Asta. After a moment of silence Adam spoke up "Why are you leaving ?" questioned Adam. "I need to fulfill an old debt." answered Asta trying to be as vague as possible. "When will you be back ?" questioned Durden. "Two years at most." responded Asta.

Jasmine didn't speak up, she was shocked it was as if her world was crumbling in front of her. Over the years while Asta didn't confirm that he and Jasmine were in a relationship the two horns party were able to pick up on what was going on between them.

"Goodbye Jasmine, my friends." said Asta. Asta walked out of the room. Jasmine finally realised what was happening and rushed outside of the room whilst saying "Abel wait!". Unfortunately by the time she came out of the room Asta was long gone.

Asta landed in the forest and was not surprised when he saw that Arthur was not their. Using his magic he manipulated the trees around him to form a house for himself.

Time-skip one year later

Arthur Leywin exits his home, packs his bags and gets ready to embark on an adventure to Xyrus city. He walks outside to see a party of adventures. There was a man with red hair, a woman with blonde hair, a burly man, an Archer woman with black hair and a woman with black hair and twin daggers.

That's it for this chapter folks. Sorry for the short chapter, next chapter will be bigger. The upcoming chapter is gonna be about Arthur dueling Jasmine.