
4 first meeting (2)

In chennai titan and his friend shan took their car and went to college.

Yaga and her friends and her friends boy friends all were went to the workshop. Yaga won't talk to any boys she is shy girl while talking about boys. They reached the college.

Both Yaga and titan in the same workshop. They don't know each other but destiny knows them. At first they seated likeYaga in the front desk right corner and titan in the left desk corner of the first row.

Yaga and titan went to the same workshop but different class like she apply for lecture but there is no lecture class today they send to model class(work with models) which is the one titan apply.

The organisers randomly selected the group the group contains 5 members in her group shan, yaga, titan, and Yaga's couple frnd deepu and guru. Yaga feels happy at least one friend of her in her team and two unknown boys. Both are seniors they were in their final year but she is the first year student don't know about anything.

Shan introduced him and his friend. Guru introduced his girlfriend and Yaga. The class is about to start please be seated the organiser said all of them seated. Yaga team seated like shan, titan, yaga, deepu, guru. Yaga don't want corner seat because she afraid of anyone ask to her so she said to deepu like that deepu feels safe corner is better for them to speak so deepu and guru seated in the corner. Shan and titan took other corner she only has centre seat. At first titan want to sit in the corner after that he is afraid of his friend shan should do something silly to the girl so he care about her took the place near yaga.

The class about to start. They all receive their material and organiser told fast so she couldn't catch up she saw deepu pitifully but she won't listen the class talk to her boyfriend. The she feel bad whether to ask him or not? That's rolling in her mind.