
Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I do not own the 'Dragon Ball Z' anime/manga or 'Fallout New Vegas' along with the other games in the saga, and the only thing I own is this alternate/parallel story that I wrote for fun.

The Misadventures of Broly

Chapter 2: Awakening



"KameHameHa!" Attacks / Skills / Ki / Technique

Reading / News / Intercoms


Three Days Later

A pair of coal-dark eyes snapped open at the disturbing sound of whatever was above him, but he quickly closed them again at the disturbing light that blinded him for a couple of seconds.

"Whoa, whoa, stop right there, boy!" exclaimed an aging male voice with a hint of desperation and concern.

The black-eyed man stopped short his attempt to get up from the stretcher he was on upon hearing that last word from the unknown person; he even temporarily ignored the intense pain from his wound.

"Boy?" he asked the to himself, rather confused by the manner in which he was addressed; no doubt it had caught him off guard, and instead he focused his gaze on the old man.

The for now unknown old man was conflicted whether he should sedate him or not because at this rate it is possible that the stitches in his abdomen would open up if he kept moving like that.

"You have managed to wake up, but you still can't move like that," the old man said with a serious tone, but still concerned about his patient's condition.

The unknown man silently sat on the stretcher, while at the same time silently observing the human, who was sitting on a chair two meters away from his position.

"Well, never mind ... You've been unconscious for a couple of days, three to be exact. Relax and take your time," the old man advised his patient kindly.

The unknown guy observed the old man with a touch of curiosity, since usually when anyone saw him, they always ran away like cowards and obviously he couldn't blame them because he knew perfectly well that he was a monstrous warrior since he was a child ... or so he thought because his father always reminded him of it every chance he got.

"Let's see ... let's start with the basics, what's your name?" asked the old man with a touch of curiosity because of how quiet the exotic black haired boy was.

The unknown man had been observing his body; realizing almost instantly that his white pants along with his red sash had disappeared, and in their place were replaced by human underwear (black boxers) to hide his nakedness, but that was not the only thing that disappeared because his gold necklace, earrings, boots, bracelets along with his belt with blue jewels had the same fate ... On the other hand, he was also relieved and happy that he had been separated from those objects that had marked him all his life as a cursed slave of his father.

"Broly." Was the curt, but not rude reply from the man with striking black eyes; as he snapped out of his thoughts and again focused his attention on the old man.

The man (Mental: 30. Physical: 21) known as 'Broly' is fair-skinned and very tall (6' 5'' ft) with a slim, but well-toned body; with a very low percentage of fat. He has long, tousled black hair with shorter bangs framing his forehead, and charcoal dark eyes. His clothing at the moment is black boxer shorts to cover his nudity.

The older guy looked confused at the name his patient gave him, as it was certainly a strange name and even sounded oriental to him.

"Broly? That's a rather ... peculiar," opined the old man with some discomfort at the cold stare he was getting from the huge man at his own words.

The Legendary Saiyan stared at him with an emotionless stare for about a full minute, but seeing that the old man had no intention of mocking his name or anything similar; so, he stopped watching him with murderous intent, and instead began to look around curiously.

"It's a pleasure anyway, Broly. I'm Dr. Mitchell, and you're in Goodsprings; I hope you feel comfortable in my humble home," the old man said with a friendly smile.

The man (65-70) known as 'Dr. Mitchell' has a fair complexion and is 5'7" tall. He is semi-bald, and because of his age he already has gray hair along with a well-groomed mustache. His attire consists of a cowboy suit.

This new information apparently caught the attention of the man with striking black eyes because he stopped looking around the spacious room, he was in to start staring at the old doctor.

"You ... You cured me? ... Why?" asked Broly almost in a whisper, as he could not believe that a human had healed him of his wounds; and he immediately took a look at his abdomen, where indeed his wound was cooked with needle and thread.

The doctor stared at him with a raised eyebrow at that question from his patient, for although they live in a world full of misery and death; he still swore an oath as a doctor to heal and save anyone in need.

"Well, there is no why. I'm the doctor of this little town and it's my job to cure people in need, bad or good," Dr. Mitchell replied with a shrug, but no doubt very sure of his own words.

The man with tousled black spiky hair stared at him in surprise, for the kindness of this old man made him feel strange ... Maybe he wouldn't destroy this planet, yet.

"Anyway. I had to stitch up that nasty wound in your abdomen, I also gave you a couple of stimulants to stop the bleeding and relieve some of the pain," Dr. Mitchell explained in a professional tone; to the surprised look of his patient.

The man with dark eyes like coal now understood why the wound in his abdomen did not hurt so much, so he thanked the old man for that gesture ... Though he would never say it out loud because of his Saiyan pride.

"..." Broly preferred to remain silent at the old man's words.

The doctor frowned at his patient's silence, but anyway to cut the awkward silence he decided to ask him another question.

"By the way ... Would you mind telling me, how did you get that wound?" asked Dr. Mitchell with a touch of curiosity, due to the fact that that wound on the young man's stomach was not normal ... It seemed to have been produced by something or someone with impressive force.

The man with tousled black spiky hair again lowered his gaze to his abdomen; where there was still the wound inflicted by a certain person ... It would undoubtedly leave him with a large scar, but the good news was that it was already closed, and starting to heal quickly.

"A fight," Broly replied with a low growl; as he remembered how he lost hand to hand due to the speed of his opponent, though on the other hand this pain made him feel alive unlike when he was under the control of his father and that damned headband.

"I see..." muttered Dr. Mitchell with his right hand on his chin; as he knew there was more to it than just a 'fight', but he preferred not to press the issue. "Well, let's see if you can stand up," he said in a professional tone, while at the same time rising from his own chair until he was fully standing.

The man with eyes as dark as coal rose from the stretcher; resting his bare feet on the warm wooden floor, although when he was standing at his full height, he felt a slight dizziness followed by his vision blurring ... But it only lasted an instant because he shook his head returning once again to normal.

"Alright ... Would you mind walking to the end of the room? To the force gauge there at the back," Dr. Mitchell pointed to a specific spot in the spacious room, but at the same time he had to drop his expression of astonishment at the massive height of his patient.

The man with tousled black spiky hair focused his striking black eyes on his target; and raised his right eyebrow at the strange machine, but shrugged his shoulders because humans always built very colorful and interesting things ... Or so he was told by a certain person who made him change his mind about humans and other living things, well to a certain extent at least.

"Take it easy, there's no hurry. This is not a race," advised Dr. Mitchell with a worried expression; as he watched his patient wobble a bit.

The man with eyes as dark as coal walked slowly in silence to the force machine, where at first, he struggled to keep his balance because he had been out for three days without moving.

"You're doing very well so far," opined Dr. Mitchell with a nod; but at the same time, he kept a close eye on the wound in his patient's abdomen, in case it opened unexpectedly. "Now undergo a strength test; let's see if you have recovered all your faculties," he said with his gaze on the Vit-o-matic Vigor Tester.

The man with tousled black spiky hair nodded his head as he guided his right hand to the lever of the machine; where he was very careful not to apply too much force, and end up inadvertently destroying the Vigor Tester.


Broly's S.P.E.C.C.I.A.L.

Strength: Error 404. (?)

Perception: 10 (Eagle with telescope)

Resistance: Error 404. (?)

Charisma: 3 (Mortician)

Intelligence: 4 (Tough as nails)

Agility: Error 404. (?)

Luck: 8 (Touched by the Gods)

Broly's Power Levels

Broly (Seriously Injured): 50,000

Broly (Semi-healed): 50,000,000

Broly (Base State + Zenkai): 100,000,000

Broly (Super Saiyan): 5,000,000,000 (X50 to Base State)

Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan): 10.000,000,000

(Don't know how much Broly can increase his power with this last transformation, but anyway I made an approximate of his power xD)


End of Chapter Two


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