
The Misadventures Alice the Alchemist

The misadventures of Alice while playing the VRMMORPG - Antares. Shenanigans ensues and enemies and allies appear.

LordHades13 · Games
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Basker's Village.

"Who the f*ck keep dragging these hounds here!?" A man's shout was heard across a field.

Basker's Village was a lost village. It was a village destroyed hundreds of years ago when the Demons invade from the south. Basker's Village is named this way because it is guarded by Basker, the former chief and protector of the village before its fall, its original name is now forgotten in the vast sands of time.

It is here that a party of 10 players are currently experiencing some troubles. It was Dylan's party. They gathered here to grind some monsters, especially Basker's Hound and Basker's Shadow Hound. These two monsters spawn in and near Basker's village at a fast rate and gives decent EXP and items.

"Lily! I need heal!" A voice suddenly rang out. This is Dylan. The leader of the party and currently in need of help.

"God damn it! No can do, Dylan. I'm being swarmed." The woman named Lily answered.

"Sh*t!" Dylan exclaimed and immediately ran away from the hounds. However, Dylan is a knight, a magic knight at that, making his movement speed not the high and is eventually caught by the hounds. He died immediately after that.

Dylan's vision darkened and after a second brightens once again, but now his surroundings change. He was no longer in the fields near Basker's Village, he was now in the Persephone's Cathedral in Bronn Town, the nearest town from Basker's Village.

He stood up and sat near the respawn platform and waited for his friends. One by one they arrived and the last one arriving a minute after Dylan respawned.

"What the hell happened there!?" Dylan exclaimed when all of his party members arrived.

The ten people kept their mouth mum and did not speak a word.

Dylan sighed at this. He looked at his party members.

Lily – Human – Priest – Lv53

Bruno – Barbarian – Warrior – Lv55

Jeremiah – Elf – Ranger – Lv51

Jeremy – Elf – Sniper – Lv51

Ivy – Elf – Nature Mage – Lv50

Portia – Dark Elf – Fire Mage – Lv54

Bella – Human – Priest – Lv50

Allan – Dwarf – Shieldbearer – Lv57

Alex – Barbarian – Shieldbearer – Lv56

Yen – Orc – Gaia Knight – Lv59; and himself

Dylan – Human – Magic Knight – Lv59

From a logical point of view they should have been able to fight in Basker's Village's field what they didn't expect was that someone would actually make a mistake and lure an enormous amount of Basker's Hound and Basker's Shadow Hound, overwhelming them in an instant.

Basker's Hound Lv50

Basker's Shadow Hound Lv55

These monsters are strong, yes, but they are a party. They should have been able to farm there for a lot longer.

Who would have thought that they, who played Antares for six months now and currently in the top 100 rankings of Antares players, would make such a rookie mistake?

As Dylan was quietly contemplating on how to solve their problem, his party members looking at him expectantly, a system prompt appeared.

<Disturbance from the Outside>

<Disturbance from the Outside>

When Dylan saw the prompts, he only thought of two things; either this is an earthquake, or Alice is trying to wake him up. And he bet it's the latter of the two.

"Alright. Let's dismiss the party for now. Farm on your own at the time being. Alice is waking me up, it's probably important." He said to his party members.

"Wow, Alice is playing now?"


"Tell her to hurry up and catch up to us"

Different replies came from his party members. They are excited to play with her again. Dylan smiled at that thought.

"See you guys later" He said before logging out.

When Dylan removed his VR gear, the first thing he saw was Alice's face extremely close to him, startling him. His reflex kicked in making him kick Alice in the stomach, sending her off his bed.

"What the f*ck!?" Alice said groaning. She is currently on the floor, rolling side to side while clutching her stomach.

"Oh sh*t!" Dylan immediately got up and helped her up. "Why are you here?" He asked as he helped her sit down on his bed.

"Uhhhh." Alice let out a long groan before answering. "I need help in Aanvang Village, go to me there."

"Uhhm sure. Why though? You don't like to be carried in game." He asked her, wondering why this stubborn woman suddenly want to be carried in the game.

"I found a boss, and I have no weapon or armour. Just get there quickly." Alice said while holding her arm in her stomach.

"Why don't you have weapons or armour with you? Did becoming a successful businesswoman made you a total newb. Damn girl. Do you want to be carried in the game?" Dylan teased Alice's mistake.

"F*cking assh*le. It was just a mistake, my mind just blanked in there for a moment." Alice rebuked him.

"So you admit it, you've made a newbie mistake."

Alice didn't answer him. Groaning, she stood up, arms still in her stomach, knees weak, and started to walk wobbly out Dylan's room.

"Hey, add me as a friend in-game. My game ID is 1155244GDE1, the add friend option is in the in-game menu, you can't miss it." Dylan said as she was about to leave his room.

"Why is your game ID a bunch of numbers?" Alice asked.

"It's my game ID, not my in-game name. Antares allows players to use names that are already taken by other players. In my case, my in-game name is Dylan, however, I'm not the only player with the name Dylan." He explained. "Meaning blindly asking for a player named Dylan would not necessarily mean me. Hence the alpha-numeric game ID."

"Woah, exposition dump. OMG! Have you become an information gatherer type of player now? I thought you were the SLAUGHTER ALL MONSTER NO QUESTION ASKED!!! type of player." Alice teased while occasionally wincing from the pain in her stomach.

"You know, that information isn't something special. It's basic knowledge." Dylan replied. "Tsk. To think you've come incredibly low as a total newbie that you treat such basic information as something incredible. My my, what a disgrace you have become." He didn't hold back and return fire to Alice.

Dylan was a fierce gamer. He's the type to jump in front of monsters and attack. This is why he chose the class of Magic Knight. This is a class that has the perfect balance between defence, physical attack, and magic attack. Although Magic Knights are generally seen as a weird class, Dylan still enjoy playing as one. He is a knight who can withstand damage, although not as much as other knight and shield-wielding classes. He also uses a sword, but deals less damage than other melee class except other knight class. He can use magic, but deals less damage than regular mages. These downside are what made it fun for Dylan.

For Dylan to be mocked for his personality in-game was a low even for Alice so he made a counterattack. Alice was like him, a fierce game that doesn't know retreat. Being called a total newbie would directly attack her pride, this is why he made such a remark.

"YOU MOTHERF*CKING ASSH*LE!" Alice was seething once more.

A newbie!? A total newbie!? Alice's mind can't believe she has been called a total newbie.

"MOTHERF*CKER!!!" Alice lunge in a fit of rage towards Dylan. "D*CK PUNCH!!!!"

And that was how Dylan died. The end.

These were the thoughts that ran through Dylan's mind. He immediately jumped away from his bed, dodging Alice's intended punch to his private organs.

"WTF!!!" Dylan exclaimed. "Are you F*CKING CRAZY!!! I would've died!"

"You dodged! It's fine, stop being a drama queen." Alice answered shrugging her shoulder. "Login already and wait for my friend request."

Alice started to walk out of Dylan's room once again.

"BTW, I'll legit d*ck punch you again if you call me a total newbie." With that last words, Alice smiled and got out of Dylan's room.