
The Mirror Queen

Orphaned as an infant, Aspen grew up in an orphanage, working as soon as she was able trying to survive and stay alive in a dystopian kingdom. When she comes across a mysterious stranger, her world is turned upside down putting herself and those she cares about in danger. To discover the truth to a terrible past, she must sacrifice everything she swore to not let go. Will this be the end of her and those she loves or will she climb to the top and rain hell on those who were sworn to end her life?

TeeTotter · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Mirror Queen: Prologue

Rain plunged to the earth. She dug her heels into the ground as she darted down the dirt road. Fear contorted her face as she huffed and ran harder while her heart hammered in her chest mixing with the thunder that rolled through the sky. He was getting close. She could feel it in her bones. The hairs on her neck stood on end and chills broke through her skin. Her power was draining as she focused her energy into escaping him. The baby was safe though, that is what matters, she thought. He would never find her. Just as a flash of lightning struck the earth ahead of her, causing a tree to crack in half and burn, she slid through a puddle and lost her footing. Hurtling towards the ground, she hit hard, mud covering her face and body. T

here was no power left in her. Her mind, chaotic, scrambled to find something to help her up, something to help her keep going, but there was nothing. She was in the middle of nowhere, no power, no energy, and nothing left to cling to. Everything she had was left with her infant. The feeling of dread creeped up her spine as she could sense his presence get stronger. Shakily, she heaved herself over onto her back, breathing hard. Rain continued to fall, mixing with the tears overflowing from her eyes. The only thing that truly mattered in her life would never know her and she would not be there for the child's life either. That instant thought caused so much pain, like a semi was parked on her chest, it was too much to bear.

"You know, you will never save the child." Came a purr, a few feet from her. "It is destined that I find her, you know that destiny and fate cannot be meddled with. I don't know why you choose to fight me, you will not win."

Wiping the water and tears from her face, she half sat up with what strength she had left.

"Y-you won't find her. She is safe from you."

He took a few steps towards her, bending down, his gaze menacing and sharp. "Oh dear, I highly doubt that. You know my abilities, how powerful I am. At the sight of me you even tremble. You know nothing can stop me from what I want. It did not stop me from getting to you, did it, lovely?"

Her body trembled, she had no weapons, she was drained and he was stronger than her. "You don't truly believe that. You are a monster. You will not kill her. This is between me and you. Leave her out of it!" She spat, anger entertwined in her words. The only way out of this was death, though. She could run but to where? She was in the middle of nowhere and there was no one around and defending herself would be the same result. She could bargain, maybe he will listen. "Kill me instead and she will never know of you, you don't have to hurt her. She will live a peaceful life. There is no reason to go after her."

A chuckled escaped his lips. It sounded warm and hearty, the perfect contrast to his dark personality. "Oh, I intend on doing just that, but she will die too. If she lives, she will be the end to all my hard work, how can I let that happen? Everything I have built, I cannot let that future disappear, it is so close." He pulled a black dagger from his bag that clung to his side. It was embellished with gold and black diamonds so perfectly positioned and so sleek and elegant, you wouldn't imagine it was about to be used in such a horrific way.

Anger replaced fear, "You are a coward. Murder is a cowards way of life, that is all you will ever be!" With all the might that was left, she thrust her hand upward aiming for the dagger and his wrist, trying to push the dagger toward his chest. The struggle was just for a moment but the failure would be the end. He easily yanked the dagger from her hand and pushed her back to the ground, repositioning the knife above her heart.

"Oh Delia, you know that I only kill what keeps the future from becoming the present. What better way to keep something secure than to destroy all who challenge it. If you imprison someone, they will always be a nag in the back of your mind. The only true way to secure my future is to kill anyone and anything that stands in my way. I couldn't begin to count how many were cut down to reach this point. All worthy sacrifices though, as will you and your daughter be." He drove the dagger into her chest, blood splattered from the wound as he removed the dagger and plunged it into her chest once more, blood mixing with the mud around her. Her body was still and lifeless, the last breath long gone from her lungs. He sneered, removing the knife and wiping the blood on his pant leg. He then stood, returning the dagger to the satchel, turned and walked away.

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