
The Miracle Clinic

[SERIES ON HIATUS DUE TO LIFE. THOUGH I WILL BE REVISING OLD CHAPTERS. The new revised stuff won't have a "X" at the start of the chapter] Do you believe in miracles? Well for two high school students named Marcus Veridan & Ronnie Everst, they certainly do as they've managed to make a club all about making miracles happen. Despite the club struggling to find its footing, they manage to quickly find two new members in the form of Elizabeth Moore, a shy nerdy girl that somehow gets into drama pretty easily, and Alex Smith, a hot heated athletic dude that thinks with his fists. Together the four of them and their club named "The Miracle Clinic" will slowly but surely begin to shake the entire groundwork of the city they live in, one miracle at a time. ________________ this is my first ever webnovel story I've ever done so I'm sorry if some things are a bit rough at the start.

Preston108 · Urban
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109 Chs

xChapter 8 - Sun Shorts Collection No. 2

Author's Note: Hey it is me the author of this series, Preston108. I hope you enjoyed the second storyline to The Miracle Clinic. I hope to continue to entertain you as this series goes on. Also the name of this volume isn't a typo it's a play on "The More The Merrier" & Elizabeth's last name (Moore). Now, this chapter is also just going to be a collection of sun shorts so I hope you enjoy them!

SUN SHORT #1 - There's No Such Thing As Ghosts...right?

"Sir, you gotta help me, I think I just heard a ghost!" the buff Christopher Wrinkle whimpers.

The person Christopher was talking to was none other than the teacher aide, Ray Ramirez, someone who most come to for reliable help and kindness... well that would be the case but since school has ended, Ray's no longer being paid to care so he's acting like his true self. He's acting like a menace.

"Sorry himbo but there's no such thing as ghosts, now do you want me to tell you a bedtime story so you can sleep well tonight or can you take care of yourself you fucking freshman?" Ray retorted.

"I can take care of myself, Mr. Ramirez," Christopher sighs.

"Good, now please fuck off."

"Okay Mr. Ramirez, have a nice day."

Christopher jogs away while Ray just chuckles to himself.

"How dumb are kids these days, there's no such thing as a ghost," Ray grumbles to himself.

As he walks down the hall, he can hear what sounds like a little girl giggling down the hall he is going. Ray quickly turns around and walks the other way.

"Fuck that shit."

SUN SHORT #2 - Old Trophies

Mrs. & Mr. Moore are sitting in their bedroom watching tv.

"So honey, it seems like Elizabeth is making some good friends," Mrs. Moore states.

"Yeah, I'm just glad she's joining a new club too, maybe she can pick up some more trophies in that one too," Mr. Moore begins to say before looking at a bookshelf close to their bed that holds several first-place trophies from chess tournaments, taekwondo tournaments, table tennis scrimmages, and other clubs.

SUN SHORT #3 - After Hours

Mesto-Presto is heading out of Burrito Bistro after a long night shift. He's wearing a black crew neck sweater with white pants and raggedy shoes. When he walks by the alley that is on the side of the restaurant, he sees a teen with a bloody metal baseball bat standing over several beaten thugs. The teen turns and sees Mesto-Presto.

"Oh hey, it's the cashier dude!" the teen exclaims before looking at the wall, "Sorry for the mess, I saw these punks trying to vandalize your restaurant so I had to teach them a lesson. I'm Hunter, by the way, hope you have a safe night!"

And with that, Hunter runs away. Mesto-Presto looks to see what the unconscious people did and discovers that all they did was draw graffiti of the letters 'C.A.', Mesto-Presto sighs as he realizes his shift isn't going to be over just yet.

SUN SHORT #4 - What Did I Miss?

Ronnie is running towards the cafeteria while he is carrying his backpack.

"Damnit, if it wasn't for me forgetting my backpack I would've already been done eating by now!" Ronnie thinks to himself, "at least I can just enjoy a nice and relaxing lunch period."

Ronnie gets to the doors to the cafeteria and when he opens it he sees several students yelling at one another, one kid crying, & Alex getting ready to throw hands with X.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" Ronnie yells.

See You Next Chapter!~