
The Mind Whisperer

Summary: When struggling writer Ethan finds an old book in a used bookstore, he has no idea that it will change his life forever. As he reads the book, strange things begin to happen - he can hear people's thoughts, see glimpses of the future, and move objects with his mind. But as his powers grow stronger, Ethan realizes that there are others who want the book for themselves, and they will stop at nothing to get it. And so, Ethan finds himself inadvertently thrust into a war between Espers. A war which could decide the very fate of mankind as a whole...

Jonah_Chan_Wei_Lim · Action
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13 Chs

Chapter 4: Strange Experiences

Ethan had been keeping track of his strange experiences in the leather-bound journal that the librarian had given him. Every time something unusual happened, he made sure to write it down. His nightmares had become more frequent, and he could barely sleep through the night without waking up in a cold sweat.

One night, he had a dream of a dark figure chasing him through a maze-like hallway, and he woke up gasping for air, his heart pounding in his chest. He tried to calm himself down by taking deep breaths, but then he heard a faint voice in his head.

"Help me," the voice whispered.

Ethan felt a jolt of fear run through him. He looked around his room, but there was no one there. He realized that the voice was coming from inside his head.

He tried to shake it off, thinking that he was just imagining things. But then, he heard the voice again.

"Please, help me."

Ethan couldn't ignore it any longer. He got out of bed and decided to go see the librarian. He needed answers, and he knew that she was the only one who could help him.

He walked to the antique shop, and as he entered, the librarian looked up from her book and smiled.

"Hello, Ethan," the librarian greeted him with a warm smile. "What brings you here today?"

"I've been experiencing some strange things," Ethan began. "I don't know how to describe it exactly, but it feels like my mind is playing tricks on me."

The librarian's expression became more serious. "Tell me more. What kind of tricks?"

"I hear faint whispers sometimes, but I can't make out what they're saying. And sometimes, I feel like I'm being watched, even when there's no one around."

The librarian nodded thoughtfully. "It seems like you're beginning to tap into your gift of ESP."

"E-ESP?" Ethan stammered, surprised. "What do you mean?"

"ESP stands for extrasensory perception," the librarian explained. "It's the ability to perceive things beyond the physical senses, such as thoughts and emotions."

Ethan was intrigued. "But why am I experiencing these things now? I've never had any special abilities before."

"It's possible that something triggered your gift," the librarian said. "Perhaps something you read or saw recently."

Ethan thought back to the strange book he had bought in the antique shop. "Could it be related to this book I found?"

"It's possible," the librarian said. "But don't worry, Ethan. With time and practice, you can learn to control your gift and use it to your advantage."

Ethan nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. "Okay, but how do I practice? What do I do?"

The librarian smiled. "There are many techniques and exercises you can try. For example, you can try meditating to clear your mind and focus your energy. You can also try telepathy exercises, such as trying to communicate with someone using only your thoughts."

Ethan nodded, eager to learn more. "Okay, I'll try that. Thank you for your help."

"Of course, Ethan," the librarian said. "Remember, your gift is a powerful tool, but it can also be a double-edged sword. Be careful how you use it, and always be mindful of the consequences."

Ethan nodded, understanding what she meant. He had to learn how to use his gift, not just for himself but for others.

As he left the antique shop, he made a decision. He was going to focus on mastering his ESP and finding a way to use it for good. He didn't know where to start, but he knew that he had to try.

Little did he know, his journey was just beginning.