
A Crisis At Mao Mountain

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"You must be Tang Hao! We're from the Criminal Division of Provincial City Police Station!" The police officer in the lead said sternly.

The police officer named Zhao Wuyang was in his early twenties. His body was tall and burly and his face looked rather handsome. His brows were thick and straight like swords, which gave him a masculine charm.

His gaze was sharp and animated, as though they could pierce one's heart.

He glared straight at Tang Hao as he spoke.

Tang Hao remained composed. "Criminal police? Is there anything?" He asked curiously.

Zhao Wuyang continued staring at Tang Hao. "You should know Gao Wenqiang, right? Your teacher has gone missing, and we suspect that he's met with an accident.

"According to our investigations, he argued with you just on the day of his disappearance…