
The Midnight Killer in another world

A young woman ends up fainting one day and ends up in a world were her family exist but the language is different and humans have superpowers. Why is she here? More importantly how do she get back home to her world, our world and time?

Coco_coco · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

It was getting dark and her feet were hurting her and not once had she heard the sound of any cars or seen any cars at all. It was disheartening and confusing the situation that she was in. Abigail bit her lips as she continued her journey down the road, hidden among the trees.

She had also noted that not once had she heard the sound of any planes either and she usually was able to hear it back in the states. Man she must be in the countryside or something. Well she guessed she was wrong today- if it was to stay the same day as the wedding- not such a good day after all.

The was hope through, up ahead not far off in the distance she could make out what looked like smoke. As the saying goes, when there was smoke there was fire and where there was fire there were humans. Be it because they were cooking at said fire or putting out said fire to save houses and wildfires, there were bonded to be humans.

"Come on feet," Abigail whispered to herself as she pushed herself to continue toward the smoke and hopefully town. "Don't fail me now."


After walking for what felt like forever, Abigail finally made it close enough to the area where the smoke was coming from. And to her joy just as she had hoped there was a town at the end of the road. Not once was she not glad that she had been part of her high school track team and thus had a high endurance when it came to physical matters.

"Home sweet home." Abigail said as she quickened her pace towards the town. "Here I come."

As she drew closer and closer to the town, Abigail noted that there were many things wrong with the settling of the town. First of all she noticed that there was not a single electricity on in this town though it was getting close to night time, instead from what she could see only little fire lights were on. She also noticed when she entered the town that there were no telephone wires anywhere. These two things told her a lot of things about the town she was about to enter.

One it had no electricity thus no telephone at all and two they looked poor, all the buildings looked to be made of brick materials and there were no electric lights. Even cities and towns in most 3rd world countries had electricity yet here was a town with none. It was odd but now was not the time to dwell on such a thing. She was just hopeful to track down an english speaker and get a ride out of this area back to a large city in order to leave whatever country this was.

Entering into the town, Abigail began to look around at the people and places. Her eyes searched for any sign of english or at least a bar or restaurant. Even if they were a poor backwater town at least a English speaker might have come there as a visitor or at least passed through and for that reason they had set up accommodations for said guests. The dollar was a powerful currency even in Europe so most towns and villages would have wanted such a currency in their hands even if the euro was more valuable the dollar was not far behind either. Beside most human trafficking countries in europe were not part of the eu so thus she was hopeful.

"Hello?" She tried asking a couple of people. "Do you speak english?"

"Reh hani uo?" Was the answer she got each time she approached a stranger to ask for help. They looked confused and afraid every time they saw her. After a while she stopped asking them and started looking for a bar or a restaurant. One because they never answered in english and two because her throat was starting to go dry from not drinking or eating for hours and walking in the sun.

As she went around the town looking for a bar or restaurant, Abigail noted that there were no cars, only carriages that ran across the streets. She also noticed that it smelled like a lot and trash was basically everywhere. It appeared not only were they a poor town but also very unsanitized. She wondered as she went about her business if when she returned back home if she could return back with her church and help this poor town become more upgraded. They were part of the habitable for humanity program and it was not hard in this day and age to crowdfund money so it was not impossible to help these poor people who didn't even have cars or buses or anything at all.

Aftering walking for ten minutes, Abigail finally found what she assumed was a restaurant based on the picture image of a food above it's door and decided to go in when two men came out of the restaurant. One was yelling at the other madly, which was typical. They had freeloaders who loved to eat and not paid for their food back in America too. However, what was not typical was the fact the man chasing after the other was tossing fireballs straight out of his hands at the other man. Who in return was summoning water out of heaven knew where to block the fire attack as the two fought it out.

Not understanding what was going on or why the were people creating fire and water out of nothing, Abigail began to scream and cry, too tired and disheartened to care anymore about her composition as a young woman who was almost an adult.

She had noticed the oddness, the carriages moving around the odd language, the lack of electricity, the fact she was dressed in a different outfit then the one she had been in, she had just been hopeful it had just meant she was a kidnapped person. But this? This she could not unseen?

Upon hearing her screams the crowd who had been watching the two men fighting turned and looked at her. Upon seeing her the crowd and the two men quickly stopped their fight. A silence fell over the area of the town they were in and great fear could be seen in their eyes.

The silence however didn't last long before the people began to whisper amongst themselves, some pointing. There was one word they were all saying repeatedly "Gona."

Not long after the crowd turned her way an old man stepped forward out of the crowd and approached her. There was great fear in his eyes.