
The Midnight Killer in another world

A young woman ends up fainting one day and ends up in a world were her family exist but the language is different and humans have superpowers. Why is she here? More importantly how do she get back home to her world, our world and time?

Coco_coco · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

Today was a good day. The sky was clear and bright. The sun was up and shining. Her parents were alive. Her brothers and sisters were alive as well and so were all her close relatives. Life was good. Thus today was a good day.

Clapping loudly at her best friend's speech about how she was so glad to be marrying the love of her life. Abigail Samson smiled. Everything was good.

Standing up with the group Abigail clapped became more intense. Upon her dark face was a large smile. She was so happy at the moment. Nothing could cause this day to go bad. She was so blessed.

"And Peter has been nothing but-" Abigail's friend Sarah Eastermen continued. The eighteen year old and Abigail had been friends since kindergarten. Sarah was a tall 6 ft brunette whose parents were from Mexico. She and Abigail and their other friend Kim Wu were known as the lucky trio since elementary. They had a tendency of finding things like money on the floor if they were together."The sweetest and kindest-"

Sarah never got to finish her sentence because as she moved to speak, Abigail's hearing went silent as if she was a deaf from birth. A few minutes later her eyes followed her ears, they went blind. It was the most unusual and uncomfortable moment in Abigail's life. But that was not all. Beside becoming deaf and blind Abigail also felt something completely vomit inducing.

It felt like someone was trying to pull her spirit from her body. And because of these reasons she began to scream and scream. Due to her screams her friend Sarah stopped her speech. Abigail unable to see and hear took no notice. She simply kept screaming. Around her everyone begun to turn and stare her way. Their faces filled with shock and concern.

Before anyone could hush Abigail or ask her what was wrong the young woman fainted. Her screams echoing as she falls. Of course once everyone noticed what was happening they all rushed to her side calling her name. Her parents the most concerned of them all. No parent ever liked to see their child suffering. Abigail neither heard or saw any of this. She was simply too discounted from the world.


"Hyoun Erh Yunn Abega" A young woman's voice spoke in the dark as Abigail's hearing and sight began to return back to her. It was a language Abigail couldn't understand but the speech pattern sounded close to a russian. It was confusing to say the least. Why was a russian speaking over her when she was an American and knew no russian?.But then again she could be in the hospital and it could be a nurse. So she pushed aside the uncomfortable feeling.

Blinking her eyes open, Abigail expected to stare into the face of a nurse. What she got instead when her eyes opened was a young woman wearing a maid outfit instead, crying. The poor thing looked distressed. There was even snot coming from her nose. She looked to be in twenties. What twenty year old cry so opening like that?

"Um...who are you?" Abigail questioned as she took in her surroundings. Where were her relatives? Where were her friends and family? Much more importantly, why was she lying upon the floor? And why was she in such a dark lighted room. Was she kidnapped? Was that why she blacked out.

"Hin yan tuni?" The young woman answered Abigail back looking confused. She also had a panic look in her eyes. Abigail simply blinked at her. God bless it she knew no russian. Was she being human trafficked. Was that what was happening. She had heard about cases like these on the news but for it to happen to her? God bless it.

Maybe if she screamed, someone who spoke english could come to her rescue. This was not a situation she had ever thought possible for her. She was just an average black girl. Who would want to kidnap a black girl. Slavery days were over. Besides, black women were considered one of the most unattractive groups of women there was. Which means the chances of anyone making money from her as a sex slavery was low. Because most men would have preferred a submissive asian or a beautiful blonde woman instead. So this was a situation she had never thought to ever be in.

"Help! Help! Human trafficals! Help! Someone! I am an American and my family will pay good money for my return." She screamed hoping someone knew english and was greedy enough to want money and thus believe her. She wasn't lying. Her family was rich. Her dad was an engineer and her mother was a doctor. And her aunty on her dad's side was a youtube star who was bringing in thousands every month while her uncle on her mother's side was a dropshipper. So their family had money to give for her safety.

"Hun yu erua?" The door to the room opened and in walked what looked like a guard. He was dressed in a blue and white outfit. He had black hair and appeared to be from the east like China or Korea or somewhere in that area. He also looked confused and on guard.

"Guga opa tuni." The maid said pointing at her as the guard looked around as if ready to attack someone with his sword.

"Gine thu wana tu?" The guard questioned the maid and Abigail realized no one was coming to rescue her. She was trueling lost. Was there no hope for her?

"Aha." The maid replied and the two shared a look then looked at her. Abigail saw concern in their eyes along with fear. It was strange. She was very good at body and facial expression reading. And from what she was seeing they looked worried and very very scared. Maybe they too were in a bad position like her as well. Maybe they too were hostages.

"Can you speak english?" Abigail questioned, her voice small and meek. She was now losing even more hope. What if she was stuck wherever this was? What if she never saw her parents ever again. This was very disheartening.

"Opi rayu gua." The guard whispered and the maid nodded her head, the two stayed staring at Abigail. Then the two turned to each other and started talking, ignoring Abigail's presence. After a couple of minutes of talking the guard and maid walked out of the room and the room was once more silent.

Left to her own devices, Abegail burst into tears but refusing to give up decided to escape before the guard and maid returned. She might never get another chance like this again. They might be going to get the big boss who did the kidnapping. Which meant she might be stuck here forever. Which meant she might never see her dear family again. She had noted while scanning the room that the was a wind draft coming from the door that was the opposite of the door that the guard and maid came from. If said door was opened she might escape and make it to a place where people spoke english and escape back home to America, the land of the brave and the free.

Making up her mind Abigail stood up and headed for said door….