
Yuelan's and Sunzheng's invitations

Fu Yue languidly leaned against the couch while speedily going through DMs in his inbox one by one.

Having been a famous figure in the past, he was not excited about this sudden gain in fame. His eyes were peaceful up until he saw two familiar names.

The news came so unexpectedly that Fu Yue immediately sat up straight and seriously went through the content of their messages.

"... Both YL and SZ reach out to me?" He softly murmured, feeling a bit unreal.

Other than making him out to be a lovestruck fool, I guess I still need to thank Cheap Grass after all...

Having received invitations from two well-known teams, Fu Yue should have been ecstatic but at the moment, he did not feel anything other than the initial surprise.

Fu Yue lazily slumped onto the soft couch. He couldn't help but accuse a certain person that made him feel this way.

Nevertheless, he quickly pulled himself together and gave a positive response to YL and SZ.

Finished, Fu Yue was about to exit Weibo since he expected a reply around lunchtime.

To his surprise, SZ's message came almost immediately as if the other end was waiting for his response.

[SZ_Coach Gu: Glad to hear that you are interested in becoming a pro player! A talented player like you is hard to come by! As an aspiring Mid Laner, you should come to SZ and learn from Zizi. I am sure you can be his successor and be one of the best Mid Laners of the new generation!]

Seeing his enthusiasm, Fu Yue amusedly raised his brow.

He did a bit of research on the Coaches and knew that Coach Gu was one of the most highly sought Coaches at the moment.

This person was the one who grabbed Zizi to join SZ and trained the current roster. SZ was famous for not changing their lineup since season 8 which was incredibly rare in the e-sport industry.

Albeit haven't achieved the World Champion title, SZ proved themselves domestically as one of the powerhouse teams.

No one dared to underestimate them especially when it came down to a teamfight.

Needless to say, everyone acknowledged that Coach Gu had eyes for talent. Having been scouted by him was Fu Yue's honor.

But he did not let his words get to his head since he clearly understood Coach Gu's intention.

He intends to cultivate a cub into a fierce beast but unfortunately, Fu Yue is not one.

[Yueyue: Sir, I am 21.]

Sitting in the meeting room, Coach Gu's smile instantly froze at this disastrous news. The excitement of having found another excellent seedling immediately died down.

[SZ_Coach Gu: ... Are you a retired pro player?]

[Yueyue: No.]

Seeing his denial, Coach Gu swiftly changed the direction of his question.

[SZ_Coach Gu: Has anyone approached you yet?]

Fu Yue momentarily paused at his inquiry. A crafty smile started to form on his face.

[Yueyue: YL did.]

After his message was sent out, Coach Gu took a bit of time to reply as if contemplating something.

[SZ_Coach Gu: What is their proposal?]

Just as Fu Yue was about to reply, YL finally responded to him.

[YL_Caoch Lu: I am glad to hear that you are interested in joining YL. We are looking for a Mid Laner and accidentally stumbled upon you last night. I have taken a liking to you and think that your playstyle is quite suitable for YL.]

[Yueyue: Are you scouting me to be a starter?]

[YL_Coach Lu: Yes, we have already studied your previous games. Other than the lack of a hero pool, other areas are as exceptional as a pro player so we are willing to place trust in you and hope for you to become a part of our family]

[Yueyue: Really?! To be honest, I went to watch the Grand Final and have been wanting to be a part of YL! Do you think it is still possible to debut at the age of 21?]

[YL_Coach Lu: It is fine]

Fu Yue lightly smacked his lips at this curt reply.

Without sitting face to face, he could imagine the other side's disappointed expression.

Regardless of his dislike toward Coach Lu's change in attitude, he continued to pretend to be naive.

[Yueyue: Thank you! Everyone has been telling me that it is too late to start my e-sport career... YL is the first not to discriminate against me! TT]

[Yueyue: By the way... This might sound rude but how much is my salary?]

[YL_Coach Lu: It is indeed hard to debut around this time. There are a lot of amazing players who are much younger than you so they have more potential from the organization's point of view. Since it is fate that let us meet each other, we are thinking of signing you for around 1.5 million RMB/year. This does not include other bonuses and prize pools from Tournaments so you will be earning much higher than this. What do you think? If interested, I will send you a contract for you to go into details]

Giving a casual glance at the content, Fu Yue exited the chatroom and went to chat with Coach Gu.

[Yueyue: I am sorry. One of the acquaintances is messaging me so I can't ignore them. Right, YL is asking me to be their starting Mid Laner.]

[SZ_Coach Gu: YL did?! Have you agreed?]

Coach Gu resentfully gnashed his teeth at the mere mention of YL.

He still can't believe that he lost to that guy surnamed Lu who came from a mid-tier team!

Now he is about to lose a diamond to that guy too?!

If such a strong Mid Laner were to add to YL then in the next season SZ might even have a hard time getting Zizi ahead in the mid lane!

[Yueyue: I haven't... We are still discussing my salary...]

Coach Gu's eyes instantly lit up at this topic.

[SZ_Coach Gu: How much did they offer?]

[Yueyue: Is it okay to tell you?]

[SZ_Coach Gu: It is okay]

[Yueyue: Around 1.5 million RMB/year]

Seeing this measly amount, Coach Gu disdainfully scoffed at YL's stinginess.

He was pretty sure that YL would take advantage of an inexperienced newbie and propose such a small amount. However, he didn't expect them to be this low.

[SZ_Coach Gu: I am telling you this because I don't want you to get scammed but even the unpopular player earns much higher than this!]

[Yueyue: But they said that there are other bonuses and prize pool from Tournaments so I am going to earn more than this]

[SZ_Coach Gu: Heh. He is not wrong but unless you join a lot of big Tournaments and get a good ranking. At the end of the day, you could only rely on your salary. The situation in this industry is unpredictable so who knows whether YL can still maintain this form in the next season?]

[SZ_Coach Gu: Not to mention, they are extremely biased toward XiaoXi. You will need to yield everything and swallow your grievance! Are you okay with this?]

[SZ_Coach Gu: I will double the money to 3 million RMB/year. Come and play for our second team! In addition, I will let you play instead of Zizi for the Spring Tournament!]

Fu Yue mischievously grinned, "You are pulling a good man card now?"

This time around he switched back to chat with Coach Lu.

[Yueyue: I ask for your understanding, another team is asking me to join their team so I can't ignore their messages]

Coach Lu's eyes widened in shock, and his grogginess immediately went away. He thought that he was already fast enough to wait for Yueyue's reply since dawn.

Who would have thought that there was another team as desperate as him?

Generally speaking, YL's popularity surged after emerging as the victor in the Grand Final.

Against all odds, they defeated both giant teams such as TM and SZ when no one had no faith in them.

Despite the victory, Coach Lu was well aware of their weakness after going against SZ.

Their Mid Lane is too weak leading to the collapse of the side lanes.

If they couldn't resolve this matter, during the next season they might not even make it into the top 4.

As a result, everyone agreed to buy a strong player from another team.

They already had a player in mind and had even discussed the contract with him.

Everything went well except that the said person asked for an extremely high salary.

Due to this matter, the higher-ups became hesitant. It took a lot of effort to keep XiaoXi, therefore, they did not want to spend too much on another player.

Just as Coach Lu's head was spinning in preparation for the World Championship, he stumbled upon Yueyue.

The more he observed the more he felt that this player's strength was too strong!

And to his amazement, Yueyue was merely a newbie game anchor!

This was like a godsend opportunity to sign a good player with little money!

Although his age was a bit old, YL a mid-size organization did not truly care about raising a talent like those big organizations.

As long as he produced good results and brought profits during his prime years it was already enough.

[YL_Coach Lu: I don't think you should accept their invitation. As you can see, this year YL is a representative of our region. We have a bright future ahead of us unlike others]

[Yueyue: But it is SZ... So I am reluctant to turn them down]

"Sunzheng?!" Coach Lu exclaimed in shock. He added in puzzlement, "Why the hell does he need another Mid-Laner?? Is one Zizi not enough for you?"

[Yueyue: Not to mention, SZ is willing to pay me 3 million RMB/year]

Seeing the money being doubled, Coach Lu got choked on his saliva.

With this difference in money, even a fool knew whose side should they choose!

Feeling threatened, Coach Lu hurriedly asked, [SZ has Zizi, are you going to fill in as his sub?]

[Yueyue: He asks me to play for the second team but will let me play instead of Zizi in the Spring Tournament]

This explanation made much more sense but it was still unbelievable to hear that hot-headed Gu was willing to bench Zizi just to sign this small game anchor.

Knowing that he couldn't be half-hearted anymore, he struck back, [Second team?? You will earn even less than my offer! After all, big tournaments for second teams are small and they don't have a huge audience either! Don't get tricked by SZ! You are just going to waste your time!]

[YL_Coach Lu: In addition, you will be forever overshadowed by Zizi and will never see the light in SZ! Are you okay with not making a name for yourself?]

[Yueyue: You do have a point...]

Seeing his hesitation, Coach Lu further added, [If you are still hesitating due to my offer being low then I will raise to 4 million RMB to show my sincerity. You don't have any experience and even debut at the age of 21, you won't find this good offer elsewhere, please think carefully!]

Finally seeing an acceptable number, Fu Yue glanced at the message with a smile that did not reach his eyes, "I have been in the industry for 6 years, not a 6 year-old-child."

None of these two truly cared about his well-being. They spoke righteously when in reality, they were thinking about their respective team's profits.

Regardless, Fu Yue knew his limit and did not push them too far. He first politely turned down SZ and then asked YL to send him a sample of the contract.

As a result, Coach Gu was anxious about YL in the upcoming season while Coach Lu was grinning ear to ear thinking that he had once again beaten SZ.

The two experienced middle-aged men would have never thought that they were being viewed as mere backups by this green child called Yueyue.

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