
Captain Wei Is Showing Off His Skills In Front Of Relatives

Noticing that Fu Yue was in a four-man party, Wei Chen didn't question anything and accepted his invitation.

[No Inted Just Bad: Captain, I am bringing my family to play. Sorry to bother you...]

[Number009: No worries.]

[Crown Prince Zhen: Yo, Young Master Wei, we meet again.]

[Number009: ?]

[Crown Prince Zhen: I am Fu Zhen, President of XX Entertainment. Remember?]

Wei Chen froze for a moment. Seemingly discovering something unimaginable, he hurriedly swept his eyes at the other two IDs.

Great Emperor Fu

Empress An

Wei Chen who stumbled upon the frightening truth almost instantly, "..."

When speaking about financial news, it was impossible not to mention the Fu family especially the legendary Fu Zheng who built his business empire from scratch.

As a junior who has just stepped into society like Wei Chen, it was almost impossible for him to interact with this respectable person in real life.

Speaking of which, his husband, An Yan was a also leading figure in the fashion and cosmetic industry. Even before marrying into the Fu family, he was already a well-known individual who worked his way from the bottom to his current position as an Omega.

Back in the past, Omegas didn't have much freedom and rights like in the present day. Therefore, An Yan's achievements were awe-inspiring and he became a model figure for every Omegas out there even to this day.

Thanks to these two outstanding men, everyone was looking forward to seeing how amazing their children would be in the future.

Unsurprisingly, their eldest son, Fu Zhen single-handedly built and developed Xinghai Entertainment without his parent's help during his student days.

Inheriting his father's unique vision, he had keen eyes for investments and recruiting talents.

Ye Heng, the current Film Emperor and King of the Golden Record was also found and cultivated by him.

That being said, meeting these three people all at once could even make an adult man stutter and break out in cold sweat.

Fortunately, Wei Chen was also not an average person. After the initial surprise, he was able to recollect himself and greeted them calmly.

[Number009: It has been a while, President Fu.]

[Number009: Good evening, Mr. Fu and Mr. An. I apologize for the late greeting.]

[Crown Prince Zhen: You can drop the formality and call me Ge. Thanks for looking after my Didi.]

[Great Emperor Fu: Like Ah Zhen said, just call us, Uncles.]

[Empress An: Xiao Yue has never been away from home alone for this long. Thanks for taking such good care of him~ \(^-^)/]

[Number009: I am flattered but it is what I should do as a Captain.]

[Great Emperor Fu: You are indeed mature beyond your age. Can't you believe you are the same age as our youngest.]

[No Inted Just Bad: *eye roll* Father, I am also good in my own way!]

[Crown Prince Zhen: Heh? In what way?]

Fu Yue's eyes twitched at their teasing. Just as he was about to counter their words, a certain person was even faster than him.

[Number009: In every way.]

Wei Chen's statement caught the Fu family by surprise. Had they not known beforehand that this Alpha had a trustworthy character, they would have thought that he was flirting with their youngest.

[No Inted Just Bad: See? My Captain is an honest person. His words can be trusted ah.]

[Crown Prince Zhen: Haha Young Master Wei has good eyes!]

Seeing that his big brother didn't take Wei Chen's words the wrong way, Fu Yue nervously wiped away the nonexistent sweat from his forehead.

Even though he knew that Wei Chen's words should be taken literally with no other meanings, he still blushed a little after seeing his reply.

Thankfully, Wei Chen's reputation was too clean to the point that even his big brother looked at him through a thick filter.

[No Inted Just Bad: OK, I am starting the game now. Captain, a piece of advice. They are all inexperienced]

Relying on their tacit understanding, Wei Chen instantly understood what Fu Yue was hinting at.

Looks like it is not easy bringing these three Bigshots to fly. No wonder, he sought his assistance.

Realizing that it would be a 2 vs 8 situation, Captain Wei wasn't fazed and calmly strategized.

[Number009: I will play a Hypercarry Jungler. Top can you play tank?]

[Crown Prince Zhen: Dange is a tank right?]

[No Inted Just Bad: He is]

[Crown Prince Zhen: Ok.]

[Number009: Fu Yue, you take Chase.]

[No Inted Just Bad: Sure]

[Number009: Uncles, what heroes can you play?]

[Empress An: Ah we played a couple hero last match]

[No Inted Just Bad: Dad switches with Father. You will play Lay whereas Father will take Ilay as your Support]

[Great Emperor Fu: Ok. I will protect your Dad.]

Not long after, they found a match. Despite being a casual game, Captain Wei took it seriously as if he was playing an important match.

The moment the game started, Wei Chen unceremoniously pinged the enemy blue buff.

Fu Yue's eyes instantly lit up. With his mic on, he spoke into the team chat, "OK. Father and Dad follow him, Captain will get you some pocket money!"

Wei Chen who is going to give these Bigshots pocket money has his left hand shaken and almost accidentally presses F in return, "..."

In the meantime, Fu Zhen who was not mentioned complained, "What about me?"

Fu Yue scoffed, "Earn it on your own."

Fu Zhen: "..."

Despite feeling unjust, Fu Zhen still trudged to the Top Lane and was forced to face a big ugly monster all by himself.

In this match, Wei Chen played Shadow and his rune was extremely aggressive. His intention was pretty obvious. Therefore, Fu Yue being his reliable partner went for utility build to support and front lining for him.

Squatting down in the bush, the four didn't engage in the fight even after the enemy Jungler and Bot Laners appeared in their vision.

Those three didn't suspect anything. The Bot Laners helped leash the buff before walking away and leaving the Jungler alone.

The moment those two disappeared, Chase tossed his bandage and landed on the enemy Jungler stunning him in the process.

The enemy Jungler had his health reduced by 20% from being beaten by the buff, therefore, he couldn't withstand the damage coming from four people and gave away the first blood to Shadow.

His Bot Laners noticed his dilemma and hastily turned around. However, not only was it too late to save their Jungler they even got themselves into trouble.

Father Fu somehow managed to knock the two up and Fu Yue promptly followed with another CC. In the meantime, Daddy An was slowly tickling their health with his AAs.

After no longer being rooted in place, the enemy ADC immediately flashed away only to meet with Shadow's clones that were placed from over the wall.

After securing the blue buff, Shadow was the first to hit level 2. One of his clones was placed near the support while another was blocking the ADC's retreating path.

As a result, after tossing his AA and another W, Wei Chen easily amassed two kills achieving a triple kill in the blink of an eye.

The two elders were impressed and generously gave him a few thumb-up emotes in a row to which Wei Chen humbly replied in the team chat: [Well played, Uncles.]

Seeing his Captain being so obedient, Fu Yue couldn't help but chuckle, "Father takes Dad to farm. No need to play too safe. Your enemies have no sums and their Jungler would be topside."

[Great Emperor Fu: Ok.]

As anticipated, the enemy Jungler knew that his bot camps were likely raided by Shadow so he immediately rushed to the enemy blue jungle to steal some camps.

However, his trip was bound to be nothing but a waste of time.

Fu Yue leisurely called his neglected big brother over to their blue, "Ge, come to get the free kill."

After the previous battle, he recalled to base and used his teleport to go back to Mid Lane.

As a result, he didn't lose many farms in comparison to his opponent. To be exact, with the addition of extra gold from three assists, the enemy Mid-Laner couldn't contest with him in the lane at all.

Thanks to this, Fu Yue was able to catch the enemy Jungler in the act. Together with his big brother, the poor Jungler was sent back to the fountain for a second time without getting a single camp in return.

Fu Yue didn't stop there though. After catching the wave, he ran to steal the enemy top camps together with his big brother leaving nothing for the poor jungler.

While Fu Yue was running amok in the enemy topside jungle, Wei Chen who finished robbing the entire enemy botside jungle made a trip to the bot lane.

The couple acted immediately after receiving his signal. Although their play was quite sloppy, it was enough to set a decent gank for Wei Chen.

Missing the wave a while ago, the enemy bot laners were down by one level with ADC having no flash and Support having no heal.

Even though the two were playing safe under the turret, it was still not enough.

Wei Chen casually exited from the enemy jungle and came from behind them. Placing his clones, he threw his attacks in their direction chunking off a huge amount of health and letting Daddy An finish them off.

[Number009: Uncles, you can reset after taking a turret plate.]

Understanding that the two elders wouldn't know the timing of going back to spend their gold and coming back to catch the wave, Wei Chen kindly gave them instructions.

Afterward, he went into his jungle and continued to clear his camps.

In contrast, the enemy jungler walked into his empty jungle and almost vomited blood due to anger.

With nothing to do, he was forced to go ganking to offset the damage.

Sneaking into the bot lane, he patiently waited for the enemy to push the wave. His bot laners acted well and baited them into the fight.

Seeing the time was ripe, he finally joined in the fight only to see that Chase at some point also arrived, and most importantly, he actually hit level six!

The enemy jungler watched with wide eyes as Chase shamelessly stole his Ult and used it against them.

His hero, Qiao was a hunter with the power to control the earth element. His Ult was a wide area root ability. It was extremely good with engaging and disengaging.

Wasting no time, Fu Yue stole the Ult and used it instantly giving no time for his enemies to flee.

Being rooted in place, the trio was forced to receive the beating. Once they were freed both support and jungler flashed away leaving their ADC to die alone.

Unfortunately, familiar spooky clones once again reappeared blocking their way. Shadow who has been hiding since who knows when finally came out of his invisibility.

Even though the two managed to flash under their turret, Chase helped to pull the turret aggro and gentlemanly waited for Shadow to kill them before casually walking away.

With such a successful gank, their team moved to grab the dragon and reset.

As an experienced Jungler, Wei Chen knew fully well that the enemy Jungler would target their bot lane.

One scary thing about playing against Shadow was that it was hard to keep track of his whereabouts. Due to his invisibility, he could bypass the vision without being spotted while moving around all over the map.

Not to mention, Wei Chen knew the game like the back of his hand. He could avoid the vision under the cover of the fog and roamed the map without being spotted.

With the addition of a strong partner like Fu Yue, Wei Chen could play to his full potential without needing to worry about anything.

In the meantime, Fu Zhen watched on as his family had exciting fights one after another unlike him who had been killed three times with no one paying heed to him.

[Crown Prince Zhen: When will you guys visit my lane ah?]

[Great Emperor Fu: Heh. Why should they invest in such a losing lane?]

[Empress An: Ah Zhen, how come you are even worse than us, old people?]

[Crown Prince Zhen: ... Are you guys still my parents??]

[No Inted Just Bad: Serve you right lol]

[Crown Prince Zhen: This lil brat!]

[No Inted Just Bad: :p]

[Empress An: :p]

At this point, Wei Chen's image of the prestigious Fu family completely crumbled. However, he was not disappointed.

Knowing that Fu Yue grew up in such a harmonious family, he couldn't help but smile while watching their interactions.

[Number009: Everyone moves to Young Saint.]

With such a huge lead, killing the Young Saint on spawn was not a hard task.

Still, the enemy team refused to give a Young Saint away for free. As a result, all 10 players faced off in the river and Captain Wei finally witnessed his teammates' true essence.

Dange had a dash ability that could taunt the enemy or be used for escape.

Captain Wei watched on as their Dange taunted a tanky support instead of their DPS and flashed to bang against the wall immediately after.

On another hand, Ilay had a knock ability and was able to dash to his ally to give them a shield and heal.

However, he seemed to be unaware of the fact that his eldest son was being beaten and required immediate assistance. Rather, he continued to circle his ADC and shield him from any possible dangers.

When the fight broke out, their ADC motionlessly stood in one spot behind Ilay and AA'ed the closest target without much thought about his position or input buffering.

Captain Wei seemed to have no recollection of seeing their ADC using any abilities other than his auto attacks...

After having a moment of silence, Wei Chen wordlessly moved his gaze away and conscientiously worked with his Chase to dominate the field.

One threw the crowd into chaos and terror with his aggressiveness while another took the chance to fish in troubled water and collected the heads.

The result was imaginable.

"Number009 has slain an enemy!"

"Double kill!"

"Triple kill!"



"Number009 is Kind Of A Big Deal!"

The enemy team who only managed to kill a useless Dange: "..." Was it because it was Chinese New Year so they ran into these two Great Gods in a casual match????

Initially, the team was flaming their nonexistent Jungler and Mid Laner but at the moment they felt that it was simply a matter of skill gap...

Coming back to the lobby, Fu Zhen who practically rode on Fu Yue's and Wei Chen's coattails smirked.

[Crown Prince Zhen: As expected, in the first game, the problem lay in our unreliable Jungler not us.]

Fu Yue: "..."

Wei Chen: "..."

Not wanting his big brother to further damage his reputation, Fu Yue quickly switched the topic.

[No Inted Just Bad: One more game before we stop?]

[Crown Prince Zhen: Let's go!]

[Great Emperor Fu: Ok.]

[Empress An: kk~]

[Number009: Mn.]

With a Great Buddha such as Silence by his side, Fu Yue could bring his family to fly and take another overwhelming victory.

The party was soon disbanded and Fu Yue sent a private chat to Wei Chen.

[No Inted Just Bad: Captain, thank you very much! I will treat you to a big meal after going back!]

[Number009: No need to.]

[No Inted Just Bad: Hey, I don't feel good not doing anything! This time and the previous time too!]

[Number009: OK then.]

[No Inted Just Bad: It feels like ages since I have seen you haha. Well then, Happy Chinese New Year! See you soon at the base :)]

[Number009: Happy Chinese New Year.]

Receiving this reply, Fu Yue was about to exit the chat thinking that their conversation had come to an end. Unexpectedly, the chat interface displayed that Wei Chen was currently typing something which made his cursor hover on top of the 'x'.

[Number009: Me too.]

[Number009: Not seeing you feel weird.]

Fu Yue's mind instantly exploded and his face was as red as a cooked shrimp.

Next chapter