

Alexander a young assassin gets summoned into another galaxy. A Galaxy full of cultivators, a Galaxy full of mysteries, demons and mythical beasts. A Galaxy with bloodlines that contains Unimaginable powers. Alex was bestowed special bloodlines by his summoners. But he didn't want it, he felt that his only purpose in life was to destroy those that caused him grief, pain and suffering. Now that he had been summoned to a new Galaxy with no way back, He felt depressed and dejected. With new powers and a new Galaxy, Alex decided that his new purpose in life is to find a purpose in life.. Watch as he gets stronger, fights through his enemies and tribulations and finds out what this Galaxy could offer him. DISCLAIMER: THE COVER OF MY BOOK IS NOT MINE. IT WAS BORROWED.

the_fallen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
589 Chs


Al only chuckled in response to Alex's reaction. After that, Alex poured his focus back into the 3D projection of the city, taking note of the points that the system marked as places that contained wells.


"5,6,7…" Alex counted out loud. "Wait a minute, doesn't this match the 7 sources?"


['It matches the 7 sources,'] Al and Alex said at the same time.


['Lex, your thinking is starting to look much more convincing to me,'] Al commented.


"Does that mean that there's 7 Blood Pond in Nord? Or only one and it's located in one of the wells?" Alex wondered.


['That could be the case, however, it could be a coincidence. It could also be that the wells are connected and all of them lead to one pond as a whole.'] Xander analyzed.


"Al, what do you think the chances of it being a coincidence are?" Alex asked.