
The Merchant Of The Multiverse

Nixon never thought that he would eventually walk the same path of business as his father did, the difference was that Nixon's line of work was going to be on an entirely different level compared to his father. Having been chosen to take on the mantle of the Omniversal Merchant System, he finds himself wandering across the entire Omniverse selling all kinds of things. Let them be weapons, foods, and more. However, do keep in mind, he isn't a normal businessman.

EndlessAbaddon · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Into The Unknown

If this chapter reads a bit awkwardly, then it's most likely due to my current state. I had accidentally drunk quite a bit of alcohol and it's getting to my head, and I'm also underage for that kind of thing, but we move.

Also, I decided to make a minor change to the Status screens of the system. Instead of calling the parameter Intellect, I'm going to change it to be Wisdom. This is just a small change as to not confuse people to think that Intellect refers to how smart someone is.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter.


At the current time, Nixon could be seen sitting inside of the local bookstore as he had a stack of books piled up on the desk that he was sitting at. He had one book open that he was reading through, and Guoba was also reading as he was sitting on the desk with one of the other books open.

The reason for him being here was that he wanted to increase his Wisdom stat before heading off to train, and he wanted more mana just in case he ran into stronger monsters like that goblin he had fought. He doubted that the boss he fought was all that strong compared to other things out there, so more reason to improve his stats.

Unfortunately, he had learnt that this city didn't actually even have a library. Apparently, only the capital city had one. So, he was probably going to have to buy some books at some point to read, they shouldn't be too expensive though.

The same could be said for Guoba, Nixon wanted him to also increase his mana capacity. The little bear also needed to get some serious training in as from what he had seen from the stats of the regular humans within the city, Guoba had similar stats to your average young teenager. So, training was definitely in order.

Anyway, reading right now was him killing two birds with one stone. Not only were they increasing their magic points, but they were also learning some useful things. Right now, the book that Nixon was reading through detailed him on the geography of the kingdom and about the surrounding areas.

Apparently, this city was a part of a kingdom called Elfanica, quite an interesting name to say the least. Along with that, Crimonia was not too far off from a rather large body of water where a large lake was located, which was also where another city was located across the massive snowy mountains.

According to the information that he was reading, it was a seaside town called Millela. Apparently, due to the freezing cold and vast mountain range separating both locations, Crimonia is unable to form any kind of relationship with Millela due to it. Quite the unfortunate circumstance.

"Man, I wouldn't mind some seafood..." Nixon frowned slightly as he read through the book. From what he has seen so far, Crimonia only had freshwater fish in stock. His father was a professional chef, and he had learnt a lot of recipes from him, let it be French, Japanese, Chinese, a lot of different cuisines. "I'd love some sushi right now..."

Well, there really wasn't any point in complaining about it. If he ever gets strong enough, he'll risk traveling over those mountains. He wasn't even sure what lived on the mountains, so he wanted to get stronger just in case whatever dangerous beasts roam atop it are like.

Anyway, aside from the geography.

It seemed that this type of information that they were reading was quite important, which Nixon wasn't surprised by, and were helping them increase their Wisdom parameters pretty fast. He had also already finished resupplying his mana reserves, so once they finish reading, they should be good to go off and train.

Speaking of training, Nixon already had a good spot he had managed to locate in one of the books he had already read. Apparently, there was a rocky area just a bit off from the city to the East that has a number of monsters inhabiting it. So, should be a good spot to train.


"Alright, nice job, Guoba!"

Right now, Nixon was training by killing a number of monsters that he had encountered in the rocky area that he had arrived at. Guoba was also training as they were both just fighting against the monsters, though Nixon obviously had to find weaker ones so that Guoba could at least have a chance.

The majority of the monsters in this area were a bit too much for Guoba to handle at the moment, though they were relatively easy for Nixon with his current stats. However, the training was going well as Guoba had levelled up a few times, as well as Nixon going up two levels from the constant wave of monsters.

Speaking of Guoba, Nixon had already tested trying to allocate the few status points he had after gaining those two levels, but no cigar. It appears that Guoba's stats went up naturally through levels up, just like his own stats did.

Basically, it seems that getting stronger was just more difficult for Guoba as he didn't have the ability to allocate status points, though he did at least increase by two in his physical parameters like Nixon did after each level.

Nixon wasn't sure whether or not he liked that, the reasons being that it would be harder for Guoba to get stronger as he either needed to depend on constantly levelling up or if they could find items. The other reason was that Nixon wouldn't know what to think if Guoba ended up becoming stronger than him, that would be something...

Though, there was one other difference. Guoba seemed to be gaining three Endurance points per level up instead of just two, so that was more than enough to tell Nixon that Guoba was probably going to be a tank type. Along with the fact that he only gained one points for Strength and Agility per level instead.

Nixon's money had also increased since he had sold those items, such as the Wolfe Pelt and also the Common Mana Gems as well as the rare one. While they weren't worth a whole lot, money was still money, so he won't be complaining.



Name: Nixon Colress

Age: 16

Title: None

Race: Human

System Coins: 5,486

Player Level: 18 [EXP: 16/220]

Merchant Level: 2 [EXP: 5/200]

Status Points: 4

Health Points: 570/570

Mana Points: 960/1,080

● Strength: 74 <+0>

● Agility: 61 <+0>

● Endurance: 57 <+0>

● Wisdom: 54 <+0>

● Luck: 15 <+0>



Name: Guoba

Race: Guoba Bear

Level: 8 [EXP: 26/120]

Health Points: 310/310

Mana Points: 400/420

● Strength: 17 <+0>

● Agility: 17 <+0>

● Endurance: 31 <+0>

● Wisdom: 21 <+0>

● Luck: 20 <+0>


"Alright, I think we can take a break now, Guoba. Gather your energy." Nixon decided as he looked around to see that there were no monsters around them right now. Guoba nodded his head before dropping down onto his bottom and trying to catch his breath.

Unlike Nixon, Guoba didn't have things like the Gamer's Mind and the Gamer's Body, so exhaustion was still a thing he needed to consider when out in the field like this with the little bear. Plus, Guoba deserved a good rest as he was levelling up nicely.

Anyway, as Guoba was resting, Nixon decided to allocate the four status points he had into the agility stat as he liked to use his speed in fights. His strength was good for now, and if he increased his speed to allow him to react and move faster, he probably wouldn't have to worry too much when it came to increasing his Endurance as he could doge attacks easier.

Nixon then sat down quietly as he started absorbing the surrounding lightning spirits, he wanted to refill the small amount of mana he had lost during the previous fights. Similar to the residents of this world, it seemed that Guoba was capable of naturally regenerating his mana.

"System, can I control the electricity that forms within the clouds?" This was something that Nixon was curious about as he continued using his powers. Also, he didn't bother just thinking this question in his head as Guoba was already very well aware of the system, he was summoned by it after all.

『It will be impossible for the user to control any form of lightning or electricity that isn't directly produced from the user's own power. However, it will only be possible to manipulate foreign forms of lightning and electricity when the user utilises the power of the contract itself. Only then will the user be capable of such』

"When will I exactly be able to use the contract's full power...?"

『At full proficiency』

"Long way to go then..." Nixon sighed a bit as he had yet to level up the proficiency level of the contract despite how much he used his lightning abilities. He knew that it would increase the more he used it, though how long that will take is the main question. "Do you know how long until my proficiency level increase?"

『That entirely depends on the user』

"Should have guessed..." Nixon shrugged as it was pretty obvious. It was really mainly up to him how quick it would take to increase his proficiency, it was his choice whether to continue using the power or not after all. "Guess I just need to keep going at it."

*Guoba Noises*

Nixon just chuckled before patting Guoba on his head as the small black and red bear nodded his head while folding his stubby arms. It could honestly take weeks, months, years? He wasn't entirely sure, just that he would eventually get there.

*Loud Guoba Noises*

"What's wrong, Guoba?" Nixon rose an eyebrow in confusion when he heard Guoba yelling, and while also waving his arms up and down while sitting. Guoba then pointed to the left, causing Nixon to look over in confusion to see just what had caused the bear to act in such a way. "Hm? What's that supposed to be?"

Nixon was confused as well as he looked to see that what Guoba was pointing towards was what looked to be some kind of markings on the side of the cliff. The markings weren't normal either as they were seemingly drawn onto the cliff with some kind of ethereal light.

Confused, Nixon decided to stand up as he decided to walk over to get a closer look, Guoba quickly followed behind him as he did so. When he got up next to it, Nixon rose an eyebrow as the marking looked to be depicting two bones crossed over one another.

"System, do you know what this is?" Nixon asked in a confused manner as he traced his hand along the marking, it oddly felt just like the system screen. Looking closer, Nixon could see that the marking wasn't actually on the cliff, it was hovering ever so slightly away from it.

『User has discovered one of the many dungeons that can be found across different worlds. These markings can only be seen by those affiliated with the system, and allow the user to enter into a separate realm where the user will be required to fight through different enemies to complete』

『By completing the dungeons, the quality of the rewards that will be given to the user will depend on the difficulty of the dungeon. Each dungeon can also only be completed once, and there is a cooldown of three days if the user fails to complete the dungeon』

"I see, so that's why Guoba could see it." Nixon nodded his head. Since Guoba was indeed afiliated with the system, being summoned by it and all, he was able to see these markings like Nixon could. Also, dungeons. They sound interesting. "Are all of them completely random?"

『Indeed. All dungeons, despite the location that they are found, will be completely random. For example, you might find one in a volcano, but the dungeon could be water themed. For this dungeon, it is a dungeon that has a skeleton theme. The difficulty of the dungeon is also random, but that won't change even if you fail and retry it』

"Skeletons, huh? That explains the bones." Nixon commented casually as he once again traced his fingers over the crossbones. Much to his surprise, a screen popped up in front of him this time. He quickly calmed down though as he read over what he was given curiously.


『Skeleton Tomb』

Recommended Level: 15


● 4,000 System Coins

● Random Skill Book

● Mage's Crown


Nixon held his chin in thought as he read over the information, and he was at least glad that the recommended level was below his own. The recommended level was usually something that referred to what level is recommended you be before challenging such things, and it was a level that was placed to tell you that you had a fair chance of completing it.

The fact that the recommended level for this particular dungeon was below his own, despite three levels not being much, it still meant that he had over a fifty-percent chance of beating the dungeon. That reassured him at least, at least he wasn't going to get steamrolled.

『Do keep in mind, user. The bosses of the dungeons tend to be stronger than what the recommended level would suggest, so it would be best to prepare in advance before challenging. However, this time around, you should be fine』

"Okay, that's important to keep in mind then... Well, if should be fine, then I might as well give it a shot." Nixon smiled as he looked at Guoba. "Well, I've finished refilling up my mana. You good to go, Guoba? I say we give this dungeon a shot while we're here. We are here for training after all."

*Determined Guoba Noises*

"Alright then, then let's get going." Nixon smiled as he saw Guoba pump both his fists up with a firm nod. Nixon then tapped onto the screen, which caused it to close down before the markings gave off a bright glow before what looked to be a portal appeared in front of him. "Let's go!"


The dungeon itself was just as the name stated, it was a massive tomb of sorts with all kinds of coffins that were placed inside of what looked to be indents built into the stone brick walls. The place itself displayed itself to be very old in appearance, the broken down debri being evident for that.

Anyways, the skeletons that they had encountered thus far since entering the dungeon weren't too strong. True, the skeletons so far were stronger than those goblins from before when Nixon saved Lurina, the exception being the boss and his 'generals'. However, even the boss wouldn't display himself as much of a threat now to Nixon since he had grown much stronger since that time.

Nixon had managed to grow two levels as they made their way through the dungeon though, so at least he had gotten stronger. Guoba leveled up around five times already, though was definitely slowing down due to the amount of experience needed to level up continued to grow.

His Agility also made it easy to maneouvre around the skeletons without taking damage as they were relatively slow, and his speed now was pretty much as high as his Strength was. So, due to the speed difference, they could make it through pretty easily.

Also, Nixon kinda had to carry Guoba as he wasn't nearly as fast.

Moving on, it had probably been around an hour or so since they entered the dungeon. Most of the time honestly was just them running or walking through the damn place, and not killing monsters inside. Currently, he was running through a hallway while Guoba sat on his right shoulder.

"Freaking finally...!" Nixon clicked his tongue as he saw that the hallway was coming to an end. It felt like ages since he had started running through this tunnel and he was getting sick of just seeing an endless view of stone bricks. "Be careful, Guoba. Don't know what's on the other side!"

*Understanding Guoba Noises*

Even though Guoba had levelled up a good number of times thanks to the enemies, he was still definitely not able to take down the relatively stronger few skeletons they had come across. He didn't want Guoba dying, so he mainly had him fight from the sidelines by eating chilis and firing torrents of fire.

This was to allow Guoba to get stronger while not risking him dying. He wasn't sure if Guoba was able to respawn, so Nixon didn't want Guoba to end up dying since he had grown very much attached to the little guy. Seeing him just die would be painful as hell.

Exiting the hallway, Nixon widened his eyes as he found himself standing in front of what appeared to be a massive room. From the looks of it, the place looked to be some kind of shrine as there was a large staircase leading up towards something up top.

There were also stone pillars lined up that lead towards the throne on either side of the smoothened out walkway that lead to the stairs, a number of them were destroyed and had collapsed onto the ground with debri all over the place.

"If this ain't no boss room, I don't know what is..." Nixon deadpanned as he remained on guard, Guoba couldn't agree more as he gave his own cries of agreement. Jumping off of Nixon's shoulder, Guoba got himself ready as well as he quickly conjured up a large red chili that he held with both arms above his head.

Not long after they entered the room, the writings that were present on the pillars leading towards the shrine seemed to start glowing faintly as the shrine itself at the top of the stairs seemed to begin glowing in response as well.

Nixon narrowed his eyes as he prepared himself for the upcoming battle, which was no doubt about to be in this room as he could literally see something at the top of the stairs. From the looks of it, it was a figure that looked to be crawling out from what Nixon would assume was probably another coffin like the others he had seen.

However, once the figure fully emerged, he could see that it was far different compared to the others. No surprise there. It was also skeleton, but was wearing a hooded purple cloak that was rather tattered and ripped at certain places, along with having a few gold accesories hanging on its bones. Finally, the skeleton had a silver staff and also crimson glowing eyes.

The figure gazed down towards them before giving a raspy shriek.



Name: Skeletal Arch Mage

Race: Skeleton

Level: 30

Health Points: 1,000/1,000

Mana Points: 4,000/4,000

● Strength: 40 <+0>

● Agility: 15 <+0>

● Endurance: 100 <+0>

● Wisdom: 200 <+0>

● Luck: 5 <+0>


'Jeez, this guy's pretty up there in the physical category, especially in Endurance... Arch mage too, no wonder for that huge amount of damn mana.' Nixon was immediately alerted when he saw the power that this boss had, and if this skeleton wasn't the boss of this dungeon, than he was going to go insane. 'Talk about a crazy boss for a level fifeen dungeon, what the hell...'

If memory served, he did manage to defeat that boss goblin dude in the forest when he was around level twelve or something, and that guy was pretty close to this guy. However, this skeleton would definitely prove to be a far more difficult opponent due to two reasons.

One being that its Endurance parameter was incredibly high, so it would probably take quite a bit of time to take it down. The other being its large mana reserves, and he wasn't sure what kind of spells this skeleton would be able to use.

He wasn't too concerned about its strength as his was more than enough to overpower the skeleton if they were to get into a hand to hand fight, and he was especially not concerned about its Agility since that parameter was pretty pathetic, only being at fifteen.

"Guoba, same tactics as before. Stay on the sidelines, get a shot in with your fire whenever you can. You're also faster than it, so dodge if you need." Nixon quickly told Guoba as the bear nodded in response. "Alright, then let's get started!"

The boss seemed to take the lead as it began walking down the stairs while forming what looked to be purple orbs of energy in its hands. Nixon began slowly running forwards as he continued to fire bolts of lightning towards the skeleton, and the attacks didn't seem to cause much damage. He wasn't surprised though as he wasn't putting too much mana into them.

He wanted to see what his opponent had for him first before he risked exhausting himself.

"Guess this dude ain't too smart, though he is brainless. Quite literally..." Nixon muttered as he noticed that the boss was firing constant waves of attacks despite none of them really coming too close to hitting him. From the looks of it, they held quite the bit of power, so he using up his mana for no reason.

Quickly running up to the boss, Nixon crouched down to avoid a wave of magic that was sent at him before he began throwing punches at incredible speeds. He did make sure to produce as much electricity as he could throughout his body as he was going to take the chance to cause as much damage as possible.

"Hm?" Nixon was certainly surprised when the boss suddenly released a flash of pure light from his being. The 'attack' was instantaneous, so Nixon had no chance to close his eyes or look away as he found himself blinded by the light. "What the hell...?!"

Nixon forced his eyes open, though they were narrowed quite a bit even though the flash of light had stopped. He saw the boss already having charged up another attack, this one three times as large as the previous orb attacks that had been sent.

'Damn, this guy's smarter than I gave him credit for...!'

However, there was one thing that the boss didn't seem to take into account. For that matter, even Nixon hadn't even taken this into account...

*Loud Guoba Noises*

Suddenly, Guoba jumped right into front of Nixon before firing off a powerful blast of fire from his mouth. The flames were intense enough to cause the boss to cry out before staggering backward as its attack was directed upwards due to the boss losing control over it. The attack having blown up when it collided with the ceiling.

"Yes, Guoba! You absolute legend!"

That attack had quite the amount of power, so it would have hurt quite a bit if it hit. Not literally, but you get what I mean. True, it seems that the attack that Guoba did also took quite a bit of mana as well, so Nixon was not going to put that attack to waste.

Taking the chance while the boss was still recovering, Nixon ran up quickly before elbowing the skeleton in the chest, to which he then gave a few more rapid punches before grabbing the boss's head and pulling it down as he kicked his knee up to strike the boss.

The attack caused the boss to recoil back before Nixon quickly delivered a spin kick, sending the boss flying backwards and crashing to the ground after bouncing a few times. Nixon quickly then stepped back as the boss actually managed to recover and land on its feet.



Health Points: 610/610

Mana Points: 720/1,080



Health Points: 460/460

Mana Points: 186/420


『Skeletal Arch Mage』

Health Points: 485/1,000

Mana Points: 2,850/4,000


"Alright, let's keep it up. I managed to do a good deal of damage to this guy, and your attack also helped with that." Nixon commented as he got into position. Guoba nodded in response while conjuring up another chili pepper. "Let's go!"

Nixon kicked off the ground and dashed forwards while producing electricity into his body, to which he decided to use a similar attack strategy he did when he fought the goblin. He continued to run back and forth while giving quick hits each time, taking full advantage of the fact that the skeleton was slow as heck.

To add more damage, Guoba was actually riding on Nixon's back while holding on tightly as to not fall off. While Nixon gave a quick punch of jab of lightning every time he ran past, Guoba would release a blast of flames that would strike the boss as well.

"Not this time!" Nixon narrowed his eyes as he saw the skeleton suddenly release another flash, though he was luckily already facing the other way and was able to dart his eyes away as quick as he possibly could to avoid seeing the flash. "I'm not being blinded by another freaking Solar Flare!"

Once the area around him suddenly dimmed, signalling that the flash was over. Nixon turned around quickly and skidded to a stop, he was just going to stand there while the flash was happening since that would be a really bad idea, evident from what almost happened last time.

"Oh, the old cliche where the boss uses a really powerful attack near the end, huh? Can't you be original?" Nixon frowned heavily as he saw the boss suddenly holding its staff high into the sky, a MASSIVE freaking ball of pure mana that could honestly act as the freaking sky. "I'm in Dark Souls, aren't I? Bosses are unforgiving..."

*Shaky Guoba Noises*

"I know, buddy. Kind of in a pickle here..." Nixon twitched his eyebrows as he stared up at the massive attack. There was absolutely no way for him to avoid it, even with his speed. Oh yeah, did I mention the entrance was blocked off? How convenient. "Is this guy trying to suicide bomb all of us?"

Nixon quickly glanced to the status screen of the boss and saw that it was literally pouring every single remaining ounce of magic power into this one attack, it was definitely trying to suicide bomb. Considering that he wasn't exactly all that tanky, he'd either die or suffer greatly...

Neither him or Guoba had taken damage so far, but this massive ass attack would certainly kill them. Well, it would certainly kill Guoba, and most likely Nixon as well. Considering the amount of health the boss had as well, it would kill it as well with them.

So, yeah. A suicide attack.

"Wait, I still have THAT, don't I? I hope this freaking works..." Nixon gulped slightly as he was literally putting all his money into this other skill. It was the third skill that he had in his possession, it was the eyes. "Guoba, it's either this works, or we're doomed."

*Panicked Guoba Noises*

"Here we go..." Nixon concenrated on his eyes as he closed them for a second. When he opened them, he felt a strange sensation pass through them before they began giving off a faint purple glow. Soon after, a crimson complicated insignia soon appeared within his pupils, glowing brightly with beautiful radiance. 'Woah...'

Once he activated the eyes, he looked at the massive ball of magic and could now see the density as well as the flow of magic flowing through the orb. Soon enough, once he focused entirely on the ball, that flow of magic began to shatter slowly before speeding up rapidly.

Soon enough, the large attack that was about to be sent down upon them completely dispersed in an explosion of light before completely disappearing. The skeleton took a step back in shock as its attack was rendered useless, and with no more mana to its name, it really had no chance of winning.

True, it was slowly regenerating it back, but not fast enough.

"Let's finish this!" Nixon shouted before using the rest of the mana he had. Using those eyes to disperse that powerful attack used up the majority of his mana, which was understandable considering how much power that one held.

Using the rest of what he had, he dashed towards the skeleton before slamming it into the ground. Guoba had grabbed onto Nixon before he had done this, so he jumped off and fired another blast of fire onto the boss, to which Nixon then grabbed the boss before throwing him at the wall across the large room.

The boss crashed into the wall, causing a crater to form as he laid their damaged heavily. Nixon wasn't done yet as he quickly charged forwards straight after he had thrown the boss, to which he appeared in front of the skeleton before unleashing a barrage of lightning-powered punches.

To finished off, Nixon put the remaining mana he had entirely into his fists before holding them both high above his head, to which he then slammed them down with as much force as he could possibly produce. The result was another crater that caused the previous one to triple in size as the boss himself shattered, the only thing remaining was the cloak that soon began to disappear as well.

『You have levelled up x6!』

『Guoba has levelled up x8!』

『Received Arch Bone Bracelet x1』

Due to his inability to get tired, despite the battle that had just occured, Nixon calmly walked out from the crater that he had created and began walking back over to where Guoba was. He didn't have to walk all the way though as Guoba ran over towards him.

"Nice work, Guoba. You did great."

*Proud Guoba Noises*

"I honestly didn't expect this dungeon's boss to be this challenging. The system did say the bosses will tend to be stronger the the recommended level says, but this was ridiculous." Nixon couldn't help but shake his head as he would definitely make sure to prepare more before thinking of challenging other dungeons if he finds them.

Especially ones that would prove to be even tougher than this one did.

"What's this bracelet, anyway?" Nixon couldn't help but wonder as he noticed the notification for the drop after killing the boss. He quickly took the bracelet out of his inventory, and it appeared to be a metallic bone-white braelet with a black skull with white eyes attached to it as a jewel of sorts. Nixon quickly used his Appraise skill on it.


● Arch Bone Bracelet - [A rare bracelet once worn by a powerful mage of an ancient civilisation. Wearing the bracelet grants the wearer with +30 Endurance and increases one's regeneration speed by 20, as well as doubling the rate of gain for Wisdom when reading] [Rarity: Epic] [Quality: 95/100] [Worth: 18,000 System Coins]


"Okay, that sounds really damn useful." Nixon muttered as he looked at the information he was given. He immediately slipped his left hand through the bracelet as it now hung slightly on his left wrist, and when he checked his current status now, he did notice the change



Name: Nixon Colress

Age: 16

Title: None

Race: Human

System Coins: 5,486

Player Level: 26 [EXP: 10/300]

Merchant Level: 2 [EXP: 5/200]

Status Points: 12

Health Points: 1,030/1,030

Mana Points: 0/1,080

● Strength: 90 <+0>

● Agility: 85 <+0>

● Endurance: 73 <+30>

● Wisdom: 54 <+0>

● Luck: 15 <+0>


'Oh, so that's what those brackets mean.' Nixon nodded with a smile as he read the status. It seems that the brackets beside the parameters are what stats have been added through things like accessories and armour, such being this new bracelet he had just gotten. While he was here, he might as well add those twelve points.

Since his Endurance right now was good, he was just going to place six into each of the two remaining parameters. That being Strength and Agility, which were lagging a bit behind now thanks to the bracelet giving a boost to his Endurance.

This bracelet also costed a whole lot of cash, and if you do the math. If a gold here in this world was worth 500 System Coins, then this bracelet that he had on right now costs a grand total of 36 damn gold coins. The incredible cost probably was also thanks to his incredibly high quality.

He doubted anyone would want to buy this from him since it would sketchy as hell, but he wouldn't sell it anyway. The effects the bracelet gave were worth holding onto, unless he gets something better later on. Though, he could probably stack effects of equipped items, so he might not want to get rid of it.

"Well, aside from that. I think we're finished here, you ready to go, Guoba?"

*Cheerful Guoba Noises*

"Alright, the portal opened up, so let's get going." True to his words, the very same kind of portal taht they entered to get to this place opened at the bottom of the stairs leading to the shrine. They both calmly walked on over towards it before passing through.


『Dungeon Cleared』

Recommended Level: 15


● 4,000 System Coins

● Random Skill Book

● Mage's Crown
