
The Merc System.

Due to the overbearing waste of mankind, earth got knocked off balance by the impurities. Which resulted to violent weather conditions, and disturbing mutations in both man and animal. The government quickly built-in interconnected underground strongholds in various states and countries, for the survivors who were immune to the mutation to take refuge in. But something strange was later on discovered... Some of the survivors began displaying potentials of magical abilities, and after a series of research by the government, they decided to launch a life-like game which would increase the chances of an individual gaining a magical ability. - Jayden Logan had gained a system instead of a magical ability before the launch of 'Hope online', but when he discovered he could only summon a slingshot rifle with throwing knives, he became too embarrassed to tell anyone, and gave people the impression that he was powerless. He was hoping on 'Hope online' to magnify his chances of gaining a magical ability... but things just never go as planned in this accursed world.

AuthoRed · Games
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26 Chs

Galaxion Gunner

Jayden was dumbfounded at the notifications, and was unsure of how to react to it. He looked to Mia who's face was hidden in shadows, and was about to ask if she had also seen the notifications, when she spoke first.

"To be sincere, I thought you'd fail the test"

Mia said with a relieved tone, and stood up from her throne seat.

"W-what's this all about?"

Jayden asked in confusion.

"The contract I told you about. You'll have to go through a random trust test, to prove you are a worthy candidate... And I was chosen to be your test"

Mia replied, as she stepped out of the shadows encasing her throne seat.

"Wait, what?!... So if I had agreed with you..."

Jayden asked in shock.

"You would've failed the Goddess of Hope's test, but, might still be contracted by an opposing God"

Mia, who was putting on a baggy leather jacket, with a fitted tactical pants, walked up to Jayden with a scarf covering most of her face.

"... Was asking 'If I was happy with you' and 'what I would do if you were go missing' also part of the test?"

Jayden asked after a while keeping silent.

"Nope, those were personal... You should be beaming your brightest smile right now, what's with the awkward questions?"

Mia said as she crossed her arm over Jayden's shoulder.

"So... Do you have magic, or..."

Jayden asked as he glanced at Mia.

"Nope, I have no such. And yes, I'm just a Merc System. Sulk it up!"

Mia replied amusingly.

"Don't touch me! I'm still not happy with you"

Jayden said, as he pulled Mia's gloved hand off his shoulder.

"Just so you know. I shot you on purpose, not because I was angry or anything like that"

Mia said, as she crossed her arm over Jayden's shoulder again.

"Why would you do that?"

Jayden asked with a frown.

"Because I wanted to... and, to bring you here. I knew you'd be spawning here"

Mia said with a cheerful tone.

"What's special about here?"

Jayden asked curiously.

"The building you're currently in, is a gateway to the real Hope world, the one you'd be spending the rest of your pathetic life in"

Mia explained.

"Where exactly is this 'gateway' in the building"

Jayden asked in surprise.

"In each gateway, there's six evolved mutant guardian. Which is one for each of the chosen race... You'll have to defeat them all, before the gate makes it presence known to you"

Mia replied plainly.

"How's that possible? I got bloodily trashed by just one of them"

Jayden asked in surprise.

"What do you do when you can't accomplish something alone?"

Mia asked with a bored tone.

"I discard it..."

Jayden replied thoughtfully.

"No! You get help! You'll have to go out there and make allies. Now accept the contract!"

Mia said irritatedly.

"I accept the contract"

Jayden muttered to the notification which was still in his line of sight.

[Ding: Congratulations! You are the first follower of Elpis, the Goddess of Hope.]

[Ding: You have been gifted +50stat point, in all your stats.]

[Ding: You have been gifted a Divine weapon 'Galaxion Gunner'.]

Jayden was dumbfounded at the series of notifications which were piling up in his line of sight. He instantly felt overpowered from the +50stat which he had gained freely, and willed for the 'Galaxion Gunner' with shaky hands.

A blue exquisite laser sniper rifle instantly materialised before him, and he grabbed it in awe.

"Give me that..."

Mia forcefully took the sniper rifle from him, and began examining it with a wide smile.

"How 'Divine' is it?"

Jayden asked curiously.

"As 'Divine' as this..."

Mia said as the laser sniper rifle reformed to a laser assault rifle, then a pistol, then a flamethrower, and then a rocket launcher.

"It can be any firearm of your choice, and it doesn't use bullets, but the sorrounding energy"

Mia said with an approving nod.

"That's cool!"

Jayden exclaimed in excitement.

"That's an understatement. But, this one makes use of your soul force. The more powerful the weapon you will to be, the more tasking it'd be on your soul force"

Mia added and handed it back to Jayden in form of a shotgun.

"Won't this be more than enough to wipe out the six mutant guardians?"

Jayden asked with a wide smile.

"It should... But you won't be doing it alone. Go out there and make friends! what's the rush?"

Mia rolled her eyes and said.

"... What now?"

Jayden asked with a bored tone.


[Verified Mission: Terminate the rogue system|√]

Time limit: 24 hours.

Reward: 100 points.

Punishment: Death of Cassae.


"Who's Cassae?"

Jayden asked with a raised brow.

"The Avariel you met outside"

Mia said with a smile.

"What's a rogue system? How do I terminate it? Why should I care about Cassae's death?"

Jayden asked in confusion.

"A rogue system is a system which has taken over the body of it's host for selfish purposes, and they are usually overpowered and dangerous.

You terminate them by killing the host, which won't be easy.

And... Cassae is 'Her majesty's next candidate, so don't disappoint her"

Mia explained seriously.

"Woah!... S-so you could take over my body?"

Jayden asked in shock.

"With ease... Good luck Jay"


Mia said with a mischievous grin, and flicked her fingers.


Jayden found himself back on the king-size bed in the basement, and sighed in relief as he had thought Mia would take over his body.

He quickly scrambled to his feet and ran up the flight of stairs leading up to the steel door, and tilted it's lock-wheel to unlock it.

He summoned his Galaxion Gunner as he stepped out boldy, scanning the area vigilantly for the mutant he would test his new weapon on.



Josh muttered with a grin, as he heard sound of something speeding from his side.

/Bang! Clack! Bang! Clack! Bang!/

Just as the Githzerai mutant phased through him, Jayden shot three consecutive shots at it's head with his Galaxion Gunner, which was still in form of a shotgun.

[Triple critical hits.]

[You have killed the first guardian of Sunrise!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

I'm really sorry guys.

I've been work loaded lately, but I promise it won't happen again!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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