
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs

What are you

Tsubaki hearing what the man said was shocked as to what he wanted. (What do you mean by teacher? Do you want to learn blacksmithing? Is that what you want from us?) she asked him as he simply nodded his head in response. (Well, anything about blacksmithing in general, I need it just in case for situations, plus I suppose I'm quite sturdy when it comes to fire.) Frank said as Tsubaki then thinks about what he said. (And as an additional sign of good faith, I'll heal your goddess' eye, does that sound good?) he said as Tsubaki's eyes went wide as she heard what this man was offering. (YOU CAN HELP KAMI-SAMA'S EYE?!) she said as she grabbed Frank's shoulders as her yukata started to go down her shoulders. {Oh my go- NO STOP YOUR FOUL THOUGHTS, DO NOT FALL TO THE MACHINATIONS OF SLAANESH FRANK! CALM YOuRSELF!} Frank thought to himself as he averted his gaze from Tsubaki's bust, she noticed what Frank was doing as she looked at her breasts and smiled mischievously at Frank



(Oh~ is Franku-san trying to stay pure? Come now, why don't you take a look.) she said, trying to entice him but all of a sudden his gaze returned to her eyes and what she saw was something that she couldn't describe in normal words. It felt like anger and disappointment but something else entirely. (Miss Collbrande, you may be a pretty woman, but my time is worth much to me. Don't waste this entire deal over some bullshit like this, I may be straight but I won't tolerate any attempts to use me. It won't end well.) he said as Tsubaki was shocked at what he just said. (I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do something like that, I'm really sorry Franku-san.) she said with sincerity as Frank's eyes got warm yet again as he sighed at her actions. (I forgive you Miss Collbrande, it's just that I don't have that many good memories when it comes to female interactions. Moving on, I'll fix your goddess' eye for all of this, and you and your goddess will teach me to hammer hot metal, are we on an agreement?) Frank said as held out his hand for another handshake for formalities. (Sure then, but how can I be assured that you won't try and scam us?) she inquired as Frank simply snickered at her words. (That's by showing you right now that I am a man of my word.) he said to the Half-Dwarf as he swiftly shook her hand and disappeared along with her, the room going silent as she had left her bottle of sake in it.



/Freya POV/



{It had been a couple days since that man had given his spiel about his plans for the city, even thought they couldn't really be called plans but more like thoughts that he decided to act upon, and it turns out he's attracted to women, but he doesn't really actively look for women, scratch that he just doesn't like pushy women in general. I truly wonder how am I supposed to wonder how to seduce such a beautiful beast like him~} Freya thought to herself, as she was being "serviced" by Ottar at that moment who was about to climax. Freya simply leaped off of him and walked over to the balcony of her manor and looked at the beautiful lights of the city. (Is there something wrong Freya-sama?) the buff simp/ "child" said to his goddess as she simply took a sip of her very expensive win and shook her head.



(Ottar, I have another desire, would you be so kind as to retrieve a new toy for me? I'd be so thankful if you did~) she said as Ottar got up immediately and put on his simple clothes and greatsword. (Worry not Freya-sama, I'll head to the pleasure district immediately and see if anyone meets your conditions.) As he was about to walk out Freya simply clicked her tongue multiple times before saying to him. (I'm not feeling for those cheap toys right now Ottar, I want the new toy on the block, I want that dungeon master.) Ottar hearing the words of his goddess/mother figure had dark thoughts machinating and manifesting within his mind against the man who simply took power over a building. But unfortunately for Ottar and all other executives, whatever their goddess wants, she will get it eventually. (It will be done so Freya-sama, I merely need the time to do so.) he said as Freya hummed happily at what her child had said. (worry not Ottar dear, you have all the time you need.) hearing the words of his goddess, Ottar bowed respectfully and left to seek out the man named Frank.



After Ottar had left, Freya used her magic method to take another look at where her interest was, and surprisingly he was at the Hephaestus Familia forge, this was something that she never accounted for, but in the first place, she never really knew what to expect from that man. She took another sip from her glass and pleasured herself yet again, waiting for the moment that she could taste him in more ways than one.



/Hestia POV/



I was having a normal work day, and all of a sudden Belle came up to me and asked if I could allow her to go to the dungeon. That's why I said that I was having a normal work day, I scolded her so badly I thought her soul was about to leave her body after I said those things to her. I then sighed as she kept on pestering me for it. She then gave me two ribbons that I fell in love with, after that I started to reconsider my decision of disallowing her from going to the dungeon, so then I allowed her. But not before sending her to the Guild to get some sufficient training from the Guild staff. I'm very sure that nothing will go wrong. Yep! There's absolutely nothing wrong here! (Hestia-san! Could you man the front for me? I have another child incoming, that stupid husband of mine, always having his way with me just about every night.) said cannon fodder. (Oh that's okay then #insert name here#! I'll take your shift for now then! And tell your husband that I said hi okay?) Hestia said as as cannon fodder nodded and went to a midwife for her diagnosis. (Hopefully she doesn't get hurt.) Hestia says as she continues her mundane job of selling potato treats to just about anybody.



/White Rabbit POV/



{I finally got out of Kami-sama's grasp! Now I can go to the dungeon and become stronger to help her with money!} Belle thought to herself as she walked quickly to the Guild, mind you she was wearing shorts, so just about every man was ogling her beauty from behind and about at every angle. Belle being Belle didn't notice this until she finally arrived at the Guild, where everyone stared at her immediately, she was embarrassed and put her head down so that no one would see her expression of shame. U-Umm h-hello there, I-I'd like to register myself as an adventurer, a-and I'd like to ask for an adviser.) Belle said to the person at the desk who was a tall elf girl. (Ara? why would such a cute little girl like you want to go to the dungeon? You know that it's a very dangerous place right?) she asked as Belle swallowed her fear and told her reason as to why she wanted to go the dungeon. The elf girl then chuckled at what she said since their boss and god, Ouranos, said that there would be a prophesy about someone who came to the dungeon for the exact same reason that she said. (Well then Miss?) the elf said as Belle gave her name to the nice elf. (Belle! Belle Cranel Miss elf, I'm thirteen this year!) Belle said with pep to her voice as the elf sighed a little and shook her head Belle's actions. (My name is Eina Tulle. Belle-chan, why do you think that you would make a good adventurer?) she asked Belle as she thought of a good reason for it. (Because I'll never give up no matter what! That's why I'm a good adventurer.) Eina laughed at Belle's answer and told her (Congratulations Belle-chan, you're now allowed to go the dungeon, but please stay at the first levels for now, if you go any lower you'd get yourself killed.)



Belle nodded her head at the advice of the elf onee-san person and greeted them a good day and went straight to the dungeon with a dagger on her side. She was going to make enough for both her and her goddess and nobody was going to stop her from accomplishing her grandfather's dream of picking up cute girls in the dungeon. . . . . . . . . . . or will it?



/Back to Haruhime/



{It had been a few days since my her- I mean Frank, had returned back to the bottom floor. I was training myself and cleaning up the place since that was the only thing that I really know how to do well without messing up. The dungeon consciousness or whatever Frank called her helped me as well, doing some basic things such as providing me water for my washing. I ate some of the food that Frank left in that strange blue container, the food inside was very delicious, and they usually came with rice ,so that's nice. I keep thinking to myself about what he would be doing today if he didn't have things to do. Like the possibility of him talking to me casually or even flirting with me sometimes.} Haruhime thought to herself as she continued to wash her utensils that she used before thinking if he would flirt. Her cheeks then went red as her ears had imaginary smoke coming out of it. She shook her head and reminded herself that he wasn't looking for a relationship right now, and that he only saved her since she was pitiful in his eyes. But all she wanted to feel was his touch on her nape, his lips on her lips and his breath going on her and warming her up. while she was fantasizing about how Frank "would" violate her, the dungeon consciousness wanted to do something for her master, so she set out within her walls to see what she could do.

1760 words, alrighty then, I have a plan as to what I wanna do with Dian Cecht and Ishtar since the both of them are a bit of an annoyance. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace!

AntiLoliLewdingcreators' thoughts