
Chapter 6

"Dahlia! Wake up, it's time to do house chores" that's the first thing I hear on a Saturday morning ughhhh, I mean it's a Saturday, aren't we supposed to be sleeping in? I wish I was was not the only child I mean I love how everything is now and I would not have it any other way don't get me wrong but this house chores? Really isn't for me... well I can't say for my mom, she really loves everything and everywhere neat and properly organized, you know what I mean.

Getting my arse off the bed and putting my robes on before ma comes to do that herself. "Buenos dias ma" "Buenos dias mi amor, sleep well?" Yes, I did until you started yelling for me to get up. Huh? What are you talking about? I wasn't yelling." But ma es un sábado en el que se supone que debemos dormir." I don't care of it's a Saturday, my house has to be spotless! Urrghh, alright alright. Oh and mom, what do you mean by you did not yell for me to come down and also will be going for a party tonight with Ally and calla is it alright I go? " sweetie, you are going to a pack house in case you might have forgotten, those are where the werewolves stay, and you're a vampire. Little history, we have always had a clash with those other creatures. I don't think that is a good idea that you go. Besides they hate leeches... Leeches? Yes love, leeches at least that's what they call us. Oh yeah, I remember calla and alia said that while in school. Leeches...'cause we're blood suckers? Exactly! You see that with that you cannot go? But mom, I always have Alia and calla they'd never let me change unnecessarily, please mom.

Honey, come take a seat. I understand Alia and calla are your best friends, I totally understand that believe me but once it comes to their alpha or beta's decision they have to choice but to obey love. That's why I fear you going there. I don't know what they could do to you. You're still in the transition stage and I wouldn't want anything happening to you love, you have to understand. Mommmm, I understand believe me and I promise you nothing is going to happen to me, I think I have gotten to the stage where I can control myself now, please please I haven't actually been out much expect school and back home so please mi amor, give me this chance and if anything goes wrong ground me but please let me go. " it's like all I said went to deaf ears. Alright then, you can go but if anything happens, you're grounded" " yes boss! You got it" " now please continue with the cleaning she said shaking her head.

After all the cleaning and every other chore, we sat in for breakfast and as you might have known, due to the fact that I'm in still transitioning, my appetite is all over the place and trust me, it's not cute. My diet consist mainly of protein and carbs as I'll need more of the energy and protein to help build my strength and replacing tissues also, helping me with my night vision which is really cool by the way. It's like a full dark room but for us vampires, it's still well illuminated like literally amazing I mean you can't think you'd sneak up on me in the dark. Amazing yeah?

Sometimes I wonder if my dad misses us and wish he would come back. My mom might not have grown old, but I can see the weight of stress on her as she's far away from her mate. Maybe that's why she couldn't sleep at night? Or that's just a vampire thing? whichever it is, it's really weighing down on her. Oh! I have an idea.

"mama!!" "si amor?" why don't we go out together and do our usual girly stuff?? "huh?" si mama, let's go out and you know have fun? " but you have a party to prepare for dahlia" mom!! the party is not until tonight, we have all day to ourselves and besides it's been a long time since we done this. What'd you say?

Okay, you know I cannot say no to our little time we would spend together" alright then since we are done with the cleaning and everything there's, let's go get ready.

Going through my closet looking for what to wear, I decided to go with a pair of jeans and some sweat shirt...I mean the weather is a little cold not to cold but yeah it's cold.

"Dahlia, you all set yet?" my mom call out to me. " si mama, I'm almost done. Give me a minute and I'll be down." hurry your ass up you slowpoke" ma! What sweetie hurry up, you are quite slow you know that. " for the time being...you know I'm still transitioning, don't blame me..."just hurry up love"

I got downstairs and mom was already waiting on me right, let's go ma I'm here now... today's going to be a great day, I can feel it. Mom, what should we do first?? I know, shopping! Plus I could get some new outfits for the party tonight you know, tryna look sexy. "who tryna look sexy for dahlia?"

Mom! No one...jeez don't embarrass me now I said laughing. Mom? "yes sweetie" do vampires have mates like wolves? Do you think I'd get my mate? Is possible to have your mate as a wolf or like another mythical being? "slow down with the question missy, I'll answer all of your questions just let's do our shopping first and maybe when we sit for some lunch, I'll give you all the answers you're looking for. But first shopping!"right right, sorry ma I did not mean to want to spoil for the day with my questions. It has just been on my mind and you're right shopping first!

After about an hour or so, we got to the one of the most expensive mall in the city. "mom? this place is kinda expensive you know why don't we go to you know some thrift store, I don't think we have that kinda of money now. C'mon" " uhm what are you talking about love? We have all the money"

"Hi Mrs Anderson, how may we help you today" the shop attendant said. "Yes, Suzie we are going to the clothe isle". Suzie which happens to be the name of the shop attendant. I'm surprised as to how she knows mom, I've lots of questions to ask as soon as we're done shopping. "right this way ma'am" "thank you Suzie" she nods and went away.

As soon as we got there, I started going through all of the clothes and damn me, they were all expensive like really expensive. Immediately I went to mom "mom, these clothes here are all expensive, I can't even try them on" "babe, trust me shop as many clothes as you want we have all the money to pay for it, trust me I'll explain everything over lunch." she said

Well, that's all I needed to hear before I dived into the isle and started picking out different outfit. They were all so pretty, I did not know which to pick. But I found a few which I really like and yeah that was it for me. When we finished shopping, we went to the cashier to pay for our clothes and it was a sum total of $180,000. I heard that and my jaw dropped like literally. "close your mouth sweetie, something could get in" mom said giving the cashier her card to pay for it. "huhhh, oh right right"

"Mom, you have some explanations to do" I said immediately we got out. First, let's look for some place to eat then we talk. "Yeah, I'm starving" there's some place to eat at the mall, let's go over there. When we got there, we ordered for some chips and fries with burger and some coke.

"Dahlia, you asked a few questions before we got here" she said over the meal. Yes yes, I did. First, yes we vampires have mates like the wolves and it's no different. Sometimes, we even tend to have two mates but it's mostly common with the men than the women. Of course sweetie, you would get your mate, you are already at that point and sooner or later you would get your mate. Don't worry about it when you see him, you would know. There would be like this pull towards each other, it's amazing trust me. Alright ma, if you say so. About having mates that is not vampire, that rarely happens the most common one is with humans but with wolves that has not happened in the years I have lived. And maybe if your mate happens to be a wolf.. I don't know. I hope it's not a wolf. I hope so too, I said. About the shop? Right, that's specifically for supernaturals and your grandpa is the one who built it. "really?" "yes love, that's where I go shopping and that's why I know Suzie"

We spoke about several other things that we might get on later in the story. After eating, we went down to get our nails done, went to the movies and after a very long day, we went home. I'm so exhausted, mom said as we entered in the house. "talmbout" I packed my clothes and everything else I bought to my room and lay down on my bed. Took a nap, halfway through the nap, I got a call from calla. "hiiiii" calla you're going to burst my eardrums "what? I wasn't even shouting. Anyway, get ready we will be on our way to pick you up" wait, what? Urrgghhh, I haven't even started getting ready. What time is it again? "its like 7 girl, get your butt up and start getting ready we're on our way!" calla said and ended the call. Immediately, I stood up from my bed and started getting ready. In like 5 minutes, calla and alia were already finding their way to my room. Hey girl, you not ready yet? "Almost almost" alright hurry up!!..."okay now, I'm done" alright now let's go. Wait, bye mom!! "Wait dahlia" yes ma, if there's anything, anything else please just call me." alright mom, "promise?" "promise" alright bye mom, I gotta go! With that I left out to the party. C'mon girls! Let's go have some funnn!

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