
Chapter 4

I woke up in the arms of my mom, it has been a very long time since we last slept in each others arm. Thinking about all the things said last night about who I was and what I'm becoming was still a big news to me. I mean, I wasn't expecting none of that. I always thought to myself that I was different so to think I would become like mom and dad was shocking not that shocking but kinda I mean, you know what I mean.

The sound of my alarm reverie me out of my thinking state. Holy molly! It's monday, I'm so going to be late for school arrrgghh remind me why I have to go to school again. To graduate, have a good in life, get a well paid job dumbass" a voice in my head replied yeah well, I already know that I don't need you reminding me thank you, I replied myself and jumped out of my mother's arms.

"uh good morning honey, where are you rushing off too so early and to think I would have you in my arms a little longer what was I thinking, she laughed " well mom, in case you haven't noticed, today is monday and I have school today and now that I'm talking about it, I should go prepare for.

Oh, you cannot go to school today" that sentence stopped me half way through the stairs "you joking?" no sweetie, I'm not. You cannot go, you should call in sick or something but you cannot the leave house today, she said. Wait what?why? "mi amor, in case you haven't noticed, your thirst for blood is heighten as we speak and any little mistakes could trigger it and trust me I do no want to be called to school by your principal about how you behaved , that's it." But mom, I'll be fine, I promise to take as much precautions as I can also, don't forget I have alia and calla as my friends they would help me. "honey, those are werewolves and you're a vampire I think how we feed and do our things is way different from theirs." I know mom, I promise to be careful please pretty please. "alright but please be careful and if you feel a little off, ring my cell immediately" I'll, thanks mom with that ran up the stairs to my bedroom to get ready.

After taking a hot shower and looking at myself in the bathroom mirror, I noticed I was looking more pale than I normally look. I decided not to think much on it since I already know the cause. Picking out outfit to wear has always been a chore for me. Now, I wish calla stayed over and I would not have to find it so hard to pick an outfit. Looking through my closet like a billion time, I decided to go with a simple look. Some ripped jean and a top paired with sneakers then went on to put my hair in a ponytail, doing a light make up,making sure all the things I'll be needing for school was kept in my bag with that I left my room.

Getting downstairs, the smell of cinnamon rolls was already all over the place and mom knows I like to eat them hot and Joey but I couldn't 'cause then I would be late for school and we don't want that now do we? Instead I settled with a cup of milk and with that I left kissing my mom goodbye. "oh honey, I put the cinnamon rolls in your lunch with some blood just to you know keep you till you get back home " thanks mom, love you and I promise to be careful "Okay darling love you too, have fun."

I hopped in to baby and drove out of our drive way. Baby is my Convertible. Audi A3 Cabriolet which I got as a gift from my mom on my 16th birthday since then I have been loving him. I really don't know why I call him baby but what gives.

I got to school in like 20 minutes and packed at my usual parking space near alla and calla's car but I don't see them in school yet decided to wait in for them. I wonder what is keeping them so late. Oh, talk of the two angels here they come.I got of my car waiting for them to do the same.

We walked in to the school, the hallway, was packed with students loitering around talking about their weekends latest gossips you know usual high school stuff. Nerds, jocks, the queen bee herself rachael who thinks she's the only person in the world and everyone must bow to her. Well, news flash not everyone. When our eyes met, she gave me this really dirty look and if looks could kill I guess I'd be 6foot down but, I ain't falling for that. I could end her in seconds I thought to myself.

Hey girl what's up, alia greeted did you speak to her yet? " yes bells did you?" calla joined in. Guys, calm down yes I did. And aren't we seeing the looks racheal is giving here, we not going to talk about that? "who cares about her, she definitely something I can handle , I mean you are talking to the warrior of amber pack " calla said. Damn straight girl, this right here is my bitch! Back to what we were discussing "good, so what do she say?" well...as I was about speaking, the bell went off for our first classes just great. "we would have this discussion during lunch and don't think you would be escaping it missy" I know that, now go! I said laughing and with that we went our separate ways. Well calla and I had the same class so we walked together to our lockers to get the books we would be needing as we headed for our first class.

We went in to AP physics class which I have by the way and yes, I'm in the science class didn't I mention that earlier? Oops, my bad. We got to class just before the teacher came in and the entire front seat was taken not that I minded anyway, I wasn't really a front seated if you get what I mean. Immediately we sat down, Mr phil decided to grace us with his presence. "Good morning class, sorry I'm late." well, you're aren't you always late I didn't realize I said that out loud until I heard "miss bella, you have something to say?" huh? "I said do you have something to say" he repeated "no sir, I don't." "Good"

Today, we would be talking on kinetics he began and asked what kinetics was. Me being the straight A student that I am, yes you heard that right what can I say I love my books. I decided to answer the given question before I could answer, I heard racheal snickers saying a lot of unpleasant things before I could think, I was already going for her but then realized I couldn't move. Looked down to see calla holding me tight on my wrist. Make sense, what would I have done without her. Damn Rachel, that girl been getting on my nerves and mom was right, little thing could trigger me at this point.

"miss bella are you okay? You have been shaking" immediately the teacher said that my attention was back to my present state with that I rushed out of the class, calla following suit.

"what was that?" calla broke out "you know what I'm calling alia" at this point I was getting weak and did not have the strength to argue. 5 minutes later alia came out running "what happened?" she said still panting "well, I don't know ask her" calla seriously what happened alia said "well, we were fine before the class started and mr phil started teaching and then asked a question which bells knew the answers too" "so?" so, I dont know somehow, she heard what racheal was saying which I'm still surprised at by the way and you know, there was this thing like she wanted to go for her but I stopped her in time." okay okay, bells do you have anything to say to us? "yes bells, do you have anything to say to us?" calla said after. Uh yes, I do. "well, go on with it." alia said I could sense she was trying so hard to not loose her patience and I understand. If I was in her shoes, I don't think I can be that patient, that's not something that runs in the family. Okay guys, here it goes.... "I'm a vampire. I rushed out. "what!" alia and calla said at the same time.


Phew!! I'm so sorry for how this chapter ended I promise to make up for it in the next chapter and I must say this is like the longest I have written so far lol.
