
The Med Ninja (Machine Translation)

The MC is transmigrated as Nohara Rin's big brother. He is a medical ninja and a swordman. This is a machine translation, I am not the author.

RandomSwordsThief · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 5

Kai and the others nodded, and Shiranui Genma took out a scroll from the ninja bag and handed it to Teacher Qiu Dao Dingzuo.

Qiu Daodingza opened the scroll, but in a moment, his face suddenly changed.

The originally gentle and kind-hearted face suddenly became a little more stern. He closed the scroll and said to Kai and the three of them

: "This matter is too serious, we must go back and report to Lord Hokage immediately!"



One after another black shadow, like a shooting star, rushed towards the direction of Konoha Village.


Konoha Medical Department,

"Sir, Matdai has been settled by us. His injury is now stable, and the rest of the master needs to be hospitalized for recuperation. He is also accompanied by a special nurse, and everything has been settled. That's right."

"Yeah." Nohara Tianzawa nodded, "You guys are tired this time too, take a break today and come back tomorrow."


Medical ninjas usually stay in Konoha's medical department , During non-war period, only a few times will go out to perform tasks to treat patients.

This time, they also wandered and searched for several days at the Konoha border, and finally arrived in time to save Maitdai, and they have been struggling a lot these days.

"By the way, sir, there is one more thing... Lord Naruto has sent someone to look for you a few days ago. When you come back, be sure to go to Lord Naruto's office..." The

medical ninja didn't finish his words. , was interrupted by Nohara Amazawa, "I still have something to do here, I have to finish my work before I can go."

"Bang!" With a loud noise, Nohara Amazawa closed the door of his office.

That medical ninja wants to cry without tears,

Amazawa-sama, that's Hokage... Hokage-sama... He blatantly let go of his pigeon for so long, and now he returns to Konoha to find a reason to refuse, wouldn't it be too bad?

At this time, Amazawa really had something of his own.

First of all... drink a cup of tea to moisten your throat.


this is not the important thing.

The important thing is that I have treated Matt Dai this time and gained a lot of system points.

When he thought about it, a white light board suddenly appeared in front of him, a technology-like technology that did not belong to this world at all, and was bound to his body.

This was what he discovered when he crossed into this world.

A medical system, as long as it treats patients, can get system points, and through system points, he can exchange all kinds of medicines, medicinal materials, laboratory instruments and even fantasy worlds in the system mall that are not available in this world. 's elixir.

At this time, several large characters were written on his system panel.

[System Points: 4]

He still remembers that when he rescued Maitdai, the system rewarded him with full points!

This is the first time he has treated a patient with A*.

Because the medicinal herbs and pills in his hands are very scarce now, it is his unexpected joy to be able to save Matdai, and the system has also given him a good comprehensive judgment.

The only regret that he didn't make his medical skills to be excellent is because Matdai can't become a ninja in the future.

However, he is confident that if he has a better quality medicinal pill and cooperates with his medical skills, he will definitely be able to treat patients well in the future and achieve an excellent comprehensive evaluation!

Seeing the points rewarded by the system, Nohara Amazawa was a little surprised in his heart.

The Soul Rejuvenation Pill is a Tier 3 medicine pill. In the system, the points can be exchanged for one, and the points are enough for him to exchange for several, which is considered a small profit for him.

These points were finally enough for him to redeem the medicinal pill that he had been thinking about for a long time.

He opened the system mall and switched to the medicinal pill column.

[Host purchase: fourth-order nine-turn heart protection pill, consume points! ]

[Host purchase: Level 3 Resurrection Pill*, consumes 4 points! ]

After purchasing the items, Nohara Amazawa put them into his medical box one by one.

After finishing all this, Nohara Amazawa opened the door of his office and was about to go out, but he almost slammed into the crying subordinate.

"Didn't I give you a holiday? Why are you still here?" Nohara Amazawa frowned.

"Lord Amazawa... Or you should go to Lord Hokage..."

"It's alright, I understand." Amazawa waved his hand impatiently and strode out of the medical department.

The medical ninja finally breathed a sigh of relief, and

Lord Amazawa finally got his mind. He knew that he was going to see Lord Naruto. I am afraid that in Konoha, there is only Lord Amazawa who can treat Lord Naruto so carelessly. .

A moment later,

in the courtyard of the Nara family, Nara Shikaku sat alone on a rocking chair, sipping tea slowly, enjoying the warm and lazy afternoon sun shining on him.

"You are really leisurely..." Nara Shikaku flashed beside him, and suddenly Nohara Amazawa in a white trench coat appeared, picked up the fruit on his table and threw it into his mouth.

"I haven't had any assignments recently. Of course I'm free. Unlike you, there are so many people looking for you every day."

Nara Shikaku stood up from the chair with a smile, as if he was interested, and took out a pair of Go from under the coffee table, "Since everyone is here, let me play a few games with me, others are too bad, play chess with them It 's boring."

"You lose every time you play chess, and you and I also feel boring." Nohara Tianzawa waved his hand helplessly.

Nara Shikaku raised his eyebrows with a wicked smile, "If you don't play chess with me, I will send someone to tell Hokage-sama that you are here with me..." " If

you play chess, play chess!"

He waved his sleeves and sat down.