

[[Warning; very heavy themes: Rape, abuse, prostitution, death; skippable chapter as it mostly contains backstory for one specific side character; important but, if you’re not okay with these themes, don’t read this chap]]

Once upon a time, there was a girl in a village.

She was loved by her parents, her neighbors, and frankly, most of the villagers.

Which was why, every time the local lord came to visit, they hid her.

But every time the lord came, he took some villagers with him.

And every single time, the villagers huddled by a fire, laughing.

“At least he didn’t rape all our women this time!”

Some loud chuckle.

“Hey, he didn’t even take all our hard-earned wheat either!”

Lots of laughter.

“He didn’t take all our kids either!”

Despite the situation, they acted positively.

They laughed.

“At least your kid didn’t break his neck trying to carry just one bucket of water!”

“Hah! But mine stepped on some shit and now is throwing up blood everywhere!”