
Chapter 9

  Anastasia's Pov

  The maid woke me up and told me that I had to get ready for I'm going to a honeymoon.

  So I was busy looking for something to wear in the closet, when she decided to enter again.

  "Do you need help?". She asked.

  "Yes please, I really don't know what to wear, these dresses are all beautiful".

  "Yes they are, let me have a look".

  "Sorry I didn't ask your name, earlier on".

  "Nadia". She said while taking a red simple dress and I love it.

  "I think this will do". She said showing me the dress.

  "It's beautiful". I changed to it and it fit me perfectly.

  "It's more beautiful in you". I thank Nadia for assist me in choosing the dress, and she pack my clothes in a bag.

  I was looking forward to meet Andrew, and wanted to know if he regrets kissing me. I actually wanted to see him. I struggled to sleep yesterday,I was tossing in my bed, thinking about the kiss.

  I also wanted to know if he also struggled to sleep, does the kiss have any effects on him.

  I walk out of my room, heading to the kitchen to have breakfast.

  "Wow! Do you have to look beautiful in all of those dresses". Charlotte said,while gesturing me to sit next to her.

  "I only wore two dresses,I wouldn't know if others fits me perfectly like this". I said while sitting next to her.

  "I bet they do".

  At that moment Andrew entered and greeted his parents. He spoke to his father who was reading news paper and they were talking about their family business.

  I wasn't paying more attention to them because I was busy chatting with Charlotte, however I noticed that Andrew is ignoring my presence, he acted as if I was not there.

  I think I got my answer, he definitely regrets kissing me. My heart ached on that thought. Why am I acting like this, why my heart decieve me like this, why would it choose to care about him.

  Andrew's Pov

  During breakfast I kept talking with my father about our family business, since I will be going away, my father will be taking over temporarily.

  I was informing him about the deals that were coming up. Actually I was basically distracting myself, I didn't want to focus on Sia, I ignored her presence. She was a distraction and if I focus on her, I know I would fall in love and that is what I'm trying to avoid.

  I didn't sleep well after the kiss, I kept thinking about it. I enjoyed every taste of her and I knew I wanted more, more of her, therefore ignoring her, I think it's the only medicine that can cure this feeling.

  I was busy chatting with my father when I received a call from Ashley. I went out of the room and answered her call.

  "Good morning beautiful". I greeted her.

  "Morning, what time are we going". She asked.

  "We should be going anytime from now on, let me just finalise something with my father and we should be heading to the airport". There was nothing to finalise, but I needed time to think of how am I going to handle Ashley and Sia.

  "Okay, are you coming to fetch me". Was I supposed too?.

  "No, let's meet at the airport, so that we can all make it on time".

  "Oh so you are going with her?". What does she thinks?, She starts to nag me with her questions.

  "Yes, I have to, do you have a problem with that?". Is she jealous?

  "No, but please don't make me wait".

  "I won't, I have to go, see you in few minutes". Then I ended the call.

  I went back, informed the maid 'Nadia', to tell Sia that will be going shortly.

  I headed to my room, lay on my bed and close my eyes.

  I was thinking about everything that is happening. The sudden change that occured and thinking how am going to handle Ashley and Sia.

  I decided to call my best friend to accompany us. Jeremy who was always outgoing, I knew he wouldn't say no, and I was glad when he accepted my proposal. Ashley will be pissed with me, she hates Jeremy. They both don't get along and I never made a mistake to spend time with both of them at the same time. After the incident that happened three years ago, this will be their first time meeting again.

  I know that this will wake memories that were long forgotten, but I needed to pass this, and I need everyone too.