
chapter 3

The dinner was silent, the only thing that was heard was the sound of their chewing and the sound of the cutlery. Mr William broke the silence "I think son it's the best time we talk about the Will of my father". He looked at Andrew with concerned eyes.

  "Yes, father I've been thinking about it and I don't think I will be able to do it, for you know I love Ashley and I'm planning to marry her"

  "I know son but we can't let that woman win for this is what he wants us to do, so you don't have to marry her for a very long time, you just have to marry her for three years and divorce her after three years then you can marry Ashley". While he was saying he noticed his wife is quiet, he hold her hands and kiss them.

  "Why three years for I can just marry her for months and break up with her". After saying this Andrew took a sip of the red wine.

  "Well son, Mr Johnson called me while I was out with your mother, he informed us that my father left instructions, the first is for you to get married within three months and the second you must stay in marriage for three years if you divorce earlier therefore the shares will be given to that woman". Mr William hated to mention the name of Lily.

  "How many instructions did he give you"

  "Well three, the last one is for you to have a child with her". Charlotte was very quiet next to her husband, as she listened on their conversation.

  "What happens if she can't give birth" Andrew was so irritated now, for he can see there is no way out and why would he have a child with a stranger, instead of his first love.

  "Well we have to do some test before marrying, for if she is not carrying your child after three years of marriage, therefore Mr Johnson informed us that 30% of the shares will be given to that woman"

  At the end Andrew agreed to marry the daughter of the Walton family.

  Andrew's Pov

  Getting married to a stranger it's not an easy thing to do, especially marry a stranger for three years, but what can I say, my father worked very hard for that legacy, I can't just watch and not do anything, whereas I'm the only one who can save our legacy. I've been tossing in this bed for I'm being nervous, the decision I made scares me and what scares me the most is the thought of losing Ashley. Even though I spoke to her and made her understand that I'm doing this for us. She says she is fine with my decision and she supports me, and Yes we are not breaking up, the mistress of the Walton will have to bear it. I will make it clear to her that this is just a contract, no intimate and we are just public couples.

  It's 4am, I've been struggling to sleep, because finally today it's the day that I will be choosing my wife. I shouldn't be nervous for I know whom I'm going to marry.

  I did some little research and yes I decided to marry the last born of the Walton family and of course I had to consider her beauty, for a greek god like me, can't go out with some ugly lady.

  I hadn't been sleeping so I decided to take a shower and make my mother a breakfast before my father beat me to it.

  The day went smoothly, I went to work, met my girl and finally it's 5pm, and yes it's time for us to meet with the Walton and break the news to them, not actually breaking the news for my father already spoke with Mr and Mrs Walton, let just say this will be my first meeting with them and it's the day to announce whom I've chose as my contract wife.

  My mind had been occupied ever since I clock off at work, I didn't drive, so my driver is the one who is driving my Bentley. The driver informed me that we are here. My parents are already here. I was greeted by one of the daughter's 'Jessica'. I can tell the way she moves her ass, she is flirting. She welcomed me and showed me the living room, where everyone is, including my parents, to my surprise the 'so cold wife to be' was not there.

  After the greetings, Mr Walton stood up and said "It is an honor to be visited by the Smith family, please enjoy the drinks and you are welcome in the Walton family". Then she choose that perfect moment to enter.

  She is so breath taking, I never thought she will be this beautiful, she looks way much better than the picture I've seen. Her hands were shaking, she made her greetings and when she was going to head upstairs, maybe to her room, she way called by her father and he introduced her as his last born, but I noticed the change of the atmosphere, ever since she entered her family didn't seem please to see her, except her brother, he had that welcoming smile, ever since she entered. 'Something is not right here' I said to myself.