
The Matriarch

Before the world crumbled, there was the so-called all-giving light. A tremendous blast of white and black glow broke through the skies, engulfing the earth and raining drops of what looked like stardust. It was an unexplainable phenomenon. Everyone thought it was a new weapon of mass destruction that had lost control, being tested by the countries that held superpowers. Thus the beginning of a short little skirmish between them as they tried to blame one another for it. But then, while the world was at war between themselves, it began. It started with certain people suddenly developing godly powers. Some had super strength, others were unparalleled speed and so on, making the conflict continue with a unique twist. Everything was now engulfed in chaos, destruction, and anarchy as new rulers rose and the old was slowly being replaced and disposed of. And during this time, a young Chris Cruz is thrust into the world of power struggle because of his need to provide for his family. Being deemed as an irregularity for having so much energy, yet with no proper use, they considered him a dud, a waste, and a totally worthless case. Thus, they keep him in the research division to serve as a guinea-pig for finding out more about the said phenomena. With no choice as a soldier, he is forced into missions and predicaments that put his life on the line. And throughout all these obstacles, the power in him slowly adapts, but at the same time, all of it begins to consume him. Will Chris be able to stay as he was? Or will everything completely change him? As the world starts to look different from his point of view with each awakening, eating every piece of his humanity away.

Remnis_Luz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

A bit of clarity

Everything was bright red. Chris could feel his body floating, yet shrouded in warmness. He opened his eyes and was shocked to see what seemed the same as a thin layer of skin surrounded in veins all over him. There was the sound of bubbling and rumbling everywhere. Though it felt as if being submerged in liquid, breathing wasn't really that hard.

"A queen!" an echoing voice suddenly began crying out the moment Chris closed his eyes.

"Who're you?" He tried calling out. Frowning when he noticed he wasn't even opening his mouth to talk. He immediately realized that once again he was communicating via thought.

"Let us serve you, oh queen!" More voices echoed in his mind.

Thick, long, and warm things began slithering all over his body. It didn't take long before his arms and legs were now covered with it. He wasn't sure what it was and was not even sure that it was human, but he still felt safe and secured within its grasp.

"Serve. Who are you referring to?" He asks once again, closing his eyes, suddenly feeling tired.

Though confused and troubled, he still wanted answers. Feeling that it was the only way that he could finally clear out a lot of things.

"We will serve you well, oh queen," the voices echoed in a very mischievous tone.

Those warm grasp suddenly became more aggressive, invasive, and ticklish. Causing different and funny feelings all over him.

"What is happening? What are you doing?" A moan had escaped Chris's lips.

There was no answer, instead, he got more slithering things all over him. He could feel it going all over his body. Sliding, slipping, and brushing certain areas. Some were between his thighs, on his chest, and even some were trying to go in his mouth. Touching those most intimate, sensitive, and secret parts in him. Sending waves of delicious and electrifying sensation in every inch of his frame.

Chris was now panting, losing his breath from all that heat that was building up inside of him. His mind was slowly floating into nothingness. All because of that sweet, throbbing, and naughty caressing that was being done to him.

It didn't take long before he was churning, bending, twisting. All because his body was now reacting to those playful and tempting touches.

"You are still young, oh queen, so, so new," a single deep resounding voice chuckled.

That somehow returned Chris's consciousness. "Who are you and what is this queen that you keep talking about?" he tried to say, though he was trying to catch his breath.

Thankfully, the whole sensual assault on his body stopped. Allowing him to gather his wits again. A grin appeared on its face, along with two sharp-looking gazes.

Chris finally opened his eyes, seeing a serpent-shaped shadow in front of him. He finally noticed that he was pulled into a spread eagle.

"You! You are a queen." It announced.

"How do you know all this?" Chris asks once more. If he was getting this much information, he thought might as well find out as much as he can.

"I come from a different queen," the being answered, swaying as he started going static.

It was as if the shadow was suddenly being scraped off of his vision. Blurring like his signal was disappearing.

"There are others?" Chris frowned upon finding out about that.

He immediately remembered the other power users that had the same status and class as he had.

"So full of questions, so little time." The being chuckled.

Its figure began fading away, making him panic. Did he ask too much? Was he too abrupt, or had he annoyed the thing? He quickly tried to make out the one thing that he knew was important right now among a lot of things.

"Wait! This power, how do you use it?" He called out before the being totally disappeared.

"Your power is not like the others, oh guardian. It is something not entirely yours. It comes from all the number who serve you, along with the power that you collect," the being said, smirking.

Though its form was waning and its shape disappearing. Its mouth still moves, quickly giving Chris a few more hints of how to use his abilities.

His heart suddenly began racing, eyes growing wide as every detail and revelation of how to use his power was now clear. He felt his mouth dry, swallowing hard just thinking of how would he even be able to do such a thing with his current situation.

"Please allow us to be of service to you. Take us inside you. Feed us, nurture us, give life to us once more, just like the gift you have given to those flame hounds." The being's voice was slowly fading away as it spoke those words.

It was then that Chris felt something weird trying to crawl on different parts of him. Making him feel hot, ticklish, and almost needy. He was

almost letting out whimpers until everything turned blank.

When the shadow finally vanish, new ones appeared. Several to be, in fact. Their sounds were like mumbles. Fighting, shouting, and in a hurry.

Chris flinch when he felt the hitting and slamming that was being done from the outside. The case where he was in was now being attacked. He tried to back away, but there was nowhere to go. He was about to panic when he heard a familiar voice.

"Sir Chris, we're here to save you!" a voice muffled voice called out.

"Special private Cruz, are you there?" Another one shouted.

It didn't take long before more shadows appeared. Doing the same thing.

Until finally the enclosure that he was in broke. It quickly sucked Chris out when the surrounding liquid spilled. He felt hands immediately grabbing hold of him, pulling him out of there. Coughing as he felt the sudden rush of air inside his lungs like it was attacking him.

Everyone from the group gasped as they saw the many slimy tentacles that were tangled and grabbing hold of Chris. They quickly hack and pull at the things to remove them.

"Sir Chris, are you all right?" Oliver was in tears as he pulled and removed each of the enormous appendages that were constricting Chris.

"Jeez! It was already digesting him!" The sergeant hissed, seeing that the liquid had already dissolved Chris's clothes.

It took the group a few minutes to expunge the things. As some of them were so tightly coiled around his body.

"What happened?" Chris grumbled when he was finally free from all of it.

"The snake ate you! Sir Chris, don't you remember?" Oliver was still frantic as he kept panting.

"It did?" He frowned. His view was still a bit blurred, and it didn't help that the light was so strong suddenly when he got out.

"Yeah, but then it suddenly... it died," Oliver gulped upon gazing at the once gigantic serpent.

"Died?" Chris sat up straight when he finally gained his strength a bit.

It was only then that he saw the huge carcass of the giant snake in front of him. It coiled into an immense tree. Its inflated part was like a balloon with an enormous hole now. As he looked above, its mouth opened wide and its eyes had now turned death white. No longer moving or showing any color.

Chris was suddenly in silence, contemplating as he tried to remember that weird memory that he had a while ago. Was it really true or was it just the effect of being digested inside the serpent's stomach?