
The Mate's Bride (Book 1 of the Amethyst Moon Series)

(Warning: Mature, 18+ only) When Destiny turns 18, she knows that she will eventually find her mate. What she doesn’t know is what will happen when she finally does. The betrayal of rejection knocks her down, but she’s not meant to be down for long. She is meant for greatness. Follow along as she overcomes to get everything she has ever wanted, but was too afraid to ask. xExerptx “You will not cum yet, understand Little One?” Hearing him say this makes me almost fall over the edge. I can barely form a coherent thought, let alone words. Suddenly, I feel a hard smack on my ass. I gasp at the impact, it hurts so damn good. “Answer me, Little One.” He growls in my ear. “YES, DADDY! I UNDERSTAND!” I feel myself starting to fall apart. My legs are shaking uncontrollably and the tears are running down my cheeks. “Hold on baby, just a little bit longer.” I nod my head vigorously. “Daddy, please!” I beg, I don’t know if I’m begging him to stop or to keep going until my last breath. Then suddenly his fingers are gone. Almost immediately my body weeps from their absence. “Open.” I do as instructed and open my mouth. He inserts the same two fingers he was just ravishing me with allowing my tangy sweetness to coat tongue. I drink down my juices hungrily, I feel as if I’m going insane.

JulieDeWitt · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: He’s Mine!

Destiny POV

I'd been rejected. My mate rejected me. I pulled my blanket back over my head and willed the world to just swallow me whole. So far, being an adult sucked. I rolled over and buried my face in the pillow. Amethyst started to stir, and I immediately tensed up.

~What is it?~

I asked her almost too afraid to hear the answer.


~We don't have a mate remember? He rejected us!~

I spat at her. She let off a small whimper, which immediately led me to apologize.

~I'm so sorry, Amethyst. None of this is your fault, and I shouldn't be taking it out on you. We'll get through this, together, right?~

Maybe if I say it enough, my heart would finally start to believe it.

~He was here, Doll.~

Alex was here? Why would he come to my room after he ripped my heart out and stomped on it?

I took a deep breath before I caught a scent. Someone was here, I think, but it's not Alex's sandalwood and fresh-cut grass scent. No, this one is even better. It was the smell of fresh-baked bread as you walked into your favorite bakery. This smell made my mouth water in more ways than one, and I couldn't help but wonder what was going on.

I nuzzled into the pillow farther and inhaled deep. Goddess, this smelled so good, but where did it come from? Confusion clouded my mind as I heard Amethyst say again:

~It's our mate, he was here, and he wants us.~

With that thought fresh in my mind, I dragged myself out of bed and into the shower. I turned the jets on full and let the hot water rain down on my body. I felt my muscles start to relax as I tried to unravel the events of last night.

I pulled my favorite caramel apple body scrub and rubbed it all over my body, repeating over and over in my head; 'Alex came to my room last night? Why did he smell different?' Still not getting anywhere simply talking to myself, I rinsed off and stepped out of the shower. I just need to talk to Alex myself to get to the bottom of this. I quickly dressed in a pair of blue jean shorts, a yellow tank top, my trusty Chuck Taylors.

I pulled my hair into a messy bun before leaving my room and heading to the kitchen. As I rounded the corner, I spotted Mrs. Jones, who offered me a bright smile and a huge hug. "Good morning, my sweet girl. I've got your favorite strawberries and cream pancakes waiting for you." I moaned out loud. "Mrs. Jones, you truly are amazing." She smiled again before setting the plate before me. I took an appreciative look at the masterpiece in front of me before diving in. They tasted ten times better than they looked!

As I was polishing off my breakfast, Julie came in and immediately gasped. I turned to see what was the matter and had to catch myself from falling backwards off the stool. She wrapped me in the tightest bear hug ever and said, "Oh my Goddess Destiny, I'm so sorry this happened. Tell me who the fucker is, and I'll make him wish he never even thought about rejecting you." Realization dawned on me. "Of course Dustin told you, why wouldn't he? He's your mate, after all." Julie seemed slightly hurt by my comment. "I'm sorry, babe. I just saw him after he left your room last night and he looked so hurt and broken. He told me what happened, and we had to literally keep each other from tearing the bastard apart."

This made me chuckle. "I would have loved to see that; I don't think anyone is more protective over me than the two of you." With this, she seemed to relax a bit before she dropped her voice to a whisper and asked, "Do you want to talk about it?" Did I want to talk about it? I asked myself. "No, not quite yet. I'm just so confused at this point, and I don't even know where to start. Once I've made heads or tails of it all, you'll be the first to know."

"Okayyy," she says reluctantly, "but at least tell me who he is so I can make him pay." That got another laugh out of me, and I replied, "Nope. I'm not quite sure if I want that to happen yet." Julie looked at me with a confused look on her face before she sighed. "Fine, I guess."

We sat and talked for a while with her filling me in on what happened at the party that I unfortunately missed. It sounded like it was a massive success with all the visiting alphas and their guests enjoying the hospitality of the pack. Before long, Dustin came in and started to rush towards me. Julie stood to intercept him and said, "Don't worry, she's fine, babe. Or at least she seems to be. She'll tell us what's up when she's ready. I still don't know who we're going to kill though, so stay on the ready,"

She then kissed him on the cheek before he walked up to me and pulled me into a hug. I relaxed into his arms as I heard him ask, "You good, sis?" I smiled and nodded my head. "I will be, soon enough." Dustin accepted my answer and sat beside Julie and me at the counter. Mrs. Jones proceeded to serve them both full stacks of her famous pancakes, and I smiled as I watched them begin to devour them. "So what's on the agenda today, guys?" I asked.

Dustin washed down his mouth full of pancakes with his orange juice before he replied. "Dad has his meetings with the Alpha's today. Since I've found my mate already, he feels like I may be able to take over as Alpha soon, so Alex and I will be sitting in with them for most of the day." At the mention of Alex's name, my body stiffened and I felt a chill move all over me. Julie noticed and leaned over. "You alright, sweetie?" I just nodded my head in reply. I needed to talk to Alex and soon. I didn't understand what was going on, but I was determined to find out before the day was out. "Well I'm off you guys, I've got something I need to do real quick. I'll see you two later," I said before I left the kitchen and started my search for my mate.


I headed out to the training grounds and saw our lead warrior and trainer, John, sparring with some of the warriors from the visiting packs. "Hey John, have you seen Alex this morning?" I asked him while he quickly and smoothly put the other guy into a headlock. He released him before shaking his head and replying, "Uh, no. I haven't seen Alex. When you find him, tell him that drinking too much at your party is no excuse for missing training today. He'll be on two-a-days for the rest of the month."

"Yikes. Well, that sucks now, doesn't it?" I said before I started to walk off. "Talk to you later, John," I shouted as I jogged back towards the pack house.

When I got back inside, I looked everywhere but still couldn't find Alex. I started to mind-link Dustin to ask where Alex was before I realized that they both had to sit on on the Alpha meetings today. I headed over to the conference room hoping to catch Alex before everything got started. When I reached the room, I saw that the doors were still slightly ajar, so I knew that the meeting hadn't started yet.

I poked my head in, and I was again hit with the smell of fresh-baked bread. 'He's here,' I thought to myself. Amethyst quickly started to pace in my head, purring, telling me to go to our mate. I took a step in and saw my dad, Alex, and a few other Alphas and betas sitting at the round table in the middle of the room. I started to head over when out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure move towards me. Time stopped as I took him all in.


At 6'6, he was easily the tallest man in the room. His bronze skin was flawlessly pulled across his taught muscles. I glanced down at his chest and saw the thin T-shirt straining to cover his 8-pack. I forced my eyes to move back up to his face, and that's when I saw it. A face that could only be described as carved by the Gods.

His thick curly black hair was perfectly tousled and looked like silk. I wanted nothing more than to run my fingers through those curls. He had thick dark eyelashes that drew my attention to eyes so blue, they were almost clear. His straight nose ended at a perfect point, and his lips were full and lush. I immediately imagined those lips roaming all over my body and latching on to my nipples.

Before I could control myself, I started to feel the moisture pool between my legs, and I noticed those once crystal blue eyes go dark. He could smell my arousal. I immediately blushed then I heard a loud growl from the table. I pulled myself out of my trance and thought, 'what the hell was that?!' I glanced over at Alex and saw that he was fuming. Shit, I'd just totally eye fucked this stranger in front of my mate. Great.


Unknown POV

When she walked into Alpha Michael's office, to say I was surprised would be an understatement. Her warm caramel scent hit me like a ton of bricks, and Star howled in absolute happiness. I watched as she scanned the room with those golden honey eyes of hers before landing them on the Blood Moon packs future Beta.

~Why is she looking at him?~ Star whined.

Not knowing the answer to his question, I stood up and began to walk towards her.

When her eyes locked on mine, that was it for me. At that moment, my heart became hers, and I knew that I would do any and everything for this goddess. I stood their as I saw her eyes roam all over my body, taking me all in. Needless to say, I was doing the same. She was so tiny and perfect, barely 5'2. She had the most beautiful dark hair, and it was pulled up, exposing her sexy neck. I couldn't wait for that neck to bear my mark. And the way her thick thighs glistened in the sunlight made my dick twitch in my jeans. All I could think about was having those thighs wrapped around my waist as I buried myself deep inside her, fucking her until she saw stars. I wanted her to have my pups, all of them.

I caught the scent of her arousal, and Star fought to take control. My eyes went black as I had an internal battle with myself.

~Not yet, you beast. Let me at least talk to our mate before you try to mark her.~

I heard a low growl and realized that it wasn't coming from me. I saw my mate look down before the future beta barked out, "Why are you here, Destiny?" With an ugly sneer.

I balled my hands into fists and took a few steps forward. Who was this kid to talk to my mate that way?

~Kill him!~

Star shouted in my head. As I saw him stand up and place his hand on her arm, I lost all control and let loose a terrifying growl. "MINE!" Star yelled as he forced his way to the surface. Just then, the future Alpha, Dustin, came into view. "Well, this just got interesting," he said with a smile.