
The Mastermind Inventor

More than five thousand years into the future, the society was at its apex, technology was thriving and humanity was the sovereign in and out of the Earth, until it wasn't. Everything humans built to create, apart. Technology, cities, countries, all of it was reduced to scraps and humanity lived in an apocalyptic moment for ages. Newborns didn't know their history, no documents remained. But no one was going to just accept it, and so, society was starting to rise once more through the scraps and remains of what once was the apex of scientific evolution. Two kingdoms rose, Forsakery, a fairly technological place, surrounded by high walls in the middle of the desert, was the main focus of science among humans. Far from it, stood Wyndrome, a smaller kindgom, surrounded by forest. With far less people and technology, it was a more peaceful place, with more natural resources. Those are the two bastions of humanity, standing to thrive and reach what society once were. Living through the eyes of Thales, a bright and eccentric inventor, creating his machines and being an energetic yet weird man. What can he reach, only through the remains and the scraps of the old civilization?

BambooDealer · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Messing with the wrong person.

His weapon quickly reached for Thales' stomach, and as it reached him, Elliot was blown away, taking Yerlin, the man wielding the scourge, with him, quickly hitting the end of the alley. Thales's clothing was made in a way that the energy absorved will be almost instantly and thrown back in the same direction it came from.

It was useful to make the agressor stunned, but Elliot accelerated himself too much, making him blow away. As the attack even caused damage enough to deplete the clothes' capacity of handling energy. "One is already out, who's next?" Thales said as he wielded his cane.

Erik, the man with the mace, quickly got into action, as he reached for his head. Thales' body was fragile, so he had to move quick and be efficient, he dodge sidewards, quicking his right leg from the back, making his knee go down. As he lost a bit of balance, the cane came hitting his chin.

Of course, Renan, wouldn't just let his companion get hit as he watched, Usagi was down, so he didn't have to worry about getting attacked from behind. His hammer came crashing in his shoulder, so he could imobilize his arm and limitate Thales' movements. He was clearly weaker and, seemingly fragile.

By going forward, he dodged the strike and moved the cane, catching Renan's arm with the curved part of the cane and, pulling it in his own direction, the hammer-wielding man lost the control of his arm, but the one closer to Thales was free, so he didn't hesisate to throw a punch at his face.

The top hat-wearing man went backward again, dodging the punch and moving the cane around the immobilized arm. He held his arm and kicked the back of his knee, making he lost balance. This time, he moved his hand through the cane, sending an eletric current through Renan's body, making him pass out.

Now that Thales was done with that one, he could leave the man's arm alone. As Erik tried to get him self up, the cane was on his back, and he suddenly felt weak and sleepy, suddenly passing out. Of course, it was one of Thales deeds, sending an tranquilizer through his organism.

"No need to use the flashbang Usagi, those things are too strong, if misused, you could be blinded too. And it can cause permanent damage." Thales said as he got closer to Usagi, laying on the ground. "Not that I care about those guys health, anyway." Usagi was holding something. A handmade flashbang made by Thales, a prototype he made that was too unstable, but he never disambled because he was always busy thinking and creating other things.

"... I could've done all myself. They were injured!" Usagi said, as she weakly got up, putting her hands on one of the walls. "No, you couldn't, you are clearly injured. Don't be so proud." Thales said as he reached to help her. "Proud? I'm not being proud! I was helping you and you screamed at me! You never let me do anything! I'm not weak anymore, and you aren't my father!"

Thales looked at her complaining about him. Usagi calmed herself as she noticed that she was screaming at him, even though he saved her. She wasn't wrong, but she could do it another time. Thales put his hand on his katana. "Move aside." He said as he softly pushed her out of the way by touching her should. A wave produced by the cut reached the end of the alley, cutting something Elliot was carrying. It was an SOS device, which means that he was calling reinforcements. "Stay quiet and I won't treat you more harshly than I've already done to your bones and your men."

It was his last attempt on using his force, althoigh the impact wasn't as powerful as it would've been if Yerlin wasn't there. With blood flowing through his face, he could only stare at Thales and think "The girl still had strength to leave..."

"I'm sorry, Usagi. I become stressed and angry too easily, you know me, but I'll try to control myself. I'll read that document once we are back at home, put your hand around my shoulder and lets go together, I'm starving."

"No way, you are too tall for my to use it as a support and... I want you to carry me, so you pay for being mean to me." Usagi said, as she looked at him, determined to make Thales carry her. "You know my arms aren't that strong, they are too fragile." Usagi wouldn't retreat. "With your back, then!"

"It still hurts, even if less. You know already know that." Usagi knew he had some problems about his physical capacity, although he never explained why. She took it as a defeat, but he curved his back and flexed his legs. "But I will repay my debt, you are too weak now." A smile suddenly appeared on her face, as she hopped on his back.

Thales started to head back to their home, as she was being carried. "How did you even steal classified documentation on the way to buy lunch for us? It wasn't it was such a that big detour, it's that you didn't even break a sweat doing that. Seems too casual for something that sounds big. I never heard of "mana" in my life."

"Well... There was a dude that didn't look like he was from here, wearing a strange white coat, so I decided to follow him, because if they are researching something, you probably would like to know! So he entered a strange place and I used those things you gave that make super silent and I got in, grabbed that thing with the research and left." Usagi said, proudly, with her head leaned on his back.

"It really was just a casual detour to steal classified documents..." Thales said as he heavily breathed out the air from his mouth. He continued to carry her all the way to their house, entering the garage that Thales left open to go after her, seeing the food over the table.

"It's probably cold now..." He said, disappointed about not eating the hot food. Thales sat Usagi down in a chair and grabbed his food, starting to eat as he looked at her. She gladly wasn't really hurt, but he couldn't help but worry about her. "At least you are fine... Well, you are always fine, but I can't do much about getting frightened by the thought of getting you hurt." Thales said as he ate.

Usagi got a bit flustered, she, of course, knew how Thales acted, so direct about those things, but it always affected her in some way, and it wasn't something she was able to control. "Y-Yeah... At least you know can take care of myself!" Usagi said as she tried sweep away that feeling.

"Yeah, yeah, of course..." Thales said, turning his back to his table, as he sat down and started to read the document that Usagi got from the scientist, with caution to not really miss something, as it was the first time he heard about it. Perhaps, it would change something, but if Thales never saw something about mana, it couldn't be that important, right?