
The Master Saga

What do you get when you put a fantasy gaming nerd into another world and you give him a weird system and you tell him gl as you toss him out the proverbial door without any idea what's going on well this is that story follow our young protagonist Kenji as he faces down the horrors of a world gone to a war of extinction and he's targeted for extinction himself will he survive or will he perish before he can find out how that he even has a system wish him luck his journey begins now

IronMage · Fantasy
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11 Chs

An Irate King

Apparently I had irritated the king but I didn't care he had brought the attitude I just replied in kind and well its no surprise what happened next. The king had gotten so angry that he ordered my arrest but me not wanting to be locked up in some incompetents jail escaped I even managed not to kill anyone but for my efforts I received two arrows in my back luckily I could reach them but damn they hurt. Pulling yhe arrows from my body was an absolute nightmare but they had to go or it would only get worse so I made a little spell that essentially wrapped them in energy and yanked them out I should have worded it better because the coming out was feckin terrible I nearly blacked out from the pain.

Once the arrows were out I used my weak healing spell and got a move on who knows when that snooty jerk would send his minions to finish me off. I headed back to the city my people were at and moved as quickly as I could and every chance I had I forested over the path heavily blocking the road completely behind me. I returned to my little city a little over a month after departing and I was surprised by the effort my people had put in the bodies had been cleared the bones were piled in a field and there was smoke coming from somewhere inside the city it was hard to tell from where however. I entered the city and was met by the men I'd freed and a few new faces where they had come from I've no idea but still it was welcome as long as they didn't cause trouble so I headed for the keep.

I arrived at the keep and found yet more new people so far I'd counted 5 and as I entered the keep I found that barbarian lady I'd freed previously and a couple younger women who obviously were not of barbarian stock as well so I asked the barbarian woman "what is your name I'd ment to ask but I've had to much on my mind" she replied easily "tis Vanya milord" so I asked "where did all of these others come Vanya?" and she told me they had come from nearby settlements who the orcs had raided and they had offered to give their fealty to the lord and thus me since I'd taken control of the city surprising sure but ok then I guess.

I called a meeting of all of my people who I guess were my subjects now and soon found myself facing almost 30 people only some of whom I remembered from the first time I had been here so I gave a little speech telling them that if they continued to live in this city that they were expected to act in good faith and not harm another person that and they could leave at any time they wanted I was no slave master though the idea did have a little appeal if I could get some elf slave girls or nevermind going down that rabbit hole is a bad idea. After giving my new citizens a guide on behavior for my city I then set out to construct a few buildings and to do that I had them basically burn orc bones and some limestone I found the orc bones we used for glue the limestone for concrete apparently this was a new process for them so I walked them through the creation of concrete and had a few of the strongest people crushing stones into pebbles and I dug out a massive cauldron I'd spotted.

I taught my people about how to build a 4 story building and that steel is their friend in doing so we started with creating simple stone and mortar walls with a gap between them which we then filled with a mix of concrete and crushed stone and steel rods every couple of feet creating a matrix much like modern materials and I made this set of extra thick walls 20 feet tall and at the 6 foot 5 inch point I created cross bracing for the floor of the second floor. As the structure took shape my people realized why I demanded that we create a stone and concrete floor for the building as the building began taking shape at 6 and a half and 13 and a half and at 19 and a half feet we created floor supports and I also created interior pillars for supports that went all the way to the top of the building.

Construction of my building was an entire event and I swear my people thought I was building a wizards tower from the looks on their faces and as we added a simple form of plumbing and I showed them how to create plumbing they were utterly shocked that creating a means to get rid of waste was so easy though I simply plumbed it into the moat of the castle it would work for now what really was difficult were the toilets I had to recreate working toilets from memory and that was a challenge. Once we had finished we ended up with a building roughly 80 feet square and just shy of 30 feet tall mostly stone and each floor had a few small windows though I'd offset them as I wasn't 100% certain I'd gotten the concrete slurry right and wanted the walls to be as sound structurally as possible while each window was fairly small and round there were plenty of them and I even installed a central airshaft that was capped with a skylight the stairs circled the airshaft from bottom to top and one each of the 3 main floors there were 4 living spaces with 2 bedrooms on the top floor there were two larger ones and then I put my people to work building another just across from the first.

After several months we had built enough housing for 56 small families more than enough for our small population and supplies wise we were as stocked as we could want but we had used up all of the local limestone. after teaching them to build using concrete I showed them how to create panels from bone glue and pieces of wood and soon we had some fancy wood work indeed I'm pretty sure that they went overboard on the gluing things together. Everything had been going so well and then Vanya surprised me by asking if I would take her as my wife I looked her dead in eyes and put my foot in my mouth by asking "why" yeah I would have been better off saying yes as she wasn't bad looking was interested and could probably beat my arse.

Vanya was not happy so I ended up spending some time explaining that I wasn't rejecting her but more I was confused as to why she would ask me to take her as my wife. In the end I found out so much indeed apparently in her culture the shaman had to have a wife or many and as many children as possible to pass on the magical powers to the shamans offspring and the chances of passing down the magical power were slim. Apparently Vanya was concerned that I wouldn't have kids and that my mystical line would end I had to laugh a little before I explained that I had eaten sun and moon fruits and was most likely immortal though I would accept her offer if she was still interested in me that way.

Vanya and I ended up making the announcement that we were engaged the next day and I spent much time learning about her and finding things out about her honestly she was basically perfect if you don't mind the fact that she really can't cook and weilds an axe like an extension of her arms. When the wedding day arrived it was pretty great and then the wedding night arrived and we'll I put my stamina to the test and all I can say is 4 days later we crawled out of that bedroom disheveled tired and physically wrung out having only had some soup that the others had left by the door every day for us.

A short warning barbarian women are aggressive in bed and we had done things that I'd previously not thought possible and that's all I'll say and leaving that room we got a number of smiles laughter and some jealousy. After the wedding things were going fantastically and winter was upon us we had a significant stockpile of resources and we were doing great and then disaster struck.