
The Master of Multiverse (Tensura)

After 5 trillion years of peace in the reincarnation world Militia, the universe is about to come to a natural end. As the entire reality is destroyed, the only person who survived this ordeal is Anos Voldigoad, who decided that it was best if he created a new multiverse. However, due to creating this multiverse, which put a lot of strain on his body and depleted his mana dangerously low, he entered a deep sleep for about 20,000 years to recover. What would happen when he wakes up in this new world and goes on an adventure with a certain slime in a certain forest? There is only one way to know. Read and follow Anos on his new journey. I do not own any of the characters. It is just a fanfic that I thought would be so much fun, and I didn't find any stories similar to this one. Notice: This will be a slow-update story. I am also thinking of starting a YouTube channel. From April 2022, that is. ------------------------ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd9gI1GVR5O1orwDG7WNemg

PhantomNoobster69 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5: King of Dwargon

"Know your place kid," he said while pouring a mug of fruit wine on me. Yare Yare, does this guy have a death wish? Well, I'll just forgive him this time out of the greatness of my heart and due to his ignorance.

But it seems that Kaijin did not take kindly to it because he started to beat the shit out of Vesta while I just used a cleaning spell on myself. Vesta just ran away like a coward.

"Is it really okay, Kaijin, the other side is a minister right? Won't you be unable to stay in this country any longer because of this?" I questioned him while standing up. The others looked at me with surprise as I didn't even have a drop of wine on me remaining.

"What are you saying? A place for me, didn't you already prepare it?" Kaijin asked as I understood what he was doing. But I still had to confirm it.

"But, aren't you working hard because of the King?" I asked.

"Heh, as I thought, you would be concerned about it," he said while rubbing his forehead "If I don't value my benefactor, how can I be happy even if I were to serve a king. If I didn't act here, wouldn't I be putting the king to shame? So, I hope that master will take me with you!"

"Well if you are fine with it then I do not have any problem," I said while smirking.

Due to Kaijin's actions, all five of us were arrested and were going to be trialed tomorrow. However, I was interested in what it felt like to be on a trial since I have never been put on one. So, I didn't resist and let the guards take me to the prison as well.

Sitting in the cell, there was tension between the four-member. So, to ease it up I asked Kaijin a question.

"So, what's the deal with you and Vesta?" I asked while looking at Kaijin.

So, when Kaijin was a captain in the palace's working group and at that time Vesta was his subordinate. Vesta was born a marquis and he was infuriated to be working under Kaijin who comes from a peasant family. The two often had conflicts. At that time, Vesta who impatiently thirsted for achievements acted as the leader of a great project-'Magic Golem Soilder' which ended in a complete disaster. He pinned all the blame on me and as I was his superior, I couldn't help but bear responsibility and resigned from military service.

The rest of the night went just like that and we all chatted to lighten our moods. Just like that, it was time for our trial.

In Dwargon court, only nobles above the rank of earl are allowed to speak freely. Even we, the litigant party were not allowed to speak without permission from the King. One would be judged guilty the moment they speak up, guilty or not will matter little at that point.

Currently, we were sitting on some seats on the lowest floor. Some nobles were sitting on the higher floors, presumably to see how the session would go. On the lowest floor, only the litigant party was sitting. That includes Vesta, Kaijin, Garm, Dord, Myrd, and me.

There were also soldiers lined up in case there was some kind of retaliation from the victims. The judge of this session was the Hero King Gazel Dwargo.

"His majesty, Gazel Dwargo will now enter, "As soon as the head guard said that a man clad in armor entered the room and everyone was already on their knees except for me of course. I mean did anybody seriously believe that a creator will bow down to his creation, that's just ridiculous. But the guards thought otherwise.

"INSOLENCE" what seemed like the head guard shouted and all the guards raised their weapons as if ready to attack. King Gazel himself was just chilling on his seat, I mean he was realizing some of Champion's Haki to show his dominance and he was also trying to analyze my threat level, but all he could see was a normal human.

"You're the one who should be bowing in my presence you fools," I said with compulsion magic and it was directed towards the guards. Hearing this I could see that Kaijin and the crew almost had a heart attack while all the soldiers including the head soldier were bowing at me respectfully.

Seeing this, King Gazel was already on high alert and was desperately trying to analyze me, but all he was able to see was a human sitting before him.

"Don't bother King Gazel, a mortal like you would never be able to see the depths of my power and while you're at it please stop trying to read my mind with your Skill," I said while looking at him which just sent a shiver down his spine. I was already enjoying this scene.

King Gazel was already sweating while everyone else was looking at me with astonishment. Fuma, I might as well enjoy this situation, plus there are a lot of flaws in this court that I want to point out.

"Who are you?" King Gazel looked at me with stern eyes while releasing all of his Champion's Haki on me to save his reputation as a king. Though, he stopped trying to read my mind and trying to analyze me.

"Fuma, I am Anos Voldigoad. A pleasure to meet you." I said while smiling at him which only further unnerved him. 'What a monster, to be able to shrug off my Champion's Haki like it was nothing. Anos Voldigoad, What is he?' these were the thought in Gazel's mind.

"I am a demon," I said while giving off a faint smirk. 'A named Demon!? What have I gotten my hands into and he could read my mind which should be impossible because my Unique Skill: Tyrant allows me to read minds as well as protect my mind from any individual.' by this point Gazel Dwargo was setting bucket.

"What is your purpose in my country, Anos Voldigoad." he was still trying to preserve his dignity in front of everyone so he is not asking me who I read his mind. Well, at least he is a somewhat capable ruler.

"Well, I just came to your country in search of some skilled artisans, and then I found Kaijin and his group. They are even prepared to come and teach their craft to my people, but you Minister named Vesta threw fruit wine at me and that pissed me off, you know what? Let's make a deal!" I said in a haughty tone.

"What do you want Anos?" he asked me as his muscles relaxed visibly.

"You ignore that this case ever happened and in turn, I won't destroy this country. What do you say?" I asked with a musing smile. I was not gonna destroy this country anyway. I just wanted him to let Kaijin and his friends off the hook and I would just forget what happened here.

"Alright I will agree with this" King Gazel said with a sigh while the ministers all looked puzzled and Vesta declared his dissatisfaction.

"Your Majesty, we should not allow such Insolence! Let us execute this boy for his misdeeds!" Vesta said as he was infuriated by what was happening.

"SILENCE VESTA!" King Gazel shouted in a panic and Vesta shanked like a dog.

"Wait, I have some questions for you. Can we have a chat after this session?"As I was about to leave, Gazel called out to me once again

"Sure why not," I already had a pretty good idea about what this chat was going to be, but let's see what happens.

"Well, until next time King Gazel. Come on guys let's go." I waved at Gazel and shook my new companions out of their stupor. Just like that, the matter of Vesta was settled and I had a lot to explain to these guys since they kept bugging me with questions. After that, I had a meeting with King Gaze, and it was a great experience.

With that, the next day of our hearing we were out of Dwargon by noon and walking leisurely.

"Alright guys, let's teleport to my Village. It will be faster that way," I said because I had already wasted about a week in Dwargon and my subordinates would be worried about me.

"What you can use teleportation magic!? Why am I not surprised. Even King Gazel was scared of you." Kaijin said with a sigh.

~~~~~ Gazel Dwargo's POV ~~~~~

This has been a strange weak. First, I got a report that a man had caused some ruckus at the entry gate of our country which happens very rarely and the same man had provided the guard captain Kaido some strange kind of healing potion which he called 'Elixer' to heal Garm and his brothers who were injured by an armorsaurus.

Kaido had submitted the extra vile of Elixer which went to the research and the results were astonishing. This potion was able to heal any injury or illness like it was never there, this potion was not growing new cells to speed up the injury, but it was rather healing the injured cell than creating new cells. Because of this, this Elixer might just become the universal medicine for all diseases, injuries, or any other abnormality in the body for a matter of fact.

But, even with the most skilled researchers, we could not identify what the potion was made for or how it was made as a matter of fact. This was extremely vexing and astonishing at the same time.

Yet, this was not the only thing.

Since we were about to go on a war, we had been ordering weapons from blacksmiths all over the country and Vesta had asked Kaijin to prepare twenty longswords within a week which would have been impossible, but strangely enough, Kaijin has delivered the twenty longswords within three days which baffled my mind since 19 swords were Unique grade like we requested but the last word was even better than my personal sword by leagues and bounds.

After analyzing the sword with the help of the best appraisers in the country, what I found out was stunning.

The sword was made from a legendary metal called Orichalcum which was astronomically stronger than Magisteel. This is a metal that had popped up in several fairy tales, but I could have never guessed that this was an actual metal.

Curious as to how Kaijin got his hands on such a national treasure, I asked my spies to investigate and found something rather disturbing.

According to them, the same man that had provided Kaido the 'Elixer' had also provided Kaijin with 18 unique grade longswords and the Orichalcum sword in exchange for them teaching his subordinates about architecture, clothing, and blacksmithing.

But the disturbing part of the report was not this. It was the fact that whenever my best spy 'Henrietta' tried to spy on this mysterious man he would always be discovered instantly.

Henrietta was one of my most trusted companions. She was the head of the espionage department of the country. She might look young because of her genes, but she actually has more than 200 years of experience in her field. She is so good at hiding her presence that even I am not able to sense her at all.

When Clayman was declared as a Demon Lord, I had sent Henrietta to gather some intel on this new Demon Lord and she didn't disappoint me. She was able to sneak into Puppet Nation Justav and into Clayman's castle without him finding a thing. With Henrietta's Unique Skil: Spy, she was able to find out about Clayman's strongest subordinates called five fingers. Unique Skill: Spy lets her erase her presence completely while also having a lot of other useful sub-skills for espionage.

But even with all of her capabilities, she wasn't able to hide her presence from this Mystery man, not even for a second. In her exact words, "It felt like he knew where I was hiding all along,".

That wasn't even the end of my troubles.

When this mystery man was visiting a bar called 'Night Butterfly' with Kaijin and the dwarf brothers, Vesta had thrown Fruit wine at him for being rude and he was beaten by Kajin for disrespecting his guest. Though I found out two things about this guy.

Firstly, his name is Anos Voldigoad, and secondly is not a musclehead and can calmly assess the situation. He also seems to be very proficient in magic since he used a cleaning spell on himself without any incantation.

This Anos might just be a saint which is the peak of human evolution if we exclude genuine Heros. That would explain why he was easily able to detect the location of Henrietta. This can also explain why he has legendary grade equipment and some very new kind of healing potion that he said was 'Elixer'.

But, there are very few saints in this world and it is not at all an easy feat to achieve. The only saints that I know of are Hinata Sakaguchi and Saare from the Ten Great Saints.

This guy is just shrouded in mystery. Therefore, I am currently going to the Courtroom to check if this 'Anos' is a threat to my country.

As I was about to walk into the courtroom, Dorf announced my entrance to the people in the courtroom. As I entered, I saw all the people present here bowing except for Anos which I kind of expected. I sat down on my thrown and released a bit of my champions haki to show my dominance in the room. This has to be done so that some fools don't underestimate me.

With the help of my Unique Skill: Tyrant I can read minds, protect my mind and also analyze someone's power to a great extent, but my analysis is showing that this man is a normal human.

Well, maybe he just got his hand on those artifacts or has a skill that made it possible for him to make artifacts. He might as well be a normal human.

But let's not forget that he caught Henrietta in her tracks very quickly. Might as well just wait and see what he is going to do against my guards who are currently pointing their weapons at him because he did not bow in front of me.

"You're the one who should be bowing in my presence you fools,"

That is all Anos said while casually sitting on his chair and within a second all the guards in the room sheathed their weapons and bowed to Anos with respect. Even Dorf was bowing down to him, this must be some kind of compulsion, but I cannot analyze it. Even while using my full analytic capabilities, all I see in Anos is a regular human that cannot do me any harm, but with just his words he was able to make my guards submit to him. I cannot even read his mind with my unique skill.

"Don't bother King Gazel, a mortal like you would never be able to see the depths of my power and while you're at it please stop trying to read my mind with your Skill," just as this guy said that, I could feel a chill run down my spine and I was already sweating due to the situation going out of control I need to maintain my authority. He even called me a mortal. Does that mean he is not human?

But that would raise the question of what he actually was? He called me a mortal, so that would mean he should have been living for well over twenty thousand years.

"Who are you?" I said while releasing all of my Champion's Haki at him. With this much haki, even a Saint would have a hard time moving. I was also trying to analyze this guy to the best of my ability, yet I always found a human looking at me in amusement.

"Fuma, I am Anos Voldigoad. A pleasure to meet you."

The man said it so casually like he wasn't even affected by my Champion's haki. It was terrifying to see a man this powerful. What a monster, to be able to shrug off my Champion's Haki like it was nothing. Anos Voldigoad, What is he?

"I am a demon," he said while looking amused. Like all of this was simply a show for him to enjoy.

A named Demon!? What have I gotten my hands into and he could read my mind which should be impossible because my Unique Skill: Tyrant allows me to read minds as well as protect my mind from any individual. Suddenly this situation was looking very helpless.

"What is your purpose in my country, Anos Voldigoad," I asked with all the majesty I could muster.

I still had to be a little dignified even if the situation is hopeless. This is my kingdom and I will protect it even if it costs me my life.

"Well, I just came to your country in search of some skilled artisans, and then I found Kaijin and his group. They are even prepared to come and teach their craft to my people, but you Minister named Vesta threw fruit wine at me and that pissed me off, you know what? Let's make a deal!" Anos said in a haughty tone.

This is bad! A deal with a demon never ends well. But, I suppose I don't even have a choice in this matter. I'll just have to listen to what he has to say "What do you want Anos?"

"You ignore that this case ever happened and in turn, I won't destroy this country. What do you say?" he said with a musing smile still sitting on his chair like he owned the place. Aside from his manners, this deal is actually very beneficial for me. I was planning to let Kaijin and his crew go anyways, so it's not like I'm losing anything.

"Alright I will agree with this," I said with a sigh. But Vesta just had to interrupt.

"Your Majesty, we should not allow such Insolence! Let us execute this boy for his misdeeds!" Vesta looked infuriated when he said that.

"SILENCE VESTA!" I shouted while releasing my champion's haki to shut him up for good.

It would have been a disaster if Anos had reacted to Vesta, but he seems like a chill guy. I looked over at him and he was already preparing to leave. I still had a lot of things I wanted to ask him, but I cannot do it in front of everyone. So, I will just invite him to a chat.

So, I invited him for a chat and he surprisingly agreed. So, I am currently walking into a discreet room where I have invited Anos. I had lots of things to ask him about.

As I entered the room I saw that he was already present and was drinking some kind of drink. There was a large round table and two luxurious chairs on the opposite sides. This room was only used when Elmesia El-Ru Sarion visited Dwargon for having any kind of discussion. But since I wanted to show off a bit in front of this demon I made an exception for this meeting.

"So, let me start by apologizing for what Vesta did to you in the bar," I said while sitting on the chair.

"Yeah, I wasn't really angry or anything. So, what do you want to talk about?" He said while sipping some kind of drink from a glass. But before I could say anything he spoke yet again.

"By the way, this is a milkshake. Go ahead and try it," he said while raising his glass and suddenly there was a glass with the same drink in front of me.

Since I didn't think someone so powerful would try and poison me. So, I drank without any worries and boy is it delicious. But getting back on track.

"So, can you teach my people to make this potion called the 'Elixer'?" I asked and brought out half a vile of golden liquid. He looked at it for a second and replied.

"Can't do. I made it with skills that you guys can't use" he simply answered. Though I had expected this kind of reaction. Now onto the next question.

I removed the sword from its scabbard and put it on the table.

"What about this sword?" I asked at which he just smirked.

"Well, I just did that on a whim, to be honest," he answered while chuckling to himself.

Alright, I might as well ask the most important question before he decides to leave.

"Say Anos, are you an archdemon?" I asked the question that has been bothering me.

I even suspect that this person might just be the primordial black-Noir. But that probability is something that I want to avoid.

"Huh? Not at all those guys are too weak to be compared with me," Anos said while waving his hand and looking at me with an amused expression as if challenging me to solve his background.

"T-Then are you primordial black-noir?" I asked Anos with all the courage I could muster.

"No not at all, well I guess we'll leave the meeting here" Anos replied nonchalantly and got up from his seat.

"Wait! at least tell me who you really are?" I asked while also standing up.

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you," He said after which he vanished without a trace.

I just sat and thought of what could this possibly turn into. He is obviously stronger than me no doubt. He told me that he was a demon, but even the highest-ranking of demons is not applicable to him. This is something that I shouldn't think about now. Let the future King Gazel deal with the future threat that Anos will pose. For now, I suppose I should relax for a while.


Well sorry for the rough chapter. I wasn't really in the mood to write, so it turned out rough. Well, I guess I will be motivated now that the interesting part of the story will be starting. So, please forgive me if you feel like the chapter is really boring.

Anyways, let me know what you all think.

Remember spread Love, not Hate.

With that Author-Kun is signing off.

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