
The Master Of Monster

In a dark and dangerous world, a man wakes up to find himself transformed into a rabbit. He is alone, confused, and afraid. He does not know who he is or how he came to be here. The man sets out on a journey to find his way in this new world. He soon discovers that he is not the only one who has been transformed. There are many other creatures in this world who have been cursed, and they are all being hunted by a powerful enemy. The man must use his newfound powers to survive in this dangerous world. He must also find a way to break the curse and return to his true form.

mohamedqamar · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Two Swords

My uncle's words echoed in my mind; a somber reminder of the time that must pass before my human companions could gain freedom from this secluded valley. Their presence here was an anomaly, a deviation from the established order.

As I gazed upon Fatima, her radiant countenance marred by fatigue, I felt a surge of unwavering determination. She had stood by my side during my darkest hours, and I would not falter in my devotion to her. Though the path ahead was shrouded in uncertainty, I knew that together we would overcome any obstacle that dared to impede our progress.

With unwavering resolve, I vowed to remain steadfast in my commitment to my friends. Their liberation would be my goal, and I would not rest until they were granted the freedom they so richly deserved.

My uncle's gaze pierced through me, his keen eyes scrutinizing the depths of my resolve. In that moment, he saw not just the unwavering determination etched upon my countenance, but also the raw potential that lay dormant within my being.

"Persistence without strength will not make any difference," he uttered, his words resonating with a profound truth.

 "Today is the day you reach puberty," he declared, his voice firm and resolute. "And today, you will participate in the raid on the vestibule."

he nodded sagely. "Murugan will be with you," he said. "He will aid you and stand by your side. But I have heard tales from Siraj of your latent strength, of how you were able to bring him to his knees."

A flicker of amusement danced in his eyes as he assessed me. "I believe you will be able to handle the challenges that await you within the vestibule."

His words served as a spark, igniting the fire within my soul. I knew that this was my chance to prove myself, to demonstrate that I was not just a child, but a warrior capable of wielding immense power.

I met my uncle's gaze, my voice unwavering as I uttered a vow that would forever alter the course of my destiny.

"I will not disappoint you," I declared, each word imbued with unwavering determination.

I was oblivious to the pity that clouded Fatima's eyes, or the anger that flared within Fred's soul. But I could not ignore the eager anticipation that vibrated in Reda's voice as he inquired about the impending raid on the vestibule.

My uncle's gaze lingered on Reda's imposing physique and the gleaming blade adorning his waist. "Two weeks from now," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of approval.

Reda turned to me, his eyes burning with intensity. "Will you allow me to train him during this time?" he asked, his voice laced with determination.

My uncle regarded Reda thoughtfully, his brow furrowed in contemplation. "I have heard tales of your prowess in combat," he said, his voice laced with respect. "Indeed, your tutelage would be a boon to his development."

His gaze returned to me; his eyes gleaming with wisdom. "I entrust you to their care for the coming days," he said. "Seize this opportunity to learn all that you can."

With that, he turned and strode away, his words echoing in my mind.

"You have great potential," he had said. "But potential without effort is like a resting sea. No big waves will occur, and no one will see it as a danger."

With a voice laced with concern, Fatima inquired, "It appears your uncle is hastening your development, entrusting you to our care?"

I replied, "He is aware of your assistance, and of the formidable guards that stand sentinel."

Farid let out a raucous laugh, his eyes glinting with malice. "Do you truly believe these guards could hinder me if I sought to harm you?" he taunted.

Reda, a man of few words but unwavering resolve, met Farid's gaze with unwavering determination. "I would prevent you," he declared, his voice firm. "For we are indebted to this child for our lives."

Despite his taciturn nature, Reda possessed a strength of character that was both admirable and reassuring. He was a man of principle, steadfast in his convictions.

Turning to the servants, Reda requested, "Would you kindly procure two wooden swords?"

Once the swords were obtained, he looked at me and said, "Rabbit monsters are renowned for their speed, agility, and keen eyesight. Therefore, wielding two swords will prove to be a valuable asset.

"In the coming fortnight, I shall dedicate myself to honing your skills in their use. For I am well aware that raiding the corridors will be no easy feat.

"Consider my instruction a token of our gratitude for your past assistance."

The servants hastened to deliver the swords; their movements imbued with a sense of urgency. Three wooden swords lay before me, two smaller ones and a larger one. As I grasped the hilts, a surge of familiarity coursed through my veins. It was as though I had held a sword countless time before.

Reda's eyes widened in astonishment. "You wield the sword with remarkable ease," he exclaimed. "It is as though this is not your first encounter with such a weapon."

I met his gaze, my voice unwavering as I replied, "No, this is the first time I have held a sword."

Reda's brow furrowed in contemplation. "Yet you move with the grace and confidence of a seasoned warrior," he mused. "There is a latent power within you, a spark of something... ancient."

As I moved, I felt a sense of grace and power flowing through my veins. The sword became an extension of my body, responding to my every whim. But as I held the blade, I felt a dark aura emanating from within me. An aura so sinister, so foreign, that I could not fathom its origin.

A primal hunger stirred within me, a craving to wield the sword, to unleash the power that surged through my veins. Reda sensed the darkness within me, and his body trembled with excitement.

"How about we start training?" he cried. "It seems this training will be more fun than I thought!"

I lunged at him, my body moving with a familiarity that surprised me. He raised his wooden sword, aiming for my midsection. Without conscious thought, I shifted my weight, raising my swords to intercept his attack. The impact jarred my arms, but I held my ground.

He retaliated with a swift kick, his leg lashing out like a whip. I was caught off guard, and the force of the blow sent me stumbling backward.

"Don't just focus on swords," he said, his voice stern. "Every part of a human's body can be a deadly weapon, especially when wielded with grace."

I nodded, acknowledging the wisdom in his words. But even as I understood his meaning, I knew that my body was not yet in sync with my mind. I saw his next move coming, but my reflexes were too slow to counter it.

He struck me again, this time with the flat of his hand. The blow was not particularly painful, but it served as a stark reminder of my inexperience.

"You must learn to anticipate your opponent's movements," he said. "Read their body language, their intentions. Only then will you be able to react in time."

I took a deep breath, trying to focus my mind. I could feel the dark aura swirling within me, eager to be unleashed. But I knew that I had to control it, to channel it into my training.

I closed my eyes and took a moment to center myself. When I opened them again, I was ready to begin again.

This time, I was able to anticipate his movements. I dodged his attacks, my body moving with newfound fluidity. I even managed to land a few blows of my own.

He smiled as we sparred. "You are learning," he said. "But you have much to learn."

I nodded, determined to improve. I knew that I had a long way to go, but I was confident that I would one day become a skilled warrior.

As we continued to train, I could feel the dark aura within me growing stronger. But I also felt a sense of control, a sense of mastery over my own power.

In a secluded corner of the world, two figures stood cloaked in the shadows, their eyes glinting with malice.

"Are you certain the Rabbit family harbors humans on their land?" inquired one, their voice raspy and laced with suspicion.

The other, a man with the head of a fox, nodded curtly. "I have obtained irrefutable proof of their transgression," he replied, his tone cold and calculating.

A cruel smile spread across the first figure's face. "Excellent," they hissed. "The time has come to eradicate this accursed bloodline."

Their laughter echoed through the desolate landscape, a chilling portent of the doom that awaited the Rabbit family.

As they turned to leave, the man with the fox's head paused, his eyes gleaming with a predatory light. "Let us ensure that their demise is swift and merciless," he said. "Their suffering will be a testament to our unwavering resolve."

With that, they vanished into the night, leaving behind only a lingering sense of dread.