
The Master Of Monster

In a dark and dangerous world, a man wakes up to find himself transformed into a rabbit. He is alone, confused, and afraid. He does not know who he is or how he came to be here. The man sets out on a journey to find his way in this new world. He soon discovers that he is not the only one who has been transformed. There are many other creatures in this world who have been cursed, and they are all being hunted by a powerful enemy. The man must use his newfound powers to survive in this dangerous world. He must also find a way to break the curse and return to his true form.

mohamedqamar · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The Unknown

The danger seemed to have dissipated, like a mist burned away by the sun. Fatima had helped me find the peace I sought, yet a voice whispered within me, "Run away!"

The voice was faint, like a distant echo, but it persisted. It urged me to flee, to leave this place behind and never look back. I tried to ignore it, but it grew louder with each passing moment.

I looked at Fatima, her gentle face bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun. She was the embodiment of peace and safety, yet the voice within me insisted that I was in danger.

I stood there, torn between two impulses. One part of me wanted to stay, to trust in Fatima and the peace she had brought me. The other part of me yearned to run, to escape the unseen threat that the voice warned me of.

In the end, I chose to stay. I knew that Fatima would not lead me astray. But as I closed my eyes that night, the voice still whispered, "Run away!"

The team decided to rest in a cave next to the river, while I recovered my strength. Fatima, with her angelic smile, produced a sumptuous feast from her bag and whispered in my ear, "Enjoy this food, without fear or worry."

I thought to myself, "Is this girl an angel?"

The swordsman stood at the entrance of the cave; his upper torso bathed in the fading sunlight. He practiced his swordsmanship with relentless determination, the sound of his blade cutting through the air echoing in the silence. Sweat dripped from his brow, glistening in the fading light.

I watched him in awe, his dedication and skill inspiring me. He was a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope.

My tongue moved of its own accord, and the word "Hope" escaped my lips.

Fatima looked at me with bright eyes. "Is that your name?" she asked.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how the word had come out of my mouth, or why. But I liked it. It reminded me of something I should never forget.

I nodded slowly; my gaze locked on hers.

Fatima smiled brightly and called out to the swordsman, her voice melodious and clear. "His name is Hope, Reda."

Reda glanced at us, his lips curling into a faint smile. He then resumed his practice, his movements fluid and graceful. His face remained unchanged, but I could sense the power and determination within him.

Fatima turned to me, her eyes warm and reassuring. "Don't worry," she said. "He's always like this, but he has a good heart."

I nodded, feeling a sense of calm wash over me. I knew that I was safe in the care of these two kind and powerful individuals.

  But Farid's gaze was icy, piercing my soul like a blade. It was as if he could see through my very being, exposing all  my vulnerabilities. I felt a chill run down my spine,

A surge of primal rage coursed through my veins, threatening to overwhelm my reason. I longed to tear Farid apart, to inflict the same pain he had tried to inflict on me. But I knew that violence was not the answer. I had to stay calm and focused, to find a way to escape and survive.

My body trembled with the force of my anger, but I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. I refused to give in to my primal urges. I would not become a monster.

The primal urges that had coursed through me, the savage desire to tear my attacker apart, made me realize that there is a beast within me. I had become a monster, even if only for a brief moment. But in the depths of my soul, I remained human.

After devouring the meal, I closed my eyes to rest my weary body. Fatima placed her hand upon me, and a verdant energy emanated from her, bathing me in its warmth and healing light.

"Do you know of Grace?" she asked in a soft voice.

I shook my head, my eyelids still closed.

"Grace is a power that flows within all living beings," she explained. "It is a gift from the heavens, a spark of divinity that grants us extraordinary abilities. But Grace is a double-edged sword. It can be used for good or evil, depending on the wielder's heart."

and Fatima smiled. "My Grace is healing," she said. "I can use it to mend broken bones, soothe inflamed wounds, and even restore life to the dying."

I felt a surge of hope and awe. Could this truly be possible? I had never believed in magic before, but something about Fatima's words and touch felt undeniably real.

Farid's voice was laced with bitterness. "Do you call this a touch of divinity, a blessing from heaven? It is a curse, a blight upon the world."

He explained that Grace had given animals the ability to speak and reason, making it impossible for humans to eat them without guilt. It had also brought about a new era of warfare, with more destructive weapons and higher casualties than ever before.

"What blessing are you talking about?" he demanded. "A blessing that has created new races in the world, demanding their rights to natural resources that were already scarce for humanity?"

Reda, his eyes narrowed, added, "This new power appeared in the world three hundred years ago, and no one knows where it came from. Some say God, some say the devil, some say dark magic. But it doesn't matter. We cannot change anything, so be silent and sleep peacefully. 

I closed my eyes and drifted into the realm of dreams, lulled by the healing aura emanating from Fatima's hand. But my slumber was soon disturbed by a vision of a towering inferno, engulfing everything in its path. I was trapped within its fiery embrace, and a voice echoed in my ears:

"Wake up! Quickly!"

It was the same voice that had warned me of danger before, urging me to flee. I obeyed without hesitation, snapping my eyes open and finding myself back in the cave

The cave around me was draped in darkness, its walls adorned with a macabre tapestry of blood. Fatima sat huddled on the ground, her hands trembling as she tended to her wounds. Farid stood at the entrance, his bow drawn, his arrows flying like streaks of lightning, warding off the strange creatures that swarmed outside.

Reda fought valiantly, his sword flashing in the dim light as he cleaved through the creatures with ease. But they were relentless, their eyes gleaming with malice and their claws dripping with venom.

One of the creatures broke through the fray and lunged at Fatima. Reda reacted instinctively, his sword deflecting the creature's blow. The creature recoiled, snarling in fury.

"I saw you with my own eyes hitting one of the conscious people with an arrow," it hissed, its voice like a serpent's whisper. "You, son of humans, have no mercy in your hearts at all."

Reda's eyes narrowed. "We fight for our survival," he said, his voice cold and steely. "If that means taking the lives of those who would harm us, so be it."

The creature laughed, a bitter sound that echoed through the cave. "Survival is the only thing that matters," it said. "Even if it means becoming the very monsters you seek to destroy."

"You have murdered one of our children," he hissed, his voice dripping with venom. "And now we are here to collect our debt."

His eyes gleamed with hatred, like twin embers burning in the darkness. He took a step forward, his claws extended, his fangs bared.

I felt my heart pounding in my chest. I had never seen anything like him before. He was tall and muscular, with skin as pale as moonlight and hair as black as midnight. His eyes were a piercing red, and his canines were as long as daggers.

Behind him stood a group of other creatures, all just as menacing. They were all shapes and sizes, but they all shared the same blood-red eyes and predatory aura.

As I gazed upon the bizarre creatures surrounding me, a profound question stirred within my mind: was this world truly a realm of magic and wonder, or was I simply losing my sanity?

Had Grace, this enigmatic force that had gifted me with the ability to speak and reason, also transformed me into a half-rabbit? Or had I been born this way, cursed with a body that defied all convention?

My heart pounded in my chest as I contemplated the implications of these thoughts. If I was indeed a hybrid creature, then what did that mean for my place in the world? Was I to be feared or revered? Was I a monster or a marvel?

  I felt a wave of dizziness wash over me, and I stumbled backwards, my mind reeling. I needed to find answers, but I wasn't sure where to start.