
The Master Of Monster

In a dark and dangerous world, a man wakes up to find himself transformed into a rabbit. He is alone, confused, and afraid. He does not know who he is or how he came to be here. The man sets out on a journey to find his way in this new world. He soon discovers that he is not the only one who has been transformed. There are many other creatures in this world who have been cursed, and they are all being hunted by a powerful enemy. The man must use his newfound powers to survive in this dangerous world. He must also find a way to break the curse and return to his true form.

mohamedqamar · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The Ghouls' Defeat

Do not fall or kneel to anyone. Either death or homeland.

I was in the forest and I only had one goal: to kill ghouls and destroy the flag

I said that and a wave of energy came out around me.


I jumped over a tree and started moving quickly between the trees to reach the goblin castle. But in an instant, I felt the wave of three creatures entering my range.

An arrow was heading towards my neck very quickly. I quickly jumped into the air, holding my sword tightly. I looked at the ghouls that appeared in front of me. One of them had a sword, the second had a hammer, and the third was standing at the back holding a bow.

"I have to kill the owner of the bow first," I thought.

I charged at the ghoul with the bow, my sword raised. The ghoul fired another arrow at me, but I dodged it and slashed at him with my sword. He staggered backwards, wounded.

The other two ghouls charged at me, but I was ready for them. I ducked under the sword swing of the first ghoul and countered with a thrust of my own. The ghoul cried out in pain as my sword pierced his chest.

The second ghoul swung his hammer at me, but I blocked it with my sword. We exchanged blows for a few seconds, but I was faster and more agile. I managed to land a kick on his knee, buckling his leg. He fell to the ground, his hammer clattering away.

I turned to face the ghoul with the bow. He was now alone and cornered. He raised his bow and fired another arrow at me, but I dodged it again.

I charged at him; my sword raised. He dropped his bow and drew a dagger, but it was too late. I slashed at him with my sword, and his head went flying.

The other two ghouls were dead, and the archer was defeated. I had cleared my path to the goblin castle.

I took a deep breath and looked around. The forest was silent, save for the sound of my own breathing. I knew that there were more ghouls to fight, but I was not afraid.

I turned and walked towards the castle; my sword held high.

I resolved to use this test as a crucible to forge my sword and hone my power.

My senses perceived that Lina was already engaged in battle within the castle walls, and so I knew that I must hasten with all my might.

I channeled the grace of the universe into my feet, and my body sprang forth like a swift arrow.

The forest was a dense thicket, teeming with ghoulish creatures lurking in the shadows. I evaded some with nimble footwork, and struck down others with the blade of my sword.

I stood alone before the goblin castle, my sword drawn. My heart pounded in my chest as I faced the massive structure, made of dark stone and topped with jagged towers. The goblin archers on the walls let loose a volley of arrows, but I slowed time down to a crawl and dodged them with ease.

I sprinted through the gates and into the courtyard, where I was surrounded by a horde of snarling goblins. I could smell their foul stench, and their eyes gleamed with malice. I jumped into the air and spun around, my sword flashing like lightning as I cut down a dozen goblins in a single blow.

The goblins pressed in on me from all sides, but I fought back with all the strength and skill I could muster. I parried their blows and struck back with deadly precision. But the goblins were relentless, and my wounds began to multiply.

An arrow pierced my shoulder, and a goblin spear grazed my chest. I stumbled backwards, but I quickly recovered and pressed the attack. I jumped over a goblin's head and landed behind him, driving my sword through his back.

Another goblin swung his axe at me, but I slowed time down again and ducked under the blow. I countered with a quick thrust to the gut, and the goblin fell to the ground, dead.

I was starting to feel dizzy and weak from the loss of blood, but I knew that I had to keep fighting. I summoned up my remaining strength and charged at the flagpole. I cut down the goblins standing in my way and hacked at the flagpole with my sword.

The flagpole cracked and splintered, and the flag came crashing down. The goblins let out a howl of despair as they saw their symbol of power destroyed.

I stood victorious, but I was battered and bruised. I had lost a lot of blood, and I had several deep wounds

I stood alone, my body bloodied, the air thick with the scent of death. I had fought valiantly, but my wounds were too severe. My vision blurred, and my strength waned.

But I refused to give up. I had fought for my life And even in death, I would stand tall.

The ghouls circled me, their eyes gleaming with malice. They sensed my weakness, and they were eager to finish the job.

I raised my sword, though my arm trembled with exertion. "Come on," I taunted. "Let's finish this."

The ghouls charged, their claws and fangs bared. I met their charge with a roar, my sword flashing in the fading light.

I fought with the fury of a dying lion. I cut down ghoul after ghoul, but their numbers were endless. For every one I felled, two more took its place.

My wounds multiplied, and my strength ebbed away. I knew that my end was near, but I refused to die without a fight.

Finally, I collapsed to one knee, my sword slipping from my grasp. The ghouls closed in on me, their fangs dripping with venom.

I closed my eyes and smiled. I had fought well. And now, I would die with honor.

But before the ghouls could deliver the killing blow, a voice rang out.
