
The Master Of Monster

In a dark and dangerous world, a man wakes up to find himself transformed into a rabbit. He is alone, confused, and afraid. He does not know who he is or how he came to be here. The man sets out on a journey to find his way in this new world. He soon discovers that he is not the only one who has been transformed. There are many other creatures in this world who have been cursed, and they are all being hunted by a powerful enemy. The man must use his newfound powers to survive in this dangerous world. He must also find a way to break the curse and return to his true form.

mohamedqamar · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Master Of Monsters 

I peered into the cave, my heart pounding in my chest. Lina's words had shaken me to the core.

"If we don't pass this test, we won't be able to leave the floor or exit the tower," she had said, her eyes filled with sadness. "Believe me, I've tried everything."

I clenched my fist, determination coursing through my veins. "Let's go," I said.

Lina smiled faintly. "I'm starting to like you."

We stepped into the cave, the darkness closing in around us.


Rabbit Palace

Fred fidgeted with his daggers, boredom etched on his face. He spat on the ground. "Why are we just sitting here? We can't stay here forever."

Fatima fiddled with a light in her hand. "What do you suggest we do? We're in the middle of the Valley of the Beasts, and this hut is surrounded by soldiers."

Reda raised his sword. "If we do anything they don't like, we're dead."

Fred slammed his fist against the wall, his voice trembling with anger. "How can we let these damned animals control our lives?" he hissed. "We humans waste our precious lives at the hands of some animals."

Fatima glared at Fred, her disgust palpable. "All lives matter," she said firmly.

Fred challenged her gaze. "What's the difference between eating a rabbit and eating 'hope'?" he asked. "They're both rabbits."

Fatima stood up, her eyes shining in the darkness. "Awareness," she said. "The moment an animal gains awareness, it is forbidden for us to kill it, because it has become something more important."

Farid's anger at Fatima's words boiled inside him. He was about to retort when Riza raised her sword.

"Silence," Rida commanded. "I want to focus on my training."

Farid reluctantly obeyed, but a malicious voice whispered in his mind.

"Why should you follow the damned animals?" the voice taunted. "They are beneath you. They deserve to be slaves."

The voice spoke again, its malice palpable. "I will help you," it said. "But in return, I want something from you."

Farid smiled faintly as he listened to the voice whispering in his ear. He nodded slowly, his eyes filled with determination.


In the human world,

 a group of people stood around a table

"Sir," one of them asked, "will we really accept them this year?"

The man with the long beard nodded. "Yes," he said. "But first, we must find the missing team."

Another person stepped forward. "I think they went to the animal forest and were captured," he said.

The man with the beard slammed his hand on the table. "If that happens, it will be a disaster," he said. "We must find the princess as soon as possible."


In the heart of the sprawling forest, where towering trees pierced the azure sky, stood a colossal cave, its gaping maw shrouded in an aura of darkness that chilled the blood. I stood before it, .

Lina, my mysterious companion, stood beside me, her voice echoing through the stillness. "I will teach you something more," she said.

She raised her hammer, its polished surface gleaming in the faint light. "Grace is energy that flows within our bodies," she explained, her eyes sparkling with arcane knowledge. "You can control it and channel it to your feet, granting you superhuman leaping prowess. But did you know that grace can also be imbued upon external tools?"

With a flick of her wrist, Lina's hammer erupted in a dazzling blue radiance, illuminating the cave with an ethereal glow. I watched in awe as the hammer danced like a celestial wisp, trailing a stream of ethereal light in its wake.

"Grace can be harnessed to power anything," Lina whispered, her voice laced with reverence. "Even light."

My mind reeled with the implications of her words. Grace was not merely a physical attribute, but a primordial energy that could be channeled for countless purposes. 

We ventured deeper into the cave, Lina's hammer illuminating our path like a beacon in the darkness. The cavern walls were adorned with mysterious drawings, depicting a forgotten history of creatures unlike anything I had ever seen before.

Lina furrowed her brow as she examined the drawings. "I've never seen anything like this," she murmured. "But it seems to be recounting a story that we know nothing about."

I studied the drawings with rapt attention, feeling a strange sense of familiarity. Something about them resonated with me on a deep level. Suddenly, my gaze fell upon a some thing that made my heart skip a beat.

Lina followed my gaze and gasped. "That's not just a drawing," she said. "It's language."

I peered closer, my heart pounding in anticipation. The symbols on the wall were unlike anything I had ever seen before, yet they felt strangely familiar. I tried to decipher them, but my mind drew a blank.

"Let's move on," Lina said. "We don't need to stop here."

But I couldn't tear my eyes away from the ancient language. I was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Something inside me told me that it was important, that it held the key to a forgotten secret.

"I know what these words mean," I whispered.

As soon as I spoke, the walls began to vibrate. A strange sound filled the air, a melody that was both haunting and beautiful. It was as if the ancient language was singing to me.

I closed my eyes and let the music wash over me. The words on the wall began to dance and swirl before my eyes, and I felt a surge of understanding coursing through my veins.

I stood before the ancient language, my heart pounding in my chest. As I read the words, the walls began to vibrate with a strange music.

In this cave I dwelt and died,

My eternal treasure inside.

Who can challenge the impossible,

And claim the prize, so glorious?

The age of destruction is near,

But a treasure can banish fear.

He who holds it in his hand,

Will change the world, as planned.

Master of monsters, 

From darkness to light,

From chaos to might,

With the treasure in my hand,

I'll make the world a better land.

But beware, the treasure's might,

Can corrupt the heart with its light.

Use it wisely, use it well,

Lest darkness cast its spell.

The words were ominous, but they also held a promise of power

Lina stared at me in astonishment. "How did you read those words?" she asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know," I said. "I just did."

A voice whispered in my mind: "Master of monsters, hahaha ."