
The Master Of Monster

In a dark and dangerous world, a man wakes up to find himself transformed into a rabbit. He is alone, confused, and afraid. He does not know who he is or how he came to be here. The man sets out on a journey to find his way in this new world. He soon discovers that he is not the only one who has been transformed. There are many other creatures in this world who have been cursed, and they are all being hunted by a powerful enemy. The man must use his newfound powers to survive in this dangerous world. He must also find a way to break the curse and return to his true form.

mohamedqamar · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Grace Or Curse

Lina's gaze met mine, her eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation. The test before us was daunting, one that would require unwavering trust. If either of us wavered, our fate would be sealed.

With a smile on his face, Lina asked me the fateful question: "Do you trust me?"

I hesitated, my heart pounding in my chest. But deep down, I knew that there was no other option. I had to trust this girl, or we would both perish.

Without hesitation, I took a leap of faith. As I fell, I looked up at Lina, my heart in my throat.

"Are you going to jump?!" I cried. "Or won't you?!"

My life hung in the balance as I watched her, suspended between death and life.

Suddenly, a rock materialized beneath my feet. I landed with a thud, a smile spreading across my face.

Without hesitation, Lina leaped.

I watched in awe as she soared through the air, her trust in me unwavering.

Her landing was graceful, her smile as radiant as the sun.

In the heart of the perilous chasm, Lina stood poised on the rock, her eyes locked with mine. I took a deep breath and leaped, my heart pounding in my chest. My feet touched the ground just as a rock materialized beneath me, providing a precarious perch.

We repeated this perilous dance three more times, each time trusting the other to jump at the precise moment, lest we fall to our deaths. But on the fourth leap, no rock appeared. I looked at Lina, her face etched with shock.

Lina soared through the air, her heart pounding in her chest. I watched in horror as she fell short of the other side of the chasm. She was suspended in mid-air, her body swaying precariously.

I had to do something. I had to save her.

"Slow down time!" I shouted.

Lina closed her eyes and concentrated. I felt a surge of power within her, and the world around us seemed to slow to a crawl.

I gathered all of my grice into my feet and leaped towards her. I caught her just as she was about to fall.

We were locked together in a precarious embrace, our bodies suspended in mid-air.

I looked into Lina's eyes and saw the awe and shock in her expression.

"What now?" she whispered.

I smiled and said. "I don't know," 

My hand outstretched, I could feel the warmth of the sun on the other side of the chasm. With Lina safely in my arms, I knew that we were almost there. But then, my strength gave out.

My arms trembled as I tried to hold on, but it was no use. Slowly but surely, we began to fall.

I looked down into Lina's eyes and saw the fear and resignation in her gaze. I wanted to tell her that it would be okay, but I knew that I couldn't lie.

We were falling into the abyss, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

I closed my eyes and braced for impact. But then, something unexpected happened.

I heard Lina's voice whisper in my ear, her trembling voice carrying a melody of gratitude.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice laced with emotion.

In a place shrouded in darkness, a being with a diaphanous body sat upon a throne of skulls, his laughter echoing through the vast and empty palace.

"It seems that someone has finally passed the test," he murmured in a chilling voice. "The wait will finally end... and I will continue to laugh without stopping."

On a table beside him lay a book bound in black leather, its title emblazoned in gold: "Grace or Curse?!"

Upon opening the book, one would find the following inscribed on its first page:

"Past times were full of murders and wars."

The Dark Age: When ignorance and barbarism reigned supreme, and the world was shrouded in darkness.

The Age of Construction: An era in which humans began to build homes and communities, gathering together in harmony.

The Age of Wars: A time when swords and weapons were forged, and wars erupted between the newly formed nations.

But all this came to an end with the advent of Grace.

A mysterious energy flowed through the hearts of humans and animals alike. It took time for them to comprehend this new energy, but once they did, the world changed forever.

The true origins of Grace are unknown, but one thing is certain: its arrival ushered in a new era of chaos. Wars erupted once more, but this time, fueled by the power of Grace.

This book is a veiled account of a being who once ruled over the monsters for a vast period of time. He declared war on the tyranny of humans, but his plans were thwarted by something unknown.

The being closed the book and whispered, "It seems that history is repeating itself."

At that moment, his laughter echoed through the palace once more, but this time, it was tinged with a note of madness.