
The Master (A MHA Fanfic){DROPPED}

A budding psychopath dies in a mugging gone wrong and floats in limbo for a long time. After a fortuitous encounter with an unknown entity, he gets the chance to reincarnate in a world with a power. Now thrown in a world full of superpowers with the power to control minds, he sets on an epic journey of world conquest for fun and proceeds to create a new faction thus becoming the greatest villain the world has ever known. Disclaimer: I don't own My hero Academia as it is already owned by Kohei Horikoshi. Also I don't own Marvel and the cover that I am using. Note: This is my first story ever and my spoken language is not English. Constructive criticism appreciated. Thank you for reading this. Also posting on royalroad.

Klazy_Labbit · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Ch 08: Reaction Video

[2100 words without AN. Also Yamada Taro is the Japanese equivalent of John Doe]

[Weekly news Mustafu]

"Good evening everyone and welcome to Mustafu News." A man with a single bull horn sprouting from his head, wearing a normal pair of suit and pants spoke as he addressed his daily spectators.

"Today on our channel we have a very special guest. He is not a hero like many of you expect but he is one with answers to the recent growing enigma." 

Pausing a second,he continues,"He is none other than Yamada Taro, the man who is the CEO of the newly established company that created a storm. Yes, the one I am talking about is the AIM or better yet known as Advanced Idea Mechanics. "

"This company popped out of nowhere and merged the companies from various fields quickly becoming a powerhouse. Now here we have Mr.Yamada Taro who is going to shed some light on some of the things we want to know about AIM."

The camera shifts focus and is pointed now at a man with ordinary features. The man didn't have anything special about him and he looked average in all aspects. The man now named as Yamada Taro began speaking,

"I thank everyone for having me today and I am here as stated by Mr.Fujiwara to tell you all about AIM."

"Welcome to today's special Mr Taro and let us begin."

"First question that the people want to know about is who is the mysterious person who unified all these companies to form AIM?"the bull man asked.

"The person who started this is our Company's chairman.  Now I can't talk much about him as he wants information about him not to be made public but what I can say is he is a talented person who is a man with great plans. He leads us with his clear commands."

"He guides us personally and gives us precise orders that have so far not led us astray. He has a very unique and charming personality that we can't help but follow his lead."

"He is a person that not only I but everyone would want to follow and admire. He is awe inspiring and is a hero for us." As Taro spoke his expression turned into one of deep admiration and respect. 

The bull man who we shall call Fujiwara listened quietly with a calm expression but inside he was shocked to the core. Listening to Taro might make some think that he is sucking up to his boss but Taro didn't mention the boss's identity so this means that he really means what he spoke.

Also his expression seemed genuine and sincere. Fujiwara in all his years as a reporter and journalist had never seen any employee speak about their boss in such a ....zealous manner.

"Woah…" Calming himself Fujiwara continued his questions.

"Now I am really curious to meet your Boss but we will comply with his wish to remain anonymous. So out of 100 points, how many points would you give to your Boss?"

Taro replied zealously," I would give him 200 points. Our boss is a great person and even 200 points won't suffice. "

Gulping Fujiwara asked the next question," Well your Boss seems like a truly good person and I hope there comes a time when he meet him.Anyway moving on, what is AIM trying to accomplish ? or more specifically what are the next plans of AIM."

Straightening his back, Taro answered," For now AIM is focused on building training robots and Hero support gadgets for Hero schools. We have recently made and established a contract with the I-Island like the other big companies. We have also started a research centre on I-Island and are currently recruiting promising graduates for the labs."

"We are continuing some of the old products but as you already know, they are no longer the same types. We have improved them and are currently in the process of making better and more efficient ones."

"Wonderful"said Fujiwara as he thought about the company. It seemed to have big ambitions and with the way it was progressing, it wouldn't be long before they accomplished it.

And then time passed as Fujiwara asked Taro more questions and he answered them all professionally.  

The interview ended with Taro informing the audience about the AIM expo to be held in the near future introducing new gadgets and inventions.

All in all Fujiwara was very satisfied with how the interview went and had unknowingly gained respect and developed positive feelings about AIM and it's enigmatic chairman.

Watching the interview between the reporter and Taro, I feel the urge to smile as plans go smoothly yet again. Almost all my plans are going well and it gives me it great pleasure watching them succeed.

Yet at this rate I might turn into a Gary stu.

Now about the interview, it was quite obviously rigged. I had sent a person under my thrall to shed some light as the reporter put it. 

The interview was alright even if the CEO came out a bit too zealous for my liking.

The Chairman Taro was referring to was obviously me but in reality I am not the chairman. Because me being the cautious person had not taken up the post personally,instead had placed a filler guy in place.

Now even if someone digs deep, they will still be deceived. 

The company has been sailing smoothly and I have gained more permits and licenses by virtue of Hydra spies in the government. 

Earlier I had gotten some spies in the government and now they were reaping fruits. The people under my thrall did not have too high of a standing yet but had enough power to get some permits.

Though I have yet to get some spies in the part of the Government that deals with heroes and quirks, I do have plans for it.

Currently AIM is focusing on building robots and hero support items.

My plan is to improve these robots enough to get noticed by U.A High school, the number One Hero school in the country and also the place where future protagonist and his merry band of friends and rivals go.

Now if I can get the robots in there with some handy backdoors installed. Conquering U.A become a lot easier.

Another reason for focusing on robots is to reduce or even eliminate one of my main weaknesses.

My ability doesn't work on robots and I would be fucked if I go against them as I am now so 

what do I do if I can't control the robots my way, well it has a simple solution, that is to make the robots myself and control them anyway.

I chuckle at the thought of controlling the robots in U.A. It would be pretty funny if Izuku dies because a zero pointer 'accidentally' malfunctions and kills him.

Actually this would have seemed like a good plan if I had tunnel vision but I don't and could see the consequences of doing it.

First of all, it's Izuku the protagonist so fucking plot armour could save him and if it doesn't and he dies.

All might will be after me and that guy won't rest until he finds me, also all the good PR that I am generating now will become useless if the world learns that a robot from my company killed a U.A student and then I will lose all credibility.

So I won't be doing that anytime soon and besides I won't gain anything by killing Izuku there and besides there are better ways to kill him than that.

Yet another use of robots is by supplying Hydra with it to train them or use the robots like low grade Nomus.

So robots are useful and I will keep working on them. Moving on, next there is the hero support gadgets. This will give Hydra another edge in a battle against heroes but I will have to cautious about its use.

Just as I am pondering over these ideas, I feel a presence entering the room. Turning towards it, I see a man stumbling into the room that I am in.

The man would seem like your average salaryman if it wasn't for the deranged and psychotic grin plastered across his face.

His clothes, a simple suit and tie with a white shirt tucked in was soaked with a red liquid that couldn't be anything but blood. The man moved closer to me and he seems to be holding something in his hands.

And upon closer inspection I learn that it is a surgical blade and that it is dripping blood onto the floor making wet splash noises as it makes contact with it.

Oh no! A sick psycho slasher guy walked into my room and it seems that I am his next victim.

*Old Dracula horror/creepy  music plays in the background*

And then with the best 'chiding a child' face that I can form I say, "Toga-chaaan, what did I say about dirtying the floor. Look at it and tell me, can you see how dirty it is?"

The man stops in his tracks and his expression deadens with disappointment clear in his eyes as his face starts melting and soon enough he turns into a puddle.

And out of the puddle, a girl steps out in her birthday suit. She has a pale complexion and has cat like eyes that screams mischief. Her pale, dirty ash blonde hair is tied into two messy buns and her face would have been maiden like with a blush had it not been for the quite unmaiden like grin on her face. In fact, it looked crazy and her canine teeth did not help paint the picture.

"Mouuu...Akira-kuuuun, you are no fun…" says Himiko with a pout.

"You should have screamed and cried and then should have begged for mercy and then I would have sliced you up a bit and then maybe I would ….." she trails off muttering softly as her blush deepens if that is even possible.

"That is never going to happen and you know it Toga-chan. Besides if you want such reactions,you should go do this to those softie wannabe hero kids. I heard that the ones with green hair scream more and quite possibly cry more too." I say as I take a better look at her body to appreciate it like a true man of culture. 

Noticing me staring, Toga blushes even more and covers her body up with the a blanket that was conveniently lying around.

"Ahhh….Akira-kuun, don't look" 

Raising an eyebrow, I say, "Why not? You have a beautiful body and figure and I am showing my appreciation. Besides you had to have changed clothes in an alley for your latest victim and anybody could have seen you. "

She looks down and speaks after a gap of few seconds," But….you are not anybody...you are.. you are.." 

Seeing her speak too softly, I ask," What is it that you are saying, Toga-chan, I can't hear you" To further emphasize my point, I point my finger towards my ear as a gesture.

"You are special okay!! I don't mind what others think about me but I do care about yours" 

Sighing I say softly,"Alright Toga-chan, I get it. I will stop teasing you and also you too are special for me."

She tenses for a second and then smiles but this time it is a gentle smile.

I call her towards myself and we both plop together on a sofa. 

No sooner do we sit when her eyes dart towards my neck. I sigh as I realize where this was going. She wanted to drink my blood, it had quite literally become her drug. I would have refused her now as she hadn't done anything much recently but I complied as I was in a good mood.

And besides a little bit of brainwashing doesn't hurt, she will be better at obeying me later after all.

She quickly sinks her teeth at the same place as all other times and begins drawing blood.


After a few seconds she stops but instead of moving away like every other time,she starts licking my neck in that region. 

I feel goosebumps arising on my skin and I start getting hard down there. My hands slowly start exploring her body and she gets more aggressive.

As I am about to do the same. 


I get startled and so does Toga. I look up to see my phone ringing. 

Feeling anger building up in my chest, I pick up the phone and see which future unlucky bastard called me.

[Author-And cut… I am trying the Dao of cliff hanger and so far it's good.

Sorry about the cockblock but it wasn't going to be a R-18 moment either way. This was just them getting caught up in lust.

Still this chapter was really fun to write. I am basically pulling an all nighter writing this. In this chapter I showed some character *cough* development. The beginning of the chapter was to show the world's reaction. Also don't diss me as I don't watch news a lot so it might seem wrong.

Next I want to thank all of you for your continued support and I also want to thank my parents who don't know about me writing this and again also want to thank my neighbor's cat that is staring at me from outside my window. It's cuteness is the only thing keeping me awake now. 

I am feeling really sleepy and I need to get some sleep in but that being said, we enter the rankings with this chapter and pls give me those votes. I swear I will clean those streets after I win… also special thanks to amaturewriter for his wonderful suggestions that increased my scope.]