
the masks

Bianka_Rowe · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2 page 6

I woke u and the fairy was just looking at me she looked happy. hi little fairy. she was small and she had black eyes,her hair was this light pink and she had a flower dress on that was blue and green. I looked down she had no feet. and then she flu to the next room. I followed her. she was on the old man's head. he said its nice to see you again lilly. you know this fairy old man. I have a name ya know and yes I do know her. this is lilly your new companion she holds all of your masks for you in her little wand. I went to get the masks out of my room and showed it to her. here take it. she took out her wand and bam!! their were gone. thank you lilly she nodded her head. by the way lilly can't talk but she can understand you. now then I'll go make some breakfast then start training. so we ate then I changed into my training gear. let get started. so we trained and trained all day with out stopping for any food or water the training gotten even more difficult by day. and I gotten better with my new powers. but something terrible happened.