
The Masked Vampire King's Accidental Bride

(Mature content R-18+ Contains gore, no second woman drama or rape.) My love sees no end, no right or wrong. Because when I love I want you to be mine as much as I am yours - Angelina Bhardawaj ~~~~~~ "I told you I want to ruin you," he cupped her jaws while pinning her to the wall. "And you have done enough. Now I am leaving," she snapped back. "You didn't get my words, Princess," he sneered coldly. "When I say I want to ruin you, I want to bind you to my bed and fill you till your scent becomes one with me and every fucking person in this world knows who you are... That you are fucking mine!" He slammed her into the wall, kissing her passionately. ~~~~~~ Elliana Heart, the illegitimate daughter of the King of Heart Moon City with the hunter bloodline only wants one thing in her life; to know and meet her biological mom. Innocent and beautiful, Elliana is often a victim of her stepmother's and stepsister's plots.  Sebastian Marino, the infamous masked Vampire Prince, has suffered nothing but hatred from everyone around him. Everyone fears him since he has a power not to be reckoned with. After serving in prison for one year on behalf of her stepsister, Elliana is surprised to get bailed. However, her happiness is cut short when she finds out she is to marry the vampire Prince in her stepsister's place. Elliana knows nothing about the vampires, and Sebastian hates everything that comes with those evil humans.  What would she do when she gets married to the named monster of the dark world who takes and hunts without mercy? "Are you not curious about what I look like?" He grabbed her chin painfully. "Reveal your face to me when you trust me," she smiled softly. 'That's never going to happen,' Sebastian thought. To him, she was nothing more than a tool to get his revenge on the humans. To her, he was more than everything she laid her eyes on, even more than the truth of her existence. There is a power even bigger and more powerful than anything and that power is called fate. Will they be able to fight their fates to stay together or succumb to it and lose it all? The story of the deadliest witch disguised as a human and the most dangerous prodigy prince who survives on vampire blood. Disclaimer- The book is built around magical world and pure fantasy. The romance will make you feel butterflies in the stomach while some scenes might have you question sanity around love. The first 50 chapters will build the world around the book. I promise, if you stay, you are going to love the book, until this isn't your genre. ~~~~~~ Follow me on my social media. Facebook - Author Angelina Bhardawaj Instagram - @angelinabhardawaj

AngelinaBhardawaj · Fantasy
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671 Chs

Stay Away

"I am sorry if I offended you," Aditya sighed, and Madeline looked at him in shock. She wasn't a fool to ignore the glint shining in Aditya's eyes, and she glared at Elliana.

What has gotten into this girl lately? Not only did she threaten her, but now she was talking back to Aditya, the person she was madly in love with.

Alcinder and his friends were walking toward the cafeteria. The little proportion of food Elliana offered did nothing to calm their hunger.

"This reminds me. Daniel, my father wanted to invite your family on some kind of trip. Please tell your father you can't go. I can't go on another business trip in the name of strengthening the bonds," Alcinder groaned to Daniel, who chuckled at his friend and nodded. As they turned around the corner and were about to enter the cafeteria, they noticed the crowd gathering near the entrance.

Most humans were walking to the windows to see the scene unfolding.

"What is going on there?" Alex was the first one to voice out, and Alcinder shrugged.

"What can we expect when we have a dramatic species studying with us?" His reply was filled with loathing.

Aditya was a reputed person in the University because of his position, and seeing him holding the new girl's hand and her jerking it off, things immediately felt more than what they looked like.

"Is he proposing to her?"

"I don't know, but judging from her stance, whatever it was, she didn't like it,"

"Look at her beauty. Not all girls fall for power,"

The students were talking among themselves, and Alcinder finally gazed at the people who were the protagonists of the scene.

His brows twitched when he saw that same weirdo girl being the center of everyone's attention once again.

She really likes keeping all the attention to herself, no?

He scoffed and was about to enter when he saw Aditya holding her hand.

Well, this was the first. For the first time, he saw the guy even looking at some girl other than that cunning human Madeline.

Elliana looked at Aditya's hand and couldn't help but notice how light his grip was. It was as if he was almost afraid his grip would bruise her.

"Aditya," Elliana stepped forward, her earlier strong demeanor faltering slowly.

"Elliana, we can still be good friends, right?" Aditya's words held hope, and that hope scared Elliana.

Can they be friends? Can they really be after everything that Madeline has made her go through just to keep her away from this particular boy? Elliana's eyes watered a bit, and she kept looking at his muscular hand, the good memories resurfacing and making her sigh.

Aditya noticed it too. He could see it in her eyes that she was rethinking what he said. Probably there was still some hope, and he stepped forward, not leaving her hand yet. He wanted to hold her hands, probably intertwining their fingers too. He didn't know if it was just him, but she looked more beautiful now. Or was it because she was like a forbidden apple now?

"I am sorry. Don't be mad. Can you keep things aside and -" Aditya started.

"Aditya, what the hell are you doing? She is the same girl-" Madeline started before Aditya could say anything, but stopped when her gaze met Elliana's hard ones.

So she is going to interrupt him again? Even when he is only apologizing? Elliana couldn't help but scoff at the insecurity in Madeline's gaze even when she knows Elliana is married to the vampire prince.

"Can you be a little mindful of your image? Everyone is talking about you guys. Do you want to tell them you are approaching her? You know it will make things difficult for her too, right? Is that what you want?" Madeline played with her words, and they brought Aditya out of his haze. He looked at his hand, grabbing Elliana's once again, a little remorse crossing his eyes.

He was about to remove his hand when he saw someone else butting in.

"How can you leave me after saying such atrocious words? Do you think we are broke?" A voice came from behind Aditya, and before he could know what was happening, Daniel grabbed Elliana's hand.

Elliana, who was still contemplating how to get out of this situation and these feelings, looked at Daniel, a little confused.

"Hmm?" Elliana murmured, her mind still in chaos, and Daniel rolled his eyes.

Seriously? He was here trying to save her from whatever nonsensical conversation was going on between them because she looked so uncomfortable, and the best she could come up with was 'Hmm?'

Aditya noticed Elliana's confusion and was clear that she didn't have anything to do with Daniel. It only meant one thing.

This vampire was deliberately messing with her. And how can he bear it?

"Daniel, just because you are the mayor's son, it doesn't mean it gives you the right to harass other humans," Aditya's demeanor took a 180° turn, and like a true representative of the council head's son, his eyes and voice turned cold as he tried to step forward to shield Elliana.

"And you have the right to hold her hand because you are a human and the council head's son?" Daniel's question made Aditya grit his teeth while Elliana looked at her hand that was being grabbed by two boys now.

Blue, who was gazing at the scene with the help of her binoculars from above another building, sighed. She knew the princess would be in a lot of trouble when she saw the Council head's son and the mayor talking to her.

She was a human, for crying out loud, and a human whose identity was strictly confidential. Things were bound to get messy.

"This isn't the same with me. I am grabbing her hand as a friend who -" Aditya stopped when Madeline held his hand painfully.

"I think Daniel is right, Aditya. You should leave her hand if you don't want to be part of any controversy," Madeline's words were not only a suggestion but a warning, and Aditya immediately left Elliana's hand, making her sigh in relief.

Her gaze moved to Madeline, who was staring at her with a piercing gaze. Elliana didn't want to back down. She has had enough in their previous kingdom. This time she was sure she wouldn't allow Madeline to trample all over -

"The chocolate shake, don't you want it anymore?" Daniel's words brought Elliana out of her thoughts, and she finally looked at him.

"But I was going to meet the -" Elliana couldn't complete her words as Daniel was already pulling her away from the crowd, shocking everyone including himself, because this was so not like him.

He never butts in humans' business. And look at him now, already helping her twice.

Aditya saw Daniel taking away Elliana, who clearly looked uncomfortable and confused, and clenched his teeth. He wanted to go behind them and see what this was all about.

He wanted to protect her from these vampires, but he knew he couldn't do anything like that because that might ignite a controversy between vampires and humans, and that's the last thing they want when they have been trying so hard to mend things between them. Isn't that why Elliana was sacrificed?

"I... " Elliana didn't know what to say. She could clearly see that Daniel wasn't taking her to the cafeteria but to the garden where she had lunch.

Once Daniel brought her at enough distance from everyone, he looked at the girl with a scowl.

"What is with you?" He asked loudly, and Elliana flinched slightly, even more confused now.

Daniel noticed this and couldn't help but immediately feel guilty about it.

'What was with her?' What the hell was wrong with this dude? She was handling everything just fine.

For the first time in her life, she finally did what she always wanted to do and stood up for herself. She threatened Madeline and showed Aditya that he didn't have the upper hand over her because she liked him. Why did Daniel have to ruin her moment? Elliana looked at him as if she was wronged, and Daniel didn't know what to say.

"What did I do to you, Mr. Daniel? Is this because I asked you for help and made you show me the department? Is this why you are treating me like this?" Elliana's voice was calm, but her words displayed her raging emotions.

"Look, I didn't mean -"

"I am sorry for the morning. Thank you for saving me once again, and if there is a way to repay your debt, I will, but I hope we don't cross paths till then. I know that I might look like an easy target to you because I don't have any friends, but I hope you can have fun with some other human," Elliana nodded at him in respect before she turned around and walked to the forest.

She wanted to meet the dean, but she was in no mood to do so. Since her lecture was free, it was better she found some solace.

Daniel stood there and watched her leave, still wondering what happened.

"That's why we don't meddle in these pathetic human beings' business. They are never grateful for our help and always find ways to down regard -"

"I shouted at her. It was more like an outburst because I couldn't figure out why I ended up helping her again. Her words were true to some extent, no? I have been finding ways to mess with her in the name of having fun. She just figured that out differently," Daniel cut Greg off and walked back to the cafeteria where Alcinder and others were waiting for him.

Once he entered the cafeteria, his eyes immediately settled on Aditya, and he glared at him with animosity.

It all happened because of this guy. She was happy before that confrontation too. This guy has been nothing but a real pain in the a*s ever since he arrived at the university. Daniel clenched his fists and slumped in his chair.

"You don't look happy," Alcinder commented while drinking coffee to calm his urges since drinking blood at the university wasn't allowed.

"He had a one-way argument with the girl. She said she hopes to not cross paths with Daniel because he is trying to mess with her. In her defense, he shouted at her," Greg explained, and Daniel just looked at his coffee with an annoyed look.

"It's better if you leave her be. These humans are never good news. Let's not meddle in their business, yeah? Besides this girl Elliana, I don't have a good feeling about her. She has managed to capture the gaze of almost all the important people from both species, and it's a talent indeed," Alcinder said, and Daniel hummed, still not being able to concentrate on anything else.

Only if this feeling was so easy to understand.

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