
The Masked Princess (Behind the Mask)

Following his father's unjust treason accusation and execution, Ryker, heir to the Duke of Westerwyn, witnesses his world collapse. Left with his sister and mother, they teeter on the brink of catastrophe. A glimmer of hope, however, arises as news circulates that the Cadilaria Empire's emperor plans to get his heir married—an enigmatic woman, shrouded in a half mask due to an alleged curse. Given an unwelcome choice, the King compels Ryker to either wed the Masked Princess as the Duke of Westerwyn or face execution. Faced with this grave decision, Ryker, driven by the need to protect his family and restore honor, chooses to court the Masked Princess. Determined to win her heart and avenge his father's demise, Ryker treads a perilous path, even if it means manipulating a potentially deadly royal ally.

de_writer · History
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68 Chs

Episode of Madness

“Crown Princess Raquel Anna de Cadilaria, where in Adath’s name do you think you’re going!?” A voice suddenly called out making Raquel flinch.

She turned away from the window she had been attempting to escape from to find Anthea, Head Maid of the Cadilaria Palace, standing at the doorway with a stern look on her face.

“I’m just trying to meet Hale.” Raquel sighed, getting down from the window sill.

She wasn’t really trying to fall to her death but it was easier to say so than tell Anthea she was secretly trying to leave the palace. The first time Anthea had caught her doing so got Raquel a huge scolding from the older woman.

The sixty year old woman raised an eyebrow. “With a rope attached to your waist? If you want to meet the Death God, I’ll gladly push you out the window but you’ll need to remove the rope first.”

“Don’t bother. You’ve spoiled the fun now.” Raquel retorted, handing the rope to Anthea. “By the way, where’s Lady Maria?”

“Apologies, your highness.” A timid voice responded as a small, blond haired woman appeared at the doorway. “Baroness Anthea threatened to cut my salary.”

“So my lady-in-waiting did me in because she feared a pay cut. Where has loyalty gone these days?” Raquel said sarcastically.

“I hate to interrupt your highness’s rant but there are some documents that need your attention if you’re done playing around.” Anthea interrupted. “I’ve been told that you need to have them done by tonight.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Raquel huffed, heading out of the small guest room.”Shall we get going Lady Maria?”

“Of course your highness.” Maria replied quickly, stepping outside to let Raquel through.

Raquel gave Maria a small smile before turning back to look at Anthea. “Could you have one of the maids bring refreshments to my office?”

“Yes, I’ll have Hannah come by in a few minutes.”

“Thank you.” Raquel exclaimed before leaving.

As Raquel walked towards her office, Maria hurried behind her, holding her skirts up to keep pace with Raquel. Fear seemed to pour out of Maria as the two continued walking.

The princess could understand why she was like this. Maria had just angered the Crown Princess and with her reputation, she bet her lady-in-waiting was scared she was going to kill her.

“How much was it?” Raquel asked as they made their way through the long hallway.

Passing servants bowed as Raquel walked through the hallways, quickly running away the moment she had passed them. Raquel felt annoyed at their actions but understood why they acted the way they did.

No one wanted to be near the cursed princess.

“I beg your pardon, your highness?” Lady Maria asked, confusion spreading across her face.

“Your family’s debt.” Raquel said as they came to her office.

Two guards in silver and red uniforms stood at either side of the grand wooden door. Upon seeing Raquel, one moved to open the door while the other saluted.

“Oh, it’s um… four months of my salary.” Lady Maria responded.

“I see…”

Walking inside the huge, gold colored office, Raquel found her personal maid, Nicole, organizing some documents over at her oak desk laying in the center of the room.

French doors were wide opened behind the desk, showing off the luxurious garden outside. Meanwhile bookshelves covered either side of the room from the floor to the ceiling.

Raquel suddenly stopped in her tracks and turned around to face her lady-in-waiting. “Nicole, get me my jewelry box.”

“Yes, your highness.”Nicole responded, appearing next to Raquel with a small box a few seconds later.

Raquel turned her head to the side and peered into the open box, grabbing a red jewel from the box. It was a little smaller than her hand but worth a small building in the capital city, Linbourne.

“This should be enough to cover the debts?” Raquel asked.

“Yes, your highness. More than enough.” Maria nodded, her head bent in thanks.

“So, do you want to explain what made you decide to sell information to Marquess Northwith? Your salary was enough to save your family from complete ruin.” Raquel asked as she took a step closer to the young woman.

Maria’s brown eyes widened with fear as she looked up to stare at Raquel. “Your h-highness….I…”

“Did his second son order you to do it or was it the Marquess himself?” Raquel questioned harshly, anger beginning to flow through her.

Maria fell to the floor. “Please forgive me! The Marquess threatened to break the marriage arrangement with his second son if I didn’t do it. Please…. I had no choice…I”

“No choice…Huh…” Raquel mused, her vision going hazy as something came over her. “You did it for love?”

“Yes!” Maria looked up again and nodded quickly. “I couldn’t bare not marrying James.”

“Haha, is that so? Then I guess out of love for the empire, I’ll have to punish you for treason.” Raquel said with a crazed look. “Shall I take your tongue after you explain everything or will your family finally fall after being executed for treason?”

“Your highness! Please have mercy!” Maria cried, tears streaming down her face. “My family had nothing to do with this…Please spare my family and I….Sob…I didn’t mean any harm…”

“And neither do I, Lady Maria. I’ll simply doing my duty to the-”

“Your highness…” A voice called out softly, bringing Raquel back to reality.

She turned away realizing the curse was influencing her again. She bit her lip until it bled trying to calm herself. She couldn’t let it win again…

“Deal with her, Nicole.” She sighed in frustration, waving a hand to dismiss everything. “Send her family the jewel and have the guards punish her as the law states.”

“Of course, your highness.” Nicole bowed before calling the guards.

Soon, the wailing Maria was dragged out of the room with Nicole following closely behind. Once the doors shut close and Raquel was left alone, she fell onto the nearest leather chair.

She tried to make sense of what was going on. What had just happened.

It’s the fifth time in seven months…Why do they betray me when I show kindness? Raquel thought as she placed her head in her hands. Why does it always have to end with someone dying?

Why am I cursed?