
The Marvelous Spiderman

Meh, I don't wanna write a synop.

Duckman · Anime & Comics
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Chapter I

"We all wish we had superpowers. We all wish we could do more than we can do." -Stan Lee.


With Great Power, comes great Responsibility…Or something of that sort.

Now you might be wondering, 'what's up with the Spiderman Quotes?'. Well, when you find yourself as Spiderman, then I guess it makes sense for me to spout that spiel. Oh, yeah, that's right. I am Peter Parker, as begrudgingly as I am.

Well, I guess to begin with after I died, I woke up in the back of a Hyundai Sonata, down on Ingram Street. I hadn't expected to wake up in the back of an old car, as a child at that, but I did. Strapped in between two children, a boy, who was fourteen years old, and a girl, who was ten. Yeah, those were my siblings, Michael and Iliana Parker.

To be honest I don't know why they didn't drop them off here at Uncle Ben's and Aunt May's, but I guess I will never know, as their plane went down Poor Valley Creek State Park down in Tennessee, not much was left, as for much of it we buried empty caskets.

Oh I won't lie and say I wasn't sad, who wouldn't be when someone you know dies, even if it was only after talking to them for an hour. Knowing that their life didn't have to end if you had realized something was up, that the whole weird situation wasn't a dream…

I can't think about such things, but in the end, I did get a whole lot more. For all it's faults, such as being left to my devices with a fifty year old couple as a seven year old, they were the kindest people out there. I tried my best to help them whenever I could, if Uncle Ben needed help mowing the lawn, I'd weed whack, Aunt may needed help setting the table? Already done. They were getting older with time, and helping them felt good.

Not only that, but I found myself being able to figure things out a whole lot better than I used to, I was… smarter, to say the least. I don't exactly know the specifics, but it was far to easy to do math, something I couldn't do at all. You don't go from barely being able to pass senior math to being able to do collegiate math in your head. Genius or no, something was up, Peter Parker can't be this good, especially if I am Peter Parker this time around.

Now I can't exactly know for certain, but knowing mere coincidence when it comes to Spider-man and Marvel as a whole, something must be up, but what? There are Infinite Spider-men out there in the Multiverse, and I could be any one of them, and more than likely, one that hadn't appeared yet.

Not that It really matters, seeing as I never really got into Spider Man myself. Never really was able to get my hands on any of the comics, especially with how much of the Comic Industry took a deep dive into woke-ism, the damned mangy rats. Can't anyone keep that kind of filth out of a good story? Spider-man saves everyone, no matter their views!

"Peter! You're going to be late for school at this rate!" Aunt May yelled from down stairs, closing my laptop, slinging my red-on-blue backpack over my shoulder and fling my door open and practically sliding down the stairs that creaked as if they were going to break. Once I get down the stairs the scent of eggs and toast permeates the air, and as usual I slip some toast in my mouth, and hug Aunt May. "Thnk yu Ant My" I said, chewing on the toast, it was cooked perfectly.

"Now Peter, don't talk with your mouth full, you could choke to death." She Chided, but of course, I nodded off to her, before running out the door. Cities worked differently than what I'm use to, you have to go to a set Bus stop to be picked up, but even then you had to be really early, as the traffic was Horrible in the morning. That's why I typically ran to school. I got there around the same time as the bus, and I got some exercise in, an easy plus plus!

Arriving at Midtown High I'm greeted by my friends, who they themselves are getting off the school bus. Laurie Lynton, Harry Osborn and Emily Davis. Harry was my first friend I made, I met him in early Freshmen Year, and he was the typical Harry Osborn, smart, athletic, and above all, a good friend. Next up I met Emily in Sophomore Year, she was the typical 'my life sucks' goth, but besides that, she is a good person, even if she does scare off half the guys in class. Personally I think she is HOT with all letters Capitalized. Finally there is Laurie, she used to be a overweight girl, but after a bit of coaxing from Harry and I, we were able to get her to a gym. She is a really smart person and even runs the Science Club here in School.

"Hey Petey." Emily groans out, as I wave over to them. "What's up, how was the bus ride over? Flash say anything to ya'll?" I ask, as Laurie shook her head no. "Recently he's been quite, we're not sure, but it seems personal." Yeah it was personal, seeing as his dad got arrested for Child Abuse, all in a good days work, I say.

As we walk to class, I and Laurie have to split up to our first block, Mrs. Bruner, an absolute MILF of a woman. Thirty years have been kind to her, I tell ya! As I move to my desk by the window, I try to look around the room to see who all is here.

Flash is sitting next to Elizabeth Allan, flirting away as she ignores him, as usual it seems he's trying to woo her. Jessica Campbell was in the far back as usual, never really got to talk to her much, as usually when I do she will run off shortly after a few words. Jack Constantine was sitting in his usual desk next to where Laurie sat. He is a chill dude, and typically was laid back, though I do remember him decking Flash in Freshman year, hilarious, I tell you! And Finally Mary-Jane Watson and Gwen Stacy are sitting together in the middle of the room. Both are beautiful, and the tightest of friends. They're chatting about Science, as usual. Both of them are straight A's in class, and typically don't talk to anyone but each other, though they are considered Popular kids.

As I sit down Mrs. Bruner begins class, handing out sheets of paper on a… fieldtrip? Oh no. Please no. "Before we begin class I would like to announce a School Field Trip to Oscorp Laboratory. All you need is written permission from a guardian to go, free of charge." oh fuck me running.


"So Peter, are you going on the field trip next week?" Harry asked, waking me from my stupor. If I'm being honest, do I even want superpowers? Even at that, what are the odds I will end up even getting bitten? This could be one of those Spider-verses where Peter doesn't get bit! Not having that kind of responsibility weighing me down… that would be nice.

Everyone acts as if they would be a superhero if they had superpowers, but honestly? I don't exactly think I would. What's the point? I don't know, I honestly just want to live my life, freely as possible.

"I don't think so. I'm just not feeling it." I said, dipping my fork into the mixed up Mashed Potato's and macaroni. "Come on Peter! Think about what all is there! All those experiments, just waiting to be seen!" Laurie exclaimed. I scratched the back of my head, and shrugged. "I'll think about it." I grumbled out, as Emily shrugged, and growled out "I don't think I will go if you don't, too boring to have all of that science stuff going on, with nobody to talk to."

"Fine, I'll go, are you happy?


Okay then that chapter is done. First off, a few notices here, this is a Self Insert, so yeah, if you don't like that then bugger off, it isn't a perfect SI, but the MC is very very very roughly fitted around me. Now I've had this story on hold for a while, as I had read a totally shit Spiderman SI where it starts off really good! But then it derails into this transgenderism malarkey where anyone with political views that weren't woke had to be a evil villain and thus not worthy of saving. I mean, at one point Spiderman (At this point just The Spider) fucking let's the mayor die because he was a republican in the story, totally fucking retarded.

I want to keep Spiderman true to cover, true to form, whilst still deviating a bit. You guys will see later what I mean, till then, PEACE!

"I believe there's a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want the most. Even our dreams."

- Aunt May, 'Spider-Man 2', 2004.