
The Marvel Experience.

Waking up in a school filled with mind-fuckers, kids with parental issues and the occasional school being destroyed was not something darius thought he'd wake up to but hey he signed up for this so he has to make it work. so with nothing holding him back he sets out to have as much fun as he can in this screwed up world. -Dark Themes. -Eventual evil mc. -A lot of Sex in later chapters. [so to put this out there I'll have a real chaotic update schedule as well, I'm broke as shit in a third rate country which is slowly drowning itself along with us so yeah...i might update every end of the week.] [anyway I have a patrèón account and I'd love it if you visited and support me if you can, i also have some dropped stories in there that I'll not put in the payed section so drop by and read some I guess] patre on.com/GodOfDepravity i have about +3 chapters ahead of this story so come by.

Faceless_Prick · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 20

[The four chapters is an I'm sorry for disappearing]

Looking at Jean who opened and closed her mouth over and over again I chuckled as I looked at her anxious self.

"jean….is there something I can help you with?" I asked with a relaxed smile on my face looking at her as she sighed and seemed to resign herself and looked up to me with clear sadness in her eyes.

"i wanted…I'm sorry!" she said as a year rolled down her cheek and i made to movement to try and console her.

"oh?, the you're forgiven" I spoke all the while never stopped smiling.

"…Wh-What?, Darius I'm serious! I'm sorry for hurting you and I'm sorry for freaking out on you like that!" She spoke again still with tears now flowing.

"like I said Jean…it's fine, I got over it and moved on just like you have so there is no harm done" I said once more.

"wh-what? NO! I don't want to and haven't moved on this has been eating me up inside and all you can say is you've moved on?, I don't want you to have moved on and I don't want to move on!" she spoke louder as she grabbed into my hoodies sleeve.

"Jean…why are you doing this?" I said averting my eyes from her.

"Because! Because I love you darius…I love you damn it" Jean said wiping her tears away.

Sighing at her words but internally I'm grinning I think of a way to divert this to a high ground for me.

"jean…I like Ororo, I'm pretty sure you've seen me and her together lately and I think I want her to be my girlfriend" i spoke again faking hurt in my face.

"Wh- No…" Jean spoke lightly as she looked down biting her lip contemplating something and i thought I was done here so I stood up and started walking away all the while Jean was staring at me with watery eyes.

'well…this could either work out really good or it would backfire but….no pain no gain…or something' thinking of further things I took out my phone in my inventory and looked at my bank account balance and grinned looking at it.


Grinning at myself I thought of the game of which was gaining me this much money, it's nothing much really just a 3D MMORPG with little space to play and with my Super-computer and Server is created managing everything from events of which I already coded in and items that will be introduced to a grand plethora of classes and freedom in the game it was bound to be popular as this is still in the early 2000.

Smiling at that I decided to stay here for a while and finally fuck over the bald one.

Smiling I entered my room to find a blue skinned Mystique sprawled across my my bed looking at me with a smile.

Entering my room I grabbed my chair by my computer set-up and sat Infront of the blue skinned woman.

"so…do you mind telling me why you tricked me into believing that you were Jean Mustique?" I said looking at her with an emotionless face, got I love poker face it allows me to act out any emotion I want.

"You know, I'm not sure if I even tricked you in the first place" Mystique spoke as she stretches allowing me to see her blue tits which now I'm kinda Interested as to where they go as she is almost always naked.

"oh?, And why may you think that?" i asked looking at her blue body which was more naked then her normal naked.

"i mean even if when I was slowly transforming into different people you never stopped pounding into my cunt now did you?" She said with a smirk.

"Maybe I was to out of it to notice" i spoke again with a smile now.

"oww really?, Even when I passed out I felt your dick still spreading my insides, even when you filled me up you still say you were out of it?" She said again with squinted eyes.

"welp damn you got me" i said playfully with a smile making her smile before I again stopped and gave her my poker face.

"So did the bald one put you up to this?" I said looking at her eyes of which she avoided.

"and what makes you think that?" Mystique asked a little defensive.

'okay so he did….wait I could use this..' my mind went through hundreds of ideas in a second before I grinned internally.

"oh so it was him, damn I never took you for someone like that you know" I spoke shaking my head with a bit of faked disgust.

"someone like what?" She spoke frowning at me.

"I mean I'm sorry if that offends you but to think that you'd support Xavier after all the things he has done to his own students and other's? That's pretty low" I said to her planting my seed.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Mystique spoke her frown deepening.

"i mean with all the things he does I would have thought that you being his friends and hero's would have put a stop to him by now " I continued shaking my headm

"What the fuck are you talking about?" She spoke again this time angry.

"oh you don't know?, How sad he has been using you and you didn't even know it " I said with a frown before pulling out my phone from my pocket (inventory) and held it out after typing before a holographic screen appeared above the screen along with 5 others and all of them showed her different videos of Xavier mind ra*ing and actually ra*ing some students and as the more she watched the more her eyes bulged and started quivering and as more screens appeared with more of the same things she looked away and I stopped and turned my phone off and looked at her.

"How….why?, How could I not know?" She spoke with apparent guilt in her voice and eyes.

"maybe….maybe he mind wiped you everytime you tried" i spoke coming up with scenarios of that actually happening as I didn't want to believe that there was no one who didn't find out about this.

"Thats impossible! I have mind shields set-up!" She shouted with apparent anger.

"And who set up these shields for you?" I asked as mind shields were a delicate thing and needed someone who needed knowledge of the mind to set up strong shield's.

" Charles helpe-" Mystique stopped mid sentence as horror donned of her face.

"i see….." I said with a frown.

"i can…help you fix your shields and block out any holes or backdoors Charles may have set up inside you" i spoke looking at her.

"how…I thought your power was Nullifying mutant Abilities" she asked looking at me with weak eyes.

" i don't know either maybe it's a second mutation?" I lied.

"fine as long as that monster doesn't get inside my mind I'm willing" She spoke as she looked at me with sadness and anger.

"okay then let me." standing up from my chair I walked up to her put my hand on her head before I used [Heal] and concentrated on her Mind and I found myself inside her mind.

"urh…what?" looking around all the memories I looked towards an empty space where I found a crack and some other memories which were locked so I simply released a massive [Heal] all around me which broke apart the dome like field around these memories and rebuild it better and then broke and mended all the cracks inside her mind and released the hidden or sealed memories inside her mind and while doing so I looked at them and sighed at the amount of loose ends Charles had.

After her mind was healed I found myself out of her mind and there she was looking at herself with tears rolling down her eyes.

In those memories I saw Charles had her do all sorts of things all under mind control, she killed for him, stole for him and even kidnapped children of which he would mind-rape into joining his school.

'well damn charles you're making my job a hella lot easier' i thought with a grin.

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