
The Marvel Experience.

Waking up in a school filled with mind-fuckers, kids with parental issues and the occasional school being destroyed was not something darius thought he'd wake up to but hey he signed up for this so he has to make it work. so with nothing holding him back he sets out to have as much fun as he can in this screwed up world. -Dark Themes. -Eventual evil mc. -A lot of Sex in later chapters. [so to put this out there I'll have a real chaotic update schedule as well, I'm broke as shit in a third rate country which is slowly drowning itself along with us so yeah...i might update every end of the week.] [anyway I have a patrèón account and I'd love it if you visited and support me if you can, i also have some dropped stories in there that I'll not put in the payed section so drop by and read some I guess] patre on.com/GodOfDepravity i have about +3 chapters ahead of this story so come by.

Faceless_Prick · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 15

Standing up I yawned before stretching feeling the power stored in my body I smiled before looking at the screens in front of me with a me.

[Skill Brawl has been assimilated with Martial arts and has leveled it up]

[Void Abilities Reactive Evolution and Ultra Super Adaptation regeneration have fused and evolved]

[You've gained Ability [True Evolution] ]

[True Evolution:

•User is able to gain resistance to anything that harms him to that certain level he was harmed.

•User Gains the strength and speed of any attack that hits him and breaks his natural defences after regenrating from said attack.

•User is able to gain Abilities to combat other Abilities used on him(eg. Mind Shield if he gets mind read)

•User is able to spontaneously birth new Abilities to combat deadly situations to him

•User is able to regenerate almost instantly to any damage that is done to him unless user states otherwise.

•User gains resistance to damage that he is put upon after Regeneration.

•User gains complete control of any Ability user gains due to evolution.

•Users body is much more easier to modify using, tech, drugs or serums due to his DNA structure being more accommodating to using any substance to better itself.

•User is able to evolve through any adversity in a short time.]

Looking at the fused Ability i smile before looking at the last notification.

[You've gained Hive-Mind from unknown entity]

Probably the void.

[Hive Mind.

•User gains a Hive Mind of every clone he summons and is able to control them using said hive Mind making himself one with his clones.

•User is able to connect to any clone of him either it be created from genetically engineered methods or anything.

•Users clones are 100 percent human]

'The last description of that skill may come in handy not gonna lie.' I thought with a grin before I dropped into my bed before groaning again more notifications had popped up.

[You've gained Perks due to stats reaching milestones](status screen stats)

You've gained.

<Increased Thought process: Users thought processes are multiplied by ×10 of what it is>(Mind)

<Multiple Mind's: User is able to create metaphysical minds inside his mind with the same brain power and processing Ability to further strengthen and support the main brain allowing thoughts and information to be further multiplied by amount of Minds available.>(Mind)

<True Mind: Users Mind is his own and cannot be penetrated and entered by any being>(Mind)

<Energy Generator: User regenerates 100× more energy.>(Soul)]

Immediately my brain felt like it was on steroids as multiple thoughts were shot from thought to thought and voucher back in a millisecond which made me grin as the other effects took place I smiled and thought.

'i should probably find a place to stay so I could further my plans…' I thought with a frown.

I could immediately go out and find myself a job and start doing my shit but I'm sure I'm already on the radar of everyone who has an information network around here and if I go out for too long I'll likely get killed and cloned and then weoponized or be made slave to some bitch ass cunt who hated mutants and some shit but what can I do about that?.

Sighing to myself I mentally command my inventory and immediately I'm clad in my normal clothes black jeans sneakers and black t-shirt showing off my unnatural toned muscles making me smile.

Well I guess I've been Putting this off for way too long, yesterday if those Reincarnators knew of my abilities they could have just immediately destroyed my body and I won't have that.


[System has configured into a gamer-risque mode]

[Would you like to see your gamer status?]

"huh? The fuck?" I cursed ' I thought this was already done.'

'yes open it please'


[Name: Darius SinClair Everett

Race: Human-Mutant

Gender: Male

Occupation: none

Class: none

Point's: 3,500(from two Reincarnators he killed)

Level: 0

Exp: 0%/100%

HP: 45,900

Mp: 70,900

<Physical stats>

Str: 459 ( can lift 45 tons)

Vit: 459

Def: 459

Dex: 459

<Soul Stats>

Int: 2,987

Cha: 78

Wis: 120

Will: 90

Per: 190


"oww damn my stats are actually….so this is my gamer status wait could I increase my charisma and wisdom and even luck using this? Nice" I smiled thinking of maybe maxing out my lunch if even there was such a thing as a maximum.

[Ding! Choose 1 class from the mentioned classes below]

[ Fighter- Your physical might and skill in hand to hand combat make you a formidable opponent to anyone.

Mage- Your might in arcane magic make you a deadly opponent to anyone who tries to battle you.

Thief- Your elusiveness and quiet temper make you a no one a master of being unseen.

Sharpshooter- Your shooting skills with anything long-range make you a formidable opponent to anyone in a distance.]

'those aren't much not gonna lie, I'll choose magic because…well it's magic.' I pick the mage class and then another screen appears.

[Choose what element of the given below you want to specialise in]






'huh? So I can unlock more classes? I guess that makes more sense then just doing one' I thought with a smile before I choose lighting because I already had an ability that allowed me to control lighting so this would complement it.

[You've chosen Lighting Mage]

[You've learnt.

Lighting bolt: Shoots an arcana lighting bolt at the speed of lighting.

Lighting Field: Bursts out a lighting Field around user that can knock anyone out or fry their bodies depending on the amount of mana user puts in.

Lighting Redirection: User is able to redirect and use any and all lighting within his field]

'okay that could be op if I let it' i thought with a smile.

[Note: Your classes have levels too, the more you use your lighting class skills and learn from them the more it levels up and the more skills you gain with each level milestone, you lighting Abilities will also grow stronger with each level of the class]

'well killing and absorbing those two Reincarnators was definitely a good choice' i thought with a smile before another fucking screen appeared.

[Choose a support class from the classes below.]

[Healer: The master of healing magical arts and all that come with.

Alchemist: The master of creating alchemical concoctions that have certain effects.

Hacker: The art of programming a beautiful art if you know how to use commands to gain the upper hand in a virtual battle.

Engineer: The master of technology able to create vast arrays of impossible tech on the fly.

Bio-Engineer: A master in the Science of Manipulating genes to create certain functions and creating monsters of mass destruction.


The list went on but I already had my eyes on one class and it was Alchemist and the many engineering classes as there were chemical engineering and every scientific Engineering field available so I thought before choosing the engineer class to start me off on the path of engineering as the healer class wasn't really needed as I already had a healing Ability that was almost absolute but maybe when I have time and have maxed out the others I can come back and see what it has to offer.

[You've chosen engineer class, you've learnt

Technological Analysis: Able to analyse any technical gadget and equipment and able to know everything of said equipment and able to reverse engineer it if you have enough resources.

Fiction Science: Technology that shouldn't work have a funny thing of working for you.

Gadget monkey: Any gadget or contraption you make will have a 70% of working as intended]

[Check out my Pat-reon! already up to chapter 21.

patre*on.com/GodOfDepravity (remove the *)

also give me your stones!! I crave em to increase my mana reserves!]