
The Martial Unity

**Mass releases every month!** A passionate researcher and lover of martial arts and combat sports finds himself reincarnated in a fantastical world of Martial Art. No longer shackled by the disease that afflicted his body on Earth, he decided to dedicate his body, heart, mind and soul to becoming a Martial Artist. What happens when a man of Earth meets an unearthly world? What happens when science meets fantasy? Follow Rui as he journeys through his Martial Path in a world of fantasies and tribulations. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Please support the novel with power stones, comments, reviews and gifts for more frequent updates. Even the tiniest bit of help does more for me than you can imagine. Join the novel Discord server: https://discord.gg/6HTFRFQh8G Art by: https://digitalrowye.com/

Lord_Streak · Action
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2089 Chs


The security team of the Lowminer convoy defended well against the incoming flux of bandits. Although they were outnumbered, they fought smartly, with remarkable calm and composure.

Rui, on the other hand, was not quite as calm.

('Think.') Rui urged. ('Why would they discard the element of surprise, attack us head on and that too without the Martial Apprentices?')

Rui had thoroughly memorized the intel provided by the Martial Union in the mission bill, the presence of Martial Apprentices as well as their well-executed ambushes that exploited the element of surprise had been the two major reasons they cleanly succeeded in their strikes.

What was to be inferred from their intentions if they did not use either of these two main elements that was responsible for their victories?

('It means they have no intention of winning through this particular battle. But then why even send them at all then?') Rui wondered.