
Engagement Contract Over !

In this pivotal moment, the Tenth Prince's gaze fixed upon Lily. He had initially mistaken her for a mere maidservant, but the exquisite garments that adorned her now dispelled any lingering doubts. "You are... Lily?"

With a composed demeanor, Lily extended a respectful bow towards the Tenth Prince. "Yes I'm Lily Your Highness, the Cloud Prince."

The Tenth Prince surveyed Lily, his expression contorted into a disdainful sneer. 

"Impressive! What a pitiable sight you present, provoking such madness in Sam. It's truly a shame. If you had remained on amicable terms with him, I might have found some use for you. However, in your current state, you nauseate me."

The Tenth Prince's words cut through her like a blade, showing no regard for her feelings. Lily paled; no girl should have to endure such cruelty.

"Leave," the Tenth Prince commanded, waving her away dismissively.

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