
The Martial Art Heroes (MHA x OC)

Two Quirkless students ended up in class 1-A, they had to work twice as hard as they became the top heroes. (Contains certain things from Dragon Ball)

staycool1214 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

The morning arose, Seishuu and Fuutarou exited their house.

"We're off…" Seishuu said.

"Take care," Emi said to her son and nephew. Isanari and Raiha stood by her and waved at the two as they started to charge their energy and flew off. Their grandfather looked towards them with a straight face and turned away while walking off. "Good luck you two," Seimei said to himself as he walked off.

Meanwhile away from the household there was a man looking at the bursts of energy flying away. He was an extremely well-built man who was standing at 6'3'' and was extremely toned. He also had red wavy hair, thick eyebrows, and deep blood-red eyes. He had a deep evil smile as he said, "So old man, you have finally let them become heroes. Looks like I have to test them myself." After that he disappeared in a blur and was nowhere to be seen.


As the two landed at UA's gate they were taking a deep breath, taking in that they were both going to go to the top school. They took a deep breath as they were starting to go, but as they were coming in, they heard two feminine voices calling for them.

They looked to the side and saw Mayumi and Rio.

"It's you two," Seishuu said in a bland tone. Mayumi pouted as she approached Seishuu, "Why must you be so hostile to us, Ha-un-da-kun~" she bent down, but leaned towards Seishuu's face as he kept an unfazed expression. "We're friends aren't we?" Mayumi asked.

"Not if you keep this up," Seishuu said as he started to walk inside the campus. Rio, Mayumi, and Fuutarou followed Seishuu as they were entering the campus. As they pulled up on the school, they saw Midoriya standing at the entrance, shaking.

"Heeey, Midoriya! Glad to see you got in! That's pretty cool, bro. Congratulations." Mayumi said as she patted Midoriya on the back. This made Midoriya jolt and looked to see Rio and Mayumi first.

"Saegusa-san, Amakusa-san!" Midoriya said. He looked behind the two and saw two familiar faces from the sludge villain, "It's you two from the sludge villain incident.

"Handa Seishuu," Seishuu said, "nice to meet you."

"Uesugi Fuutarou," Fuutarou said, "Seishuu's cousin."

"Nice to meet you guys," Midoriya said, bowing to them, "Midoriya Izuku, nice to meet you, Handa-kun, Uesugi-kun."

"No need to bow," Seishuu said, "besides class is about to start, so we should probably get there soon."


As they approached class 1-A, they came across a tall door, as if it were built for giraffes.

"The door is huge!" Midoriya pointed out. "Is it for accessibility?"

Seishuu shrugged, "Most likely. Quirks are really diverse, you know. Maybe someone has really long limbs or something. Whatever the case, we're here! Let's go."

Seishuu was first to open the door to find a navy blue haired kid with glasses and a familiar ash blonde known as Bakugou having a small quarrel.

"Don't put your feet on the desk!" Glasses kid screamed.

"Huh?" Bakugou retorted with a smug smile.

"Don't you think it's rude to the UA upperclassmen and the people who made the desk?"

"Hell no! What junior high did you go to, you side character?!" Bakugou's insults which Seishuu found very interesting.

The glasses guy laid his left hand over his chest and karate chopped the air with his right. He explained, "I attended Somei Private Academy. My name is Iida Tenya!"

"Somei? So you're a damn elite, huh? Looks like I'll have fun crushing you!"

"'Crushing'? That's cruel! Do you truly aim to be a hero?" Iida asked.

Bakugou couldn't exactly deny Iida's logic, so instead he made a noise resembling "Keh."

Iida noticed the group of four that was kind of just standing in the doorway, doing nothing. He looked at Midoriya in particular and said, "You're…" Most of the class looked to where Midoriya, Seishuu, Fuutarou, Mayumi, and Rio stood.

"Good morning!" Iida exclaimed. "I am from Somei Private Academy. My name is—"

"We heard!" Midoriya said, still shaking like crazy. "I'm Midoriya. Nice to meet you, Iida-kun."

Iida took a stiff stance. "Midoriya-kun, you realized there was something more to that practical exam didn't you? I had no idea. I misjudged you. I hate to admit it, but you are better than me."

Midoriya sweatdropped nervously. "Sorry. I actually didn't realize anything."

Just then, a girl shouted from behind the group. "Oh, that curly hair! You're the plain-looking one!"

Midoriya looked at her in awe while making some weird gestures and facial expressions. Seishuu figured that Midoriya must like this mystery girl. Mystery girl had brown hair and brown eyes, with two pink circles on her face.

She went on. "You passed, just like Present Mic said! Of course you did, your punch was amazing!" She looked up, now noticing Seishuu, Rio, Fuutarou, and Mayumi. "Um… Sorry, what were your guys' names?"

Midoriya introduced them to the girl. "These two went to my school," Midoriya said, pointing to Rio and Mayumi, "This is Saegusa-san and Amakusa-san, they used to be my old class reps. The other two are people who I just met, Handa-kun and Uesugi-kun. They are both cousins."

Fuutarou gave the girl a two fingered salute while Mayumi and Rio gave her a small wave. Seishuu gave the girl a small nod. While the seven still remained in the doorway, a deeper voice spoke out. "Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends. This is the hero course."

Everyone standing in the doorway looked at the ground. There was a man who was laying down in a yellow sleeping bag. He stood up and unzipped his sleeping bag. It was weird. He kind of just appeared, since he was previously hidden behind the seven by the door. "Okay, it took you eight seconds before you were quiet. Time is limited. You kids are not rational enough."

Though Seishuu agreed with this guy's words, he didn't exactly respect his methods. They were unfair.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shota. Nice to meet you."

Most of the class erupted in shock. Seishuu recognized him as Eraserhead immediately, but chose not to speak out on it.

"It's kind of sudden, but put this on and go out onto the field."

The seven kids by the door looked at Aizawa, who pulled out a gym uniform from his sleeping bag.


Outside, everybody was all cluttered together around Aizawa.

"A Quirk assessment test?!" the class said in unison.

Brown hair girl spoke up. I don't really know her name yet, so I'm just going to refer to her as the brown haired girl. "What about the entrance ceremony? The orientation?"

Aizawa replied bluntly. "If you're going to become a hero, you don't have time for such leisurely events. UA's selling point is how unrestricted the school traditions are. That's also how the teachers run their classes. You kids have been doing this since junior high, too, right? Physical fitness tests where you weren't allowed to use your Quirks." He showed off a screen displaying a list of the activities the students would be taking part in. "The country still uses averages taken from results from students not using their Quirks. It's not rational. Well, the Ministry of Education is procrastinating."

He looked to Seishuu, "Handa, you finished at the top of the practical exam, right?"

Seishuu nodded slightly. "Yeah."

The ash blond, Bakugou widened his eyes and looked at Seishuu murderously. Seishuu easily ignored it, since he was paying attention to the teacher. Despite how cool and composed he tried to act on the outside, on the inside, he was annoyed to be called up.

Aizawa asked Seishuu, "In junior high, what was your best result for the softball throw?"

"Around 120 meters," he answered.

"Then try doing it with your Quirk. You can do whatever you want as long as you stay in the circle."

Aizawa pointed to a circle on the ground, to which Seishuu walked into. After being given the ball, Aizawa said, "Hurry up. Give it your all."

Seishuu looked blankly at Aizawa, then back to the field in front of him. "If that's the case, I'll chuck this ball into orbit," he said.

Aizawa chuckled. "Well, let's see it."

Seishuu tossed the ball up, "Alright, here we go." He had a feeling the teacher doubted him, so he was about to prove the older man wrong.

He took a deep breath and he ball with such force, that it created a massive sonic boom, accompanied by powerful gusts of wind. To the rest of the kids there, it looked like the ball had simply disappeared, since it was going so fast.

Everyone looked at Seishuu with eyes practically popping out from their heads. Aizawa was speechless at first, but after several seconds of silence, he cleared his throat. "K-Know your own maximum first," Aizawa started, "That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero." It was around then that Seishuu started to think that Aizawa was obsessed with the word "rational."

Aizawa pulled up the phone-like device from earlier and showed the rest of the class that it traveled over 800 meters.

The class was speechless at my insane display of power.

Aizawa spoke in the middle of the silence. "All right. Whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion."

Most of the class was in uproar, save for the several kids who were confident in their abilities. One of them being Seishuu.

Aizawa went on. "We're free to do what we want about the circumstances of our students. Welcome to UA's Hero Course!"

Brown hair girl protested. "Last place will be expelled? But it's the first day of school! No, even if it wasn't the first day of school, this is too unfair!"

"Natural disasters, big accidents, and selfish villains. Calamities whose time or place can't be predicted. Japan is covered with unfairness. Heroes are the ones who reverse those situations. If you wanted to go talk with your friends at Mickey D's after school, too bad. For the next three years, UA will do all it can to give you one hardship after another. Go beyond. Plus Ultra."

He curled in his pointer finger as a sign for the kids to "come." "Overcome it with all you've got. All right, demonstrations over. The real thing starts now."


The first test was a 50 meter dash. There was a robot serving as the starter for the dash. In the runners' lanes were Iida and some girl with dark green hair and very, very round eyes. Her tongue also stuck out of her mouth a bit, so that combined with her massive eyes made her look kind of like a frog. It was… interesting to say the least.


Iida ran off, using the engines in his calves to propel himself forward. The girl beside him just leapt forward, like a frog. Surprise surprise.

Iida, according to the robot, completed the dash in 3.04 seconds. The other girl completed the dash in 5.58.

Next up was Mayumi and the brown haired girl from before. Brown hair girl lightened her gear using her Quirk, while Mayumi stretched.

"Let's do our best, okay," Mayumi said.

"Yeah!" Brown hair girl replied.


A gust of wind propelled Mayumi forward, while the brown hair girl had to run like a normal person. Mayumi finished in 4.38 seconds, while the brown haired girl finished in 7.15. As Seishuu was watching this, he couldn't help but feel... bad.

Next was Fuutarou. He was going against some blonde kid with longish hair. Longish because it covered the back of his neck, but didn't touch his back. Like most blonde people, this guy had blue eyes, but they were a bit purplish, so they were more blue-violet than just blue.

The blonde kid had some weird kind of sparkle to him, as if he was a character in a shoujo manga. "Everyone, you're not being creative enough. I'll show you what it's like—" Before he could finish, he was interrupted by a loud gust of wind.

Fuutarou had finished, even before the blonde guy could finish talking. With a time of 1.15 seconds, he snagged the top record. For now, he had the fastest time in the whole class. Seishuu was going to take the top, though. Seishuu doesn't like being in second.

"How did you achieve such speeds? Nothing like this has ever been seen before, at least not from students." Approaching Fuutarou was a girl with a mature figure like Ituski and Mayumi's with a black ponytail which slightly resembled a porcupine.

"Well, it was due to physical capabilities," Fuutarou said, "I have been training for over 10 years and got to where I am through hard work."

The girl looked at Fuutarou with shock, "Really? That's insane."

"If you want to see something insane, watch him." Fuutarou pointed to Seishuu, "He's going to go faster than me."

"I wouldn't say that," Seishuu said, "I've always been the stronger one, you've always been the faster one. But that won't stop me from getting first place."

The girl with the spiky ponytail asked Fuutarou, "Who is he? A relative?"

"My cousin," Fuutarou said.

"So that means..." the girl said, Fuutarou finished her train of thought.

"He went through the same training that I went through, though he was always the one who was stronger," Fuutarou said with a smirk as he looked at his cousin, "and I've been the one who has been faster."

When Seishuu was up for the 50 meter dash, he didn't even take a starting position. It doesn't really matter, anyways. Beside him was some purple girl with horns, pink skin, pink hair, and yellow eyes.


What seemed like the instant the starting noise went off, Seishuu was already on the other side. Not a moment after the robot had made the BANG, it named off his time. He did this by using his feet as rockets to launch him at blinding speeds.

"1.25 seconds!"

Everyone's jaws hit the floor. Well, except Fuutarou. He knew Seishuu would have done something like this, though he was impressed he has gotten faster over the years as it seems.

Rio and Bakugou were next. They took a starting position and right as the robot shot off the gun, Rio had reappeared on the other side with a time of 2.74 seconds.

The class was in awe. She walked away from the track as Bakugou had to finish the rest of it. Seishuu who was standing by Fuutarou, the two noticed the smirk on Rio's face. Seishuu and Fuutarou noticed that Rio was smirking as if she was glad to see Bakugou, a tyrant, finally getting owned in a game he thought he could rule.

By the way, if you're wondering how a damn teleporter got a slower time than Seishuu and Fuutarou, it's because of their cracked reaction time.

Mayumi's reaction time is not much better than an average person's, so the time it took for her to react to the noise of the robot was ~740 milliseconds, when Fuutarou and Seishuu's own reaction speed were almost instantaneous. Most of it was due to their training. Fuutarou's father and Seishuu's mother are siblings, with Seishuu's mother being younger by 10 years.


Handa looked at the dynamometer with conflict as he didn't know how far to go with it. Handa sighed, 'Here goes nothing.' He started to squeeze the device until it broke. He then started to freak out, "Ehhh!" He looked to Aizawa, "S-Sorry, Sensei."

"It's fine," Aizawa said. Seishuu sighed as he looked to Fuutarou who had 700 kg on the dynamometer.

Seishuu looked to see some tall dude with six arms got a pretty crazy score as well. He wore a mask to cover his mouth and had gray-beige hair covering half his face. Since he had three arms on each side of his body, he used three arms on one side to achieve a feat of 540 kg.

Some kids were in awe, but thankfully Aizawa was the only one that noticed Seishuu broke the dynamometer. They were all too busy hyping up the octopus guy, and one kid with cylindrical tape dispensers for elbows was especially shocked.

"540 kilograms? What are you, a gorilla? Oh, an octopus?"

Then, some short kid with grapes on his head said, "Octopuses… are sexy."

After the grip strength test came the standing long jump test. There were quite a few kids who were able to jump right over the sand. Unsurprisingly, Handa and the gang all aced it.

For repeated side-to-side steps, Fuutarou took first yet again. Rio was coming in close as well. She was teleporting from side to side so fast, you could almost see two of her. Seishuu did as well as Fuutarou, well to most people's eyes, that is, Seishuu was still fast, but not as fast as Fuutarou. Mayumi was doing pretty well here, since she used wind to propel herself between the lines.

They continued the ball throwing portion, since Seishuu was just used as an example. Mayumi used her Quirk to blow the ball away, landing it at 972.1 meters. Rio teleported it to the place furthest from UA that she could think of, which was Hokkaido. Aizawa showed the class the distance the ball had "traveled," which was 1,462 kilometers. The class was straight shaken, since they hadn't seen numbers like that before. When it came to Fuutarou's turn, he threw it with all his might and like Seishuu's, it created sonic booms.

"Another 800+ meters?" Aizawa looked nervously at the screen before showing it off to the rest of the class.

Some kids were heard talking about Seishuu and Fuutarou enviously. A kid with golden colored hair and a black zig-zag pattern in his hair spoke to no one specifically, but was instead kind of thinking out loud.

"Dude, what the hell? How do they have such powerful Quirks?"

"Not only are their Quirks crazy, but they're manly too!" This time, it was some dude with wild-looking red hair.

"I'm so jealous…" Grape head said, ogling at Rio and Mayumi. The two noticed that and looked at him angrily which made the grape head shiver and look away. Grape guy is super weird.

Seishuu sighed and looked to his teacher to see that Aizawa was studying him, along with Fuutarou, Rio, and Mayumi. For some reason, he was focusing on Seishuu, so he glanced back with a sharp but calm look, which kind of surprised him. He averted his gaze as soon as Seishuu met his eyes.

An honorable mention for the ball throw was the brown haired girl, who threw it into the air and got herself the third infinity. The ball seemed to disobey the laws of physics, as it just floated through the air at a constant velocity, not looking like it would stop any time soon. The class were amazed at her results as she got infinity.

When it came Midoriya's turn to throw the ball, he just kind of stood there for a bit. It looked like he was deep in thought, even though there isn't much to think about when you throw a ball.

"It doesn't look good for Midoriya if he continues like this." Iida said with crossed arms.

Bakugou, annoyed by the notion that Midoriya could wield any power, countered. "Huh?! Of course not. He's a Quirkless small fry, you know."

"Quirkless?! Are you not aware of what he did in the entrance exam?" Iida asked in disbelief.

"Huh?" It seemed like Bakugou had no idea what had happened.

After a bit more standing around and doing nothing, Midoriya finally decided that he was going to throw the ball. He wound up for the throw, then finally chucked the ball… although, it was a measly 46 meters. He looked at his hands in disbelief, as if something unbelievable had happened.

"I erased your Quirk." Aizawa said. The rags that were previously wrapped loosely around his neck were now floating around him mysteriously, as well as his black hair. His eyes glowed red as he spoke. "That entrance exam was definitely not rational enough. Even a kid like you was accepted."

Midoriya was shaken. "You erased my Quirk?" He gasped, noticing something about Aizawa. "Those goggles… I see! You can erase other people's Quirks with your Quirk just by looking at them. The Erasure Hero, Eraser Head!"

The class mumbled amongst themselves. Most didn't recognize the name "Eraser Head," but some kids did their research and did in fact recognize the name. Among these kids were the frog-like girl from earlier. Seishuu didn't say anything, it's not like anyone really asked him either. Seishuu looked around and shot a glance to All Might, who for some reason seemed to be lurking by a corner. He disappeared almost immediately, and Seishuu went back to looking at the class.

"From what I can tell, you can't control your Quirk, can you?" Aizawa, with his hands in his pockets, glared into Midoriya. "Do you intend to become incapacitated again and have someone save you?"

Midoriya was defensive. "Th-That's not my intent—"

Before Midoriya could completely finish, Aizawa used his rag looking things to grab Midoriya, pulling the kid closer to him. He looked into Midoriya's eyes angrily.

The two seemed to be talking about something, probably regarding Midoriya's Quirk. It was nearly impossible to make out what they were saying from where Seishuu stood. All he could gather was that it was something Aizawa didn't want the whole class to hear.

Aizawa finally released Midoriya. "I've returned your Quirk. You have two turns for the ball throw. Hurry up and get it over with."

Midoriya looked very down. He stood in the circle, yet again, preparing to throw the ball. Much like last time, he stood around doing a whole lot of nothing while the rest of the class talked between each other.

Still in the circle, Midoriya was mumbling to himself. After a bit of stalling, he finally decided to make a move. He leaned forward and reeled his arm back, charging up for a powerful throw.

Seishuu noticed that All Might had returned to the same corner as before, and was watching Midoriya with great interest. Seishuu noted this and began to think. Nothing could immediately come to mind, so Seishuu put the thought aside and focused on Midoriya. Seishuu would have time to think about this later.

Midoriya, contrary to what Seishuu had believed, had explosive power in his throw. At the very last instance of his throw, he launched the ball with the tip of his index finger fast enough to generate ripples in the air.

Aizawa looked at the device. Midoriya called out to him.

He bit his bottom lip, probably from the excruciating pain of having a busted finger. "Sensei… I can still… move!" He made a fist with his messed up finger as he rested his uninjured hand on his forearm.

The class was shocked at Midoriya's record. Many of them seemed to be incredibly impressed at his record, which broke 700 meters. It was like they forgot everybody else who had higher scores.

"Finally, a hero-like record!" Said the brown haired girl, hands in the air. Seishuu didn't really get why she said this, since she got infinity.

Iida stroked his chin. "His finger's swollen! There was the entrance exam, too. He has a strange Quirk."

"It's not very stylish," said the belly button blond.

Meanwhile, Bakugou was absolutely shitting himself. Apparently, he couldn't believe that Midoriya had such power. Seishuu couldn't help but suspect that his Midoriya may have indeed been Quirkless until recently. Seishuu later looked to Rio and Mayumi who had a facial expression that screamed, 'How did you do that?!' The two went to school with Midoriya thinking that he was some Quirkless kid, and after years of believing this, having it proved to be a lie shocked the hell out of them.

Going back to Bakugou, things were getting explosive.

"What is the meaning of this?" He was setting off explosions from his hands, probably out of anger. If Seishuu had to guess, Bakugou was peeved that the target of his bullying threw harder than he did. Seishuu might have felt the same way if he were to be in Bakugou's shoes, but he wasn't a bully, so all Seishuu felt was contempt.

"HEY, YOU! TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON, DEKU! YOU BASTARD!" Bakugou began to charge at Midoriya. Fuutarou grabbed him by the shoulder, just before he could actually attack Midoriya. Seishuu couldn't help but acknowledge Fuutarou's tenacity to help people.

Firmly grasping Bakugou's left shoulder with his right hand, Fuutarou did his best to talk in a calm voice that conveyed his dissatisfaction, it was loud enough for Seishuu, Rio, and Mayumi to hear.

"Let's settle down," Fuutarou said.

Seishuu, Mayumi, and Rio were ready to jump in, but before they could help Fuutarou, Aizawa jumped in. "That's enough, you two. Stop bickering and get back to the rest of the class."

Fuutarou let go of his shoulder and walked back to us. Bakugou looked back and saw Fuutarou and the gang giving him a scornful look.


The rest of the tests were light work. Seishuu could easily finish the sit-ups, seated toe touch, and long distance run. Unsurprisingly, Fuutarou pulled through pretty much just as easily.

Aizawa stood in front of the class, and said, "Okay, I'll quickly tell you the results. The total is simply the marks you got from each test. It's a waste of time to explain verbally, so I'll show you the results all at once."

He pressed a button on a remote-looking thing, projecting the results of the Quirk Apprehension tests. It looked something like this, except there was also a picture of the student next to their name:

1 - Handa Seishuu

2 - Uesugi Fuutarou

3 - Amakusa Rio

4 - Saegusa Mayumi

5 - Yaoyorozu Momo

6 - Todoroki Shoto

7 - Bakugou Katsuki

8- Iida Tenya

9 - Tokoyami Fumikage

10 - Shoji Mezo

11 - Ojiro Mashirao

12 - Kirishima Eijiro

13 - Ashido Mina

14 - Uraraka Ochako

15 - Koda Koji

16 - Satou Rikidou

17 - Asui Tsuyu

18 - Aoyama Yuga

19 - Sero Hanta

20 - Kaminari Denki

21 - Jirou Kyouka

22 - Hagakure Tooru

23 - Mineta Minoru

24 - Midoriya Izuku

Seishuu looked at the projection. It was pretty cool that he finished first place. Seishuu wasn't really expecting to get anywhere else, but seeing his name at the top was still pretty nice to see.

Next to him, Mayumi, Fuutarou, and Rio were also looking at their scores. Fuutarou looked at his own score and nodded in approval. Mayumi and Rio were very satisfied with their scores. Seishuu continued to read the scores and took note of the top 10 and Midoriya, who was unfortunately placed at the bottom.

Aizawa said, "By the way, I was lying about the expulsion." Everyone in the class was shocked. "It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limits of your Quirks."

Seishuu narrowed his eyes, 'Was it really? I feel like this guy would really expel us if he wanted...'

Fuutarou offered an equally skeptical look. "Rational deception, my ass." He muttered. "He seemed pretty serious when it came to expelling us. What made him change his mind?"

Seishuu agreed, "Tell me about it."


Seishuu and Fuutarou flinched just a tiny bit. Midoriya was especially shaken. Man looked like a ghost.

"Of course that was a lie. It should have been obvious if you had just thought it through." This was the same girl who asked Fuutarou about his unbelievable speed during the 50 meter dash. Seishuu had figured she was decently smart, by the way she spoke and her general demeanor.

No one in the class seemed to think like she did, since they all looked healthily surprised.

"That was a little nerve-wracking, huh?" The tape guy said.

There was a red haired kid standing next to him, who replied, "I'll take up the challenge any time!" Red haired kid had a Quirk related to hardening his skin, which was very interesting to Seishuu.

Bakugou was more or less behind the red haired kid, and he seemed disappointed that Midoriya wasn't going to be expelled.

Aizawa went on. "With that. We're done here." He started to leave as he finished talking. "There are handouts with the curriculum and such in the classroom so when you get back, look over them."

Before he left, he approached Midoriya. He gave Midoriya a note and told him, "Have the old lady fix you in the nurse's office. Tomorrow will be packed with even more rigorous tests. Prepare yourself."

Midoriya seemed to look at the note… kind of sadly. Maybe a bit of determination. But Seishuu began to take note of the fact that Midoriya seemed to do this often. It was odd to Seishuu, how Midoriya just looked off into space and thought for like three minutes at a time.


After the school day had concluded, Seishuu, Shina, Fuutarou, and Rio were all walking away from the school together. They encountered Midoriya, who looked 80% dead, and Iida, who looked completely fine. The pair seemed to be talking about Aizawa. Iida seemed especially intrigued by Aizawa's teaching methods.

"… I even thought, 'This is the best of the best' and such. You all must have thought so as well, right?" Iida crossed his arms and closed his eyes.

"... I don't know, Aizawa-sensei is kinda scary…" Mayumi replied.

Seishuu, observant of the way that Aizawa acted, said, "I don't know if I would call him scary, but he definitely has a… presence, I guess. He sticks out from the rest of the teachers like a sore thumb."

Out of the blue, a loud girl could be heard screaming, "Hey! You guys! Going to the station? Wait for me!"

Seishuu was first to notice. The first thing he thought was, 'That's Uraraka Ochako. I think she knows Midoriya. I wonder how. The second thing he thought was, She runs like a scarecrow. Haha.' The reason he recognized her was because he remembered the names and faces of the entire class from the results of the Quirk Apprehension test.

"Uraraka-san?!" Midoriya exclaimed.

"You're the infinity girl," Iida remarked.

Uraraka formally introduced herself. "I'm Uraraka Ochako."

"Um, you're Tenya Iida-kun, and you're Midoriya… Deku-kun, right?"

"'Deku'?!" Midoriya seemed shocked and kinda scared, for he jumped a bit at being called Deku for some reason.

"Huh? But during the fitness test, the boy named Bakugou said: 'Deku, you bastard!' Right?"

Stammering uncontrollably, Midoriya struggled to explain himself. But he managed.

"Uh… my real name is Izuku, but D-Deku is what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me…"

"An insult?" Iida wonders.

"I guess so. A weird way to do it as well, if you ask me." For once, Seishuu had spoken up. He usually did not like to talk to people he didn't know, but he felt empowered with the company of his friends.

Uraraka laughed. "Right? But "Deku" sounds like the Japanese word for 'You can do it!' so I kinda like it."

Deku's face was incredibly red for obvious reasons, so he went along with it. "I'm Deku!"

"Wait, what?" Fuutarou looked at Midoriya with a questioning look.

Iida and Seishuu reacted similarly.

"Midoriya-kun?" Iida was shocked with Midoriya's acceptance of the nickname.

"Didn't you say it was an insult?" Seishuu was equally as confused.

"Exactly! You're accepting it too easily!" Iida agreed with Seishuu.

"Yeah! Wait... nevermind." Seishuu knew what was going on, and decided not to push the matter any further. On the other hand, Midoriya, or "Deku", was blushing very hard and had his face buried in his hands.

"It's like a Copernican Revolution…" Midoriya said.

"Copernican Revolution? That's a bit of a stretch, don't you think?" Seishuu asked.

Uraraka had no idea what was going on. "Ko-pe…?" The group strolled down the hill, laughing and talking as they went along. It was a pretty good time for them.