

Blake wasn't affected a bit, he actually likes the fact that she isn't the type to fall for a man's flirt.

"That's one strong shove, Miss. Pierce. I must commend you, do you by chance attend any karate class while growing up?"He asked, marching towards his seat.

"Oh, I'm really sorry for the behavior, but I told you to keep five feet apart from me."She said, her cheek glowing red with embarrassment.

"That really doesn't answer my question, does it? "He asked, liking the way he was making her feel. This woman is confident in business talks, which makes her feel embarrassed about some petty questions.

"I did attend karate class, I earned a black belt."She said as she sat down"and I'll really respect it and appreciate it if you stop kissing me."She added with a frown,clearly getting agitated again.

"You must have kicked a lot of ass to get that belt then, I'm not sorry about the kiss though,I'll love it if we can try it again."He said smiling.

Andrea was sure about that smile,it was definitely a mocking one.

"I'll really appreciate it if we keep our mouth to ourselves.''She said,clearly uncomfortable with the conversation.

"I'll have keep my lips to myself had yours learn to be less attractive to me."He said, staring directly at her lips which were a little more pinkish and swollen due to the onslaught of his mouth. He smiled to himself.

Andrea didn't know where this silly conversation was headed, but she knew that Blake was doing everything within his powers to make her uncomfortable. The crook smile on his face now further confirms her suspicion.

Blake Shelton is indeed a dark angel and no matter how her body reacts to his dirty tactics, she's not going to fall. She needs to remain strong for her father and prove her uncle wrong.

The office interior decoration was mesmerizing and her eyes caught a glimpse of a little library at the far corner of the room. She decided to keep herself distracted, instead of looking at the sin sitting in front of her.

She surged to her feet and moved towards the library. She really hoped that he would sit his behind on his seat and not come tagging behind her. She's really getting uncomfortable with his closeness.

She picked a book from the library and began to flip through it. Blake gave a half smile 'little Miss. Confident' is trying to avoid eye contact with him. How coherent.

Her hair falls flawlessly behind her back and his finger aches to have a feel of it again, but he'd wait for the right time. He concluded.

She clamped the book shut and shoved it back from where she took it. She'd finally regain her composure.

"So tell me, Mr. Shelton. Are you ready to marry me?"She asked and turned to face him.

"Why are you desperate to get married?"He asked back.

She stared blankly, hesitated before answering."I don't think that's any of your concern Mr. Shelton."

She'd caught a brief flash of his smile--------------a smile that would prove quite dangerous for a less sensible woman. She'd also been forced to acknowledge his masculine good looks coupled with equally masculine strength. With what she'd faced in the past, she would be prudent to keep those male energies at a safe distance. But here she is proposing marriage to one. How would she handle being married to him?

Darn it! This was all due to his uncle's influence on her dad. She'd deal with that man once she was out of the mess he'd created for her.

"It is my concern, love. If I'm to get married to you, I need to know what I'm getting into."

His sarcastic voice didn't escape her notice but she chose to play along.

"You should be concerned about your profit and not the condition in which I'm getting married to you. Do you want the ten percent share of my company or not?" She asked, folding her hands and staring at him.

"There's a lot of things I want in this world, love."His voice hardened." That doesn't mean I take them regardless of the consequences. If you don't tell me why you wish to be married to me, I'll not reconsider your offer no matter how subtle it might look."

She offered her most engaging smile she'd learn with difficulty and Blake creased his eyebrow in slight confusion.

She looks good with that smile, he acknowledged.

"Are you sure you'll marry me once I state my reason for wanting a husband?"She asked, moving closer to him boldly.

A harsh line scored his face. "Don't misinterpret my words, Cara Mia. State your reasons and I might have a rethink."He said, his Greek accent sounding very pronounced.

"Oh, I never knew you understood Greek," she said, as she stopped a few feets away from him.

"There are lots of things you don't know about me, sweetheart."He said coldly.

"That's interesting, how about you marry me, so I'll find out." She said teasingly.

"Since you refuse to state your reasons, I'll ask my chauffeur to drop you off at Cornell's office." He said, reaching for his cell phone.

"Hot head."She muttered.

He looked up at her and gave her a cold stare. "I heard that."

"I'm getting married to you because that's the only way I'll receive full possession of my inheritance."She said and began to wander through his sitting area. She faced him again and he had a questioning look on his face. "Until I'm either forty or married, I can't get full authority from my dad."

"Then wait till you're forty Miss. Pierce, 'cause I'm not getting married to you."He said with a voice of finality.

Andrea made her way to her bag, and picked it up, she was disappointed but she didn't show it.

She was about to leave when she felt a pain around her neck, she rubbed it and realized her locket was gone, she knew it was with that jerk.

She swirled around and met his gaze, he was dangling the locket from his hand with a sardonic smile on his face.

'That brute! ' she screamed in her head, she'd plan on leaving his office without a second glance at him. Had that locket been any jewelry, she'd have left it with him no matter the cost, but that's not just any jewelry, that locket contains the picture of her and her late sister, and that's the only picture of her she had.

"Don't you think you're being too much of a pest Mr. Shelton?"She asked, advancing maniacally towards him, intending to grab the locket from his hand and leaving immediately.

But Blake has other plans, he intends to have a feel of her lips and hair again before she marches out.

Upon reaching his seat,he knew her intention, so he jumped up and wouldn't let her get it.

"Don't stress yourself, give me my kiss and I'll give you your precious locket." He said,aborting every attempt made by Andrea to grab the locket from him.

"You're a shameless man, and I'm not falling for your cheap tricks."She said,getting tired,after jumping up several times to grab the locket.

She's not short but Blake is taller than her, very well built and it's very easy for him to dodge her numerous attempts. Her long skirt wouldn't allow her to move the way she wants, she really needs to upgrade her fashion sense. She concluded.

She decided to feign tiredness, but as soon as Blake came closer to her, she made a dive for the locket but he was agile, despite her unexpected attack, she couldn't get the locket but she succeeded in making him drop it.

They made quick eye contact and rushed to the fallen locket, but she was too slow, Blake got it first again.

"Curse this skirt."She muttered gravely under her breath, as she bend to repair her clothes

When she looked up again, Blake was gazing at her opened locket with fury evident on his face.

"Who's she?"He asked, in an iced tone, covered with fury. Anyone who knows him from the past would know that he was trying to control his anger.

"Uhmmmm, that's me and my sister."She answered, not sure where all this is heading to.

"Where's she?"He asked.

As he asked that question, he hoped to get the answer contrary to his thoughts,he wished the girl staring back at him from the photo wasn't who he thought she was.

"Dead. She died five years ago." She answered, pain evident in her voice.

Blake's hand shook, and he dropped the locket.

He muttered a quick apology and storm out of his office clearly infuriated, before he goes out of earshot, Andrea shouted a warning to him, "if you're interested in the proposition,come meet me at my office before lunch tomorrow,once it's past twelve,I'm going to propose to Mr. Cornell Salvatore."

She was sure she heard him alright. What she can't understand is why he's behaving strangely all of a sudden, something in her ache to comfort him but she has no business doing that. She has a lot of pressing issues which need attention.

She grabbed the locket,looked at her sister's picture,kissed it and closed it back. The hook is damaged but she'll get it repaired later in the evening. Right now,she needs to fix an appointment with Mr. Cornell Salvatore.

As she leaves the office, a question keeps bugging her. Did Mr. Shelton know her late sister from somewhere?