
Forced agreement

Silvermist stood at the center of a well furnished sitting room, even with one glance you can see that the mansion was shouting money and suprisely only her and her maids stay in the huge mansion 😎

"What am I going to do, I've to stop this wedding" she said pacing up and down.

"if I get married to him, the buried feelings will begin go surface again", cl clearly referring to the event that happened five years ago,she collapses on the chair so tired with worries, she is not a ugly woman, when you are talking about true beauty, you need to look at her round ,firm, shapely buttocks stretched the material, spectacular legs completed the picting waist that is clenched in just the delectable hips, high cheek bones and glossy pale blonde hair and the most stunning pair of doll -blue eyes and a perfect figure that a model would die for.

Her phone rings "yeah hello" her eyes widens in shock to what she was hearing.

"Okay am coming right now" dashes outside and enters her rolls royce and dives straight to her hospital with her bodyguards following her closely from behind.

At silverandy memorial hospitals the surgeons are waiting for silvermist to come ."what's taking her so long" george one of the doctors asked asks

"We have to start the operation right away or the patient life will be in danger😫" others nod their head in agreement

Silvermist is the head of surgeons in her hospital so when the other doctors and surgeons are having a difficult situation she steps in to save the day that's why they call her the miracle doctor 🤗

"But we'll also put the patient life at risk without waiting for her, you know we have never done a serious Brain tumour surgery without her presence "Tiana another surgeon says then silvermist enters "sorry I'm late, quick go wear your surgery uniforms"

10 minutes later they are fully dressed in their uniforms : gloves, nose mask, hair net (whatever they call it) and over all jumpsuit. they enter the theater and start the surgery.2 hours later the surgery was successful all thanks to silvermist and the patient Cara was saved, they come out looking exhausted and Cara parents walks up to Jonathan another surgeon"how's my baby girl 🥺" Mrs Belle asks almost immediately in tears "she's okay now, the operation was successful " Jon replys tiredly "can we go see her now" Mr Belle asks clearly excited to see his daughter, Jon shakes his head in disagreement "am sorry but no, she is still unconscious, you can see her tomorrow when she wakes up".

"Okay thank you so much" they said and walk away, Jon yawns and head towards his department. Meanwhile silvermist is in her office , the place is very large and well decorated, the wall after her office chairs made of glass making her see the wonders of the city cause her office is at the top floor .

Silvermist is going through the reports of other branches all over America .

"hmm this hospital in New York ,city B their profit is not meeting my expectations" she says cause her hospital in city B is the biggest in New York and they have everything , I'll visit them to find out what's wrong and it is going to be a surprise visit she thought.

At the Anderson's company, Mr Anderson is having a meeting with Nate and his dad , looking at Nate's face you will know that coming here is not part of his schedule, he was forced by his dad his dad who threatened to make Tiana disappear if he didn't come .

"So gentlemen "Mr Anderson says "I'm happy we have decided to start making preparations for the engagement and wedding ceremony". Nate folds his fist in anger and stares at his dad angrily,"of course "his dad replys totally ignoring him"we don't want anything or anyb-o-d-y to stop this wedding so it's better we start the preparing for the engagement party 😁". Nate is doing everything in his power not to punch his dad as he stresses the word *anybody*

"Okay " Mr Anderson replied clearly impressed " the engagement is in one week time"

"What!!!" Nate yells surprised "sir isn't it too soon" he says quickly as he sees his dad glaring at him."we need time to get to know each other😤"

"baah"his dad says "you two has been friends since kindergarten, so I see no reason why we should delay ".

"Yeah me too" mr Anderson replys "hey I will call silvermist to come over so you two can catch up with the things you have missed"

"I don't think that's ne--"Nate was cut off by Mr anderson as he calls his daughter and tells her to come to his company now

After some minutes of waiting , silvermist enters looking so beautiful that Nate mistaked her for a model, she wore a slim fitted turtle neck long sleeve , white Palazzo trousers , her long pale blond hair in a ponytail ,falling on her shoulder s like water falls sandel heels .

"Dad "☺️she squeals like a child and runs into his arms.

"Looks like I've forgotten that she is still her dad's baby Nate thought.

"Oh " mist ways surprised as she saw him and his dad "gud afternoon " she says and blushes seeing nate staring at her curved hips .

"gud afternoon my daughter in law " Robert says 'pls sit next here " he draws out a chair close to Nate "Steven,give me the honour of telling your daughter the good news" "what news" Hermione that she doesn't know what's going on,Adam thought smirking.

"Of cus" Steven replied "my dear you and Adam's engagement party is in one week time "Robert said smiling

"Heh"Hermione said confused,slowly standing up "dad I can't marry Adam", "we are two different words and am sure you can help Mr Riggs without involving me".

"No my love", you two are getting married that's it "Steven says bluntly". "but sir why" Adams asked puzzled,if Hermione is not the one pressuring him then who is giving him this crazy idea.

"I see a bright future ahead of you two" he said ,oh great he is now a seer ,Nate thought

"But dad i-i-i"mist sputters

"No buts", her dad replys stubbornly

"Robert why don't we give the young couple space to talk" he says

"Of course " he agrees and they leave.

Silvermist sits down dejectedly cause she knows there is no going back on her father's word

"You must be very happy now " Nate said angrily

"How many times do I have to tell you that I have nothing to do with this" she yells at him

"Really then why is your dad so obsessed with us getting married"Nate fires back

"I don't know "she replied and stands up "I've an appointment with my patient but I will find a way to convince my dad " she said and leaves

Then who is the person pressuring her father Nate said in thought 🤔🤔