
Mr stranger's phone.

After trying his phone for about 5 minutes and not going through he gave up and went to bed."Mom is going to scold me for not calling her tonight...now that airport girl is going to pay thrice fold ", Rainey mumbled to himself.

He closed his eyes to go to sleep, after some moments he opened them again closed them , opened them again and then got out of the bed and went to the bathroom and threw some water on his face and dried it with a face towel.

"I am never like this,why is that airport girl still vivid in my mind aaah",Rainey said.

Her ebony black hair,eden green eyes which caught his attention first,her wasp waist he had touched earlier and the flowery scent that was appealing all came back vividly in his mind and as a result he dreamt about her.


His viking gold hair,his titans shoulders,his dishy masculinity and not to mention his spicy aroma which swirled around him was what Elma thought of even though she had tried any possible idea to not think about him by thinking other things.

Her hair was dishelved beautifully on her petite face hiding half of it.The sunlight shone through the glass window and fell on the bed making her flawless face even more beautiful and stunning.

"Wakey wakey sleepy head...wake up!!",Zaine shouted in her sister's sea nymph ears.

"Get out of my room Zaine...your waking me up",Elma said grumpily.

"Wakey,wakey",Zaine said in an louder tone.

Elma hid her face under the pillow thinking that it would at least stop him.

Zaine removed his shoes,climbed on the bed and started jumping on the bed."Zaine for goodness sake you're 18 years now...stop behaving like a kid"Elma said flared up.

Elma got up from the bed and pinched Zaines ears untill they became red.


"Sam find me that girl's information that I bumped in at the airport"."I want it in 2days time", Rainey said to his assistant while taking a sip from his black coffee.

Talking of that girl.....she still have my phone,let me contact her now.

'ring ring'....'ring ring'

"Oh who's calling on Mr stranger's phone early in the morning now", Elma said letting go of his brother's red ears.


"I assume you took my phone and I took yours by mistake, so can we meet up at the cafe near Taine Corporation industries at 10:00 a.m sharp",he said in a complicated tone and cut the call.

"Aah he's getting on my nerves now,how can he just cut the call from my phone on me",Elma said annoyed.

First it was my annoying brother and now it's this narcissist too this morning is such an nightmare.

She went to the bathroom to bath herself up and came back in a towel to look for her clothes in her closet.