
The Marked: Leaking of Realms

A Woman by the name of Sephrina is attacked in her home by some sort of supernatural creatures however it is not a surprise to her that they exists. When she is chased from her home she is beaten with an inch of her life and taken away by a small group of people who are more than they seems to be. Sephrina, though reluctant can't help but unconsciously open up to the group, one member in particular, Darren, as they help her and she helps them. Trouble never seems far from this group of six, whether it be major or minor incidents and Darren seems to be sneaking off quite often to go and talk to someone or thing in the woods. Disclaimer: Cover is temporary until I make my own.

Frost_Fox_2500 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 6: The Secret Of The Scaled Rock

When Sephrina woke up the starry night sky had filled the windows and she still felt overly tired. Forcing herself to get up she walked into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror the image looking back at her looked rough. Dirt covered her and her arm had dried blood where the nurses or rather healers had not bothered cleaning her to take care of her arm. Unwrapping the bandages she looked at her arm carefully. The wounds were pretty much closed, she had been expending a good bit of energy in order to make sure she was healed enough to go home. The spells she managed to remember did help to concentrate her magic but she still spent more than she had in a long while. Turning to the bath she wanted to soak but didn't want to sit in dirty water, with her luck the wounds would get infected.

Stripping her clothes she walked into the shower with a turn of the handle handle going to the right as far as it would go heated the water immensely, but barely turning it on at all made it rain liquid ice. After getting the water to where she wanted she showered and scrubbed herself, using this time to strengthen her left arm again, even if it was just a little. The muscle had been damaged and would take either more magic and energy to heal or time. Taking a long moment to think about it she chose the former and weaved her energy through her body and around her wounds as a light golden colored light shines from the wounds and out into the space of the shower slowly diminishing as they close.

Tiredness swept through her like a fog through a forest and she had to steady herself on the wall of the shower so that she didn't fall. Feeling the effects almost immediately she was tempted to sit down and nap in the shower. "Don't go to sleep" A sharp whisper tore through the silence causing Sephrina to go pale.

Though the water was rather warm there was little fog so she could see that she was alone. Fear started creeping into her, she tried to send a wave of energy out to feel for any spirits or unseen supernatural beings but it washed through the air with ease. She shook her head and finished up in the shower grabbing a towel from under the sink and dried her body off. Leaving the bathroom without dressing she made sure her door was closed and locked before plopping on the bed, the effects of using magic starting to take a deeper toll. "I said don't go to sleep." The sharp whisper again cut through the silence.

Sitting up now knowing it wasn't in her head she sent another wave of energy away from her but again found she was alone. Looking around carefully her body protested in getting up yet her mind was awake. The voice hadn't sounded threatening, it did sound male however. Looking around again in the dark she didn't see that anything had changed. "You need to clear your head." The voice seemed to state what had been forming in her thoughts as if it was able to read her mind.

There is no way her consciousness had gained a voice that was impossible so what was going on? Walking over to the light switch on the opposite side of the room she blinded herself as the lights turned on. Rubbing her eye's she saw spots for a moment as she tried blinking them away. When her vision was cleared she pulls out a matching tank top and shorts that are green color with a pink line down the sides and a black sports bra and panties from her dresser drawers. Grabbing a pair of socks from the top dresser drawer she quickly dressed and quietly walked down to the front door, Once she got her shoes on she was about to walk out the front door when Someone spoke. "Where are you going?"

Sephrina whirled to look through the dinning room and saw only a single light she hadn't noticed before. Hallie was sitting there with a book in her hand not looking at Sephrina. "I'm going on a run, I woke up and am just wide awake and I'd like to do something."

"Then read a book. You're not supposed to be running." Her voice was tight and short.

Catching the tone and slight resentment in her voice she responded with some irritation. "I know what's good for me. Reading isn't exactly my favorite hobby."

She continued out of the house ignoring whatever Hallie was going to say next. Immediately heading on the first trail that came to mind. While jogging she started to feel a presences make it's way closer to her as she ran. About midway through the trail she stopped and sent out a wave of energy and something faint came beck to her from the left. She looks everywhere very closely after what happened but upon seeing nothing she started listening to her curiosity and stepped off the trail following where the feeling lead her.

The sun just barely started coming up over the horizon lighting up the sky just enough for something to reflect the light of the sun back at her. Squinting against it she walks closer and the sunlight no longer blocks her from seeing it. A large white scale covered rock sits rested in a large patch of soft grass and Sephrina couldn't help but to kneel next to it and places a hand on it's cool surface. Running her hand down the side of it she feels an increase in power start from her chest and slowly vibrate ever single one of her bones.

She may not know exactly what it was but she did know that it wasn't a rock and it must be protected; she must protect it. Grabbing some fallen leaves and branches from trees and bushes she laid it over top of the scaled thing and made her way back to the house. She needed to find a way to sneak it into her room but in order to do that she would have to sneak it through the most open part of the house and doing that with so many people here wouldn't be easy. As soon as she gets back to the house she sees Darren sitting on the steps writing something in a note book. She quietly walked up and leaned over to get a better view however as soon as she tried Darren pulled the notebook away and looked up at her. "How was your morning run?" He asked with a hint of a mischievous look yet the tone in his voice had some sort of irritation to it.

"It was fine... What are you writing?"

"Nothing you should concern yourself about. You are supposed to be resting."

"Oh really? I know what I can and cannot handle. But I think that book is of my concern. Are you trying to hide something?"

He gave her a smile that matched his eyes. "Maybe."

"Is it about me?" She questioned and he didn't answer. "I think that your writing something about me." She stated matter of factly.

"Well it's not for you to read so even if it is you won't know." He sticks his tongue out at her.

While he is temporarily distracted she reaches for the notebook and he moves it above her his head and waves it around. She reaches to get it but he pulls it farther behind his head making her jump for it. As soon as she does he wraps an arm around her throwing the notebook behind him to the ground and holding her in a way where her feet didn't touch the ground. "What are you doing? Put me down!" She tried pouting but couldn't help the smile growing on her face.

She hadn't felt like this in as long as she could remember. Looking him in the eyes she See's where she went wrong. Now that he has her with her arms resting on his shoulder and one of his arms are holding her up, the other one free, he could do as he pleases. "I think you need to laugh more." His smile still mischievous.

She felt something tickling her right side and she tried to resist but couldn't help the out burst of laughter. Soon he had her on the ground and they got into a tickling war with each other battling to win. Somehow Sephrina managed to wind up on top a triumphant grin on her lips and she noticed that Darren's eye's kept flitting down to them seeming as though he was tempted. Tempted to kiss her? Finally meeting her eye's he's speaks. "I'll let you read the notebook if you agree to one thing."

"It seems as though you have forgotten that I am the one on top here."

With the blink of an eye she was now on the ground her arms held to her sides, Darren's face close to hers. "What were you saying?" His voice was low and a little gruff sending an excitement through her body.

"Okay. What is it you want?" She asked trying to keep her voice steady.

"Will you go on a date with me?"

This caught her off guard and the feelings came to a halt for a moment. "You want to go on a date with me?" He only smiled at her. "Yeah. We can go on a date, but expect it to be awkward. I am not good on dates."

His smile warmed her but then it dropped and he looked scared. Letting go of her arms he started apologizing. "I didn't hurt you did I? I forgot. I'm Sorry. I'm so so..." His voice slowed to a stop as she showed him her arm, nothing more than a few acne sized scabs freckled her arm. "How the hell?"

Sitting up and scooting back from Darren she made her way to her feet. "You have wonderful healers."

"Yes we do but they are not that good."

She could see the gears working in his head as he stood so she changed the subject. "Where are we going?" His brows furrows. "For our date?"

His brows unknit themselves but worry still creased his face. "I'll tell you later. But how does tomorrow sound?"

"It sounds great."

With that Darren walked back inside looking back at the notebook he laid on the steps a smile playing it's way onto his lips as he disappears behind the door. Picking up the book she looked to the page he was writing on and shook her head. "I'll come to your door before sunrise tomorrow. Get plenty of rest."

Smiling she entered the house as a couple cars pulled up into the driveway. and was going to go find Lillianna but couldn't tell what room was hers. Now that she thought about it she didn't know where anybody's room was, she only ever saw the other doors down the halls. Something she hadn't noticed before was a couple of doors on either side of the stairs almost completely matching the walls around it. Walking closer to the doors she was about to push it open when the front door creaked.

She spun around and hid in the shadows of the staircase looking to the door trying to make herself flat against the wall and to keep her breathing steady. She saw Lillianna walk through the open door into the foyer area and before heading to the kitchen she kicked the front door closed. She was carrying groceries, and Sephrina breathed a sigh of relief as she stepped out from the shadows and joins Lillianna in the kitchen. "Anymore groceries in the car?" Sephrina questioned.

"No. We only needed a few things."

"Need help putting them away?"

"Do you know where they go?" She chuckled.

"No but this is the perfect time to learn."

After Sephrina had helped Lillianna put things away and slowly learning where things were supposed to go by putting things where they weren't supposed to go she turned to Lillianna. "So, I have a question for you."

Lillianna looks at her with a playful suspicion on her face. "And what is that?"

"I was asked on a date and I have no sense of fashion for things like that?" Lillianna's face didn't change but her muscles seemed to tense. "I don't know where he is planning on taking me, but he definitely made a spectacle of asking me."

"Who... Asked you on a date?" She seemed to side with caution.

"Darren." Sephrina's smile grew and she felt blush start to assault her cheeks.

At Darren's name her muscles seemed to relax before excitement spread through her. "So, He won't tell you where your going or what your doing?"

"No, only that he is going to pick me up tomorrow morning before the sun rises." Sephrina smiled.

After thinking for a moment she looks at Sephrina excitedly and say's one phrase that Sephrina really didn't know how to feel about. "Let's go shopping."

After what felt like a long trip Sephrina and Lillianna came back as the evening was getting late and the sun hung low with a few bags that had some new clothes inside, most for Sephrina but Lillianna also got herself some things. When Sephrina had put her things away, placing the more favored one of the outfits in the wardrobe she grabbed one of the bags, folded it and put it in her bra under her arm before going running on the trail again. She kept going until she had gotten to the spot from before. She made the trek through the forest to where her makeshift bush laid. Uncovering it to see the scaled stone below she noticed that it now had some indentions. She ran her hand over them curiously and they rippled under her touch as if they were alive. Pulling the bag from her bra she placed it as open as she could and picked up the... Rock?

Once it was secured she made her way back to the house, the rock seeming much heavier with every step. Once at the end of the trail she quickly made her way to the closest door, careful not to drop the rock she cracked the door and peeked her head in through the side door of the house. Once deciding it was safe she quickly made her way to her room making sure no one was around to question her. Once she was in her room she placed the rock on her bed and closed the door with a huff. She turned to her bed and made her way over.

Taking the rock from the bag she see's the indentions had become more defined as if they were trying to make something. Studying the marks carefully it quivered under her touch again and the marks become more defined, the top of it caved in deep as something cylindrical stretched down, lines in the sides made it seem as though they made columns; the scales between them seemed to thin and on the bottom of the rock it curled around a few times in a spiral. Setting the rock down Sephrina walks into the bathroom and showers making sure to scrub any dirt from her body. Once she was clean she walked back into her room rubbing her head with the towel and paused when she noticed the rock that was on her bed was now gone. Quickly looking around to see if anything else had been moved or the door was open but nothing had been disturbed and the door remained closed.

She studied the room for a long minute before she saw it, something white with bright blue eyes watching her from the far side of the bed on the floor. Looking back at it she didn't know what to do. It looked like a large lizard was looking at her and she felt a pull towards it. Being slow she made her way to the lizard realizing that this lizard was the same color as the rock whole it slowly made it's way over to Sephrina. Once the creature had stepped away from the bed that was hiding it she could see that the creature before her is not exactly a lizard but a dragon hatchling and what she was assuming was a rock was really an egg. Looking at it she realized that it was the size of a wolf pup and tilted its head at her like a curious pup would. She reached her hand out instinctively and the dragon pup lifted it's snout to meet her, as soon as they touched each other a fire like pain sped up her left arm and though her body.

Waking up to something nudging her head she let her eyes flutter open to see the pup tilting it's head at her and without warning it starts licking her. "Calm down." She giggled a little and sat up in the dark.

Rubbing her eye's she tried gauging the time but came up short. Looking at her hand she couldn't tell what was different but she could feel it. Getting up, careful not to hurt or scare the dragon pup she turned on the light and her breath caught in her throat when she realized what was on her hand. Bright blue and white marks wrapped around her hand and up half her forearm and took the shape of flames. She rubbed her arm but they didn't come off and she felt as though she wasn't alone in her thoughts.

Taking a deep breath she thought of different ways to how she could explain these away if anyone asked then again she didn't even know what they were. Quickly dressing in her outfit Lillianna had helped her pick out at the many different stores they had gone to, she looked at herself in the mirror. A black halter top laid over a white tank top with black boot cut pants made from some sort of soft fabric.

Turning to the small creature it tilted its head at her and she felt a presence in her mind. "What do you think? Does it look good?" It's eyes looked down to her bare feet. "Thank you for the reminder, I would have completely forgotten." Slipping on some white socks and brown knee high boots she made sure to tuck them under her pants before she looked back to the pup. "Now how does it look?"

The pup sneezes and jumps onto the bed yawning and stretching it's legs. She took this as a 'it's good enough' and laid down next to it getting comfortable and waited. Her eyelids grew heavy and she tried fighting off the fatigue that persisted on hugging her tight.

A knock at her door woke her and the first thing she noticed was the dragon pup now curled in her lap. Careful not to wake the sleeping pup she moved it aside and hides most of it under the blanket before she opens the door and Darren stand on the other side his hand raised as if he was going to knock again. "Hey." He scratched the back of his neck trying to play it off.

"Hey." She slipped out of her room. "So where are we going?" A smile spread across her lips as excitement and anxiety crept their way into her chest and slowly took over like weeds with flowers.

When Darren see's her smile he couldn't help but smile himself. He takes her hand in his, walks her through the house and outside to the middle of the driveway. "Wait here." He paused. "and close your eyes."

"What?" She tried to question him but he didn't say another word, only simply jogged into the nearby forest.

Closing her eyes she crossed her arms with a huff and waited. A minute later a warm breath blew in her face. Opening her eyes she saw a massive black wolf with emerald green eyes directly in her face. It backed away and sat down it's tail wagging as it continuously hit a duffle bag nor far from it. In front of him a notebook sat turned to an open page. "Darren?" Sephrina questioned gaining a faster wag from his tail. "Okay so you wanted to show off your wolf?" She made it known that she wasn't exactly impressed however she knew that she couldn't help the look of awestruck at the black beauty that sat before her.

Darren laid on the ground and looked at her expectantly. She only raised a brow at him. He nudged the notebook with his paw making her pick it up and read the page it had been turned to. 'Climb on my back.' she resisted the urge to roll her eyes and did as the note said still holding onto the notebook.

Once she was on he hesitantly stood as if making sure she was balanced. Holding on tight to his fur by his neck she let him trot around the drive making sure she would stay on. When he stopped she thought he would lower himself so that she could get off and she tossed the notebook into the slightly open duffle bag, instead of lowering himself he grabbed the duffle bag and started trotting towards the lake picking up speed as he got closer and it seems as though has full intentions to go straight into the lake. She couldn't help grab on to him tighter and yell. "Darren! Darren Stop!"

He turned at the last moment nearly throwing her from his back. He kept running through the trees on a not so well marked path as she evened herself out on his back. The wind whipped at her face as well as branches here and there. She was mad at him for nearly sending her into the lake however she smiled as she felt the feeling of almost flying. The sun just starting to rise made the lake to their left seem as though it was on fire. He ran through the woods seeming to have no limit to his stamina. When he stopped she was both sad to get down but glad the stretch her legs. She looks to where he had brought her, they were on a cliffside with the water stretching out below them, in the distance there looked to be a waterfall and as the rays of the sun hit it, it turned to a bright raging fire racing to the water below. She marveled at the site as she had never seen anything like it. A waterfall and lake of fire that glowed and warmed the cold morning air.